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Biowares decision making questionable?


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Is it just me or Biowares management team is continuously making horrible decisions?They are showing they can't handle the responsibilities of handling a MMO.. seriously.. Destroying a game with loads of potential with their horrible decision making..


Ilum yesterday was a F up of massive and epic proportions and the servers were suppose to be pulled IMMEDIATELY to fix the issue.. Not keep posting on the forums that you're evaluating the situation and you'll get back to us later.. That show's the developer team was indecisive and didnt know wth to do about the situation.. Roll back was the ONLY SOLUTION to fix the issue & now its probably to late... So disabling the Taxi's and letting all the people that went up like 10 ranks in a few hours keep their easy valor is the solution.. SMH... I'm pretty sure this wasn't Biowares intent but yet they didn't properly fix the issue..


This is showing the management team is either lazy or incapable of handling these type of situations which puts which puts the entire management team in question if they are up to the task running a MMO imo.. Bioware is allowing the people who went up like 10+ valor ranks in a few hours keep their valor which to me shows a lack of appreciation to the players who put the time and effort (days - weeks) into getting Battle Master.



This game is still competing with WoW regardless if the Star wars fan boys like it or not. While this game is the fastest growing Mmo in history. Bioware isn't showing signs of longevity with their decision making. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a WoW fanboy. I've been waiting for this game for over 3 years and been hoping this game would dethrone WoW to quench my thirst for something new. The leveling experience in swtor is simply amazing but seems lack luster in just about every other area. With all of Biowares questionable so called "fixes", not giving us SERVER FORUMS (which would help the servers get a since of identity to solidify and unify the communities which ANY GOOD MMO MANAGEMENT TEAM would KNOW helps the game but yet they give us SUB forums acting like they are addressing the issue which is beyond an insult), SIMUTRONICS Hero Engine which is laggy and has heavy ability delay issues ( the server has to "OKAY" an ability before it executes which results in missed interrupts, falsely channeled abilities and off -GCD ability which doesn't fire while on GCD), the over excessive amount of bugs (all new mmos have bugs but with the all the other issues it seems magnified) and again Biowares suspect / horrible decision making..



Why play this game over WoW? The leveling experience isn't enough. After we level our 2nd - 3red alt, then what? Regardless if people like it or not, this game is competing with WoW. I'm starting to question myself. Why leave WoW to play a game that seems broke and then on top of that the management team seems not to give a _____ (hoot nanny)? It would be ashame for the fastest growing MMO in history to fade away the fastest..

Edited by Aniliss
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Is it just me or Biowares management team is continuously making horrible decisions?They are showing they can't handle the responsibilities of handling a MMO.. seriously.. Destroying a game with loads of potential with their horrible decision making..


Ilum yesterday was a F up of massive and epic proportions and the servers were suppose to be pulled IMMEDIATELY to fix the issue.. Not keep posting on the forums that you're evaluating the situation and you'll get back to us later.. That show's the developer team was indecisive and didnt know wth to do about the situation.. Roll back was the ONLY SOLUTION to fix the issue & now its probably to late... So disabling the Taxi's and letting all the people that went up like 10 ranks in a few hours keep their easy valor is the solution.. SMH... I'm pretty sure this wasn't Biowares intent but yet they didn't properly fix the issue..


This is showing the management team is either lazy or incapable of handling these type of situations which puts which puts the entire management team in question if they are up to the task running a MMO imo.. Bioware is allowing the people who went up like 10+ valor ranks in a few hours keep their valor which to me shows a lack of appreciation to the players who put the time and effort (days - weeks) into getting Battle Master.



This game is still competing with WoW regardless if the Star wars fan boys like it or not. While this game is the fastest growing Mmo in history. Bioware isn't showing signs of longevity with their decision making. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a WoW fanboy. I've been waiting for this game for over 3 years and been hoping this game would dethrone WoW to quench my thirst for something new. The leveling experience in swtor is simply amazing but seems lack luster in just about every other area. With all of Biowares questionable so called "fixes", not giving us SERVER FORUMS (which would help the servers get a since of identity to solidify and unify the communities which ANY GOOD MMO MANAGEMENT TEAM would KNOW helps the game but yet they give us SUB forums acting like they are addressing the issue which is beyond an insult), SIMUTRONICS Hero Engine which is laggy and has heavy ability delay issues ( the server has to "OKAY" an ability before it executes which results in missed interrupts, falsely channeled abilities and off -GCD ability which doesn't fire while on GCD), the over excessive amount of bugs (all new mmos have bugs but with the all the other issues it seems magnified) and again Biowares suspect / horrible decision making..



Why play this game over WoW? The leveling experience isn't enough. After we level our 2nd - 3red alt, then what? Regardless if people like it or not, this game is competing with WoW. I'm starting to question myself. Why leave WoW to play a game that seems broke and then on top of that the management team seems not to give a _____ (hoot nanny)? It would be ashame for the fastest growing MMO in history to fade away the fastest..


Please apply more than 30 seconds of thought before posting. Focus on the topic at hand, read all relative materials and gather the correct information pertaining to the subject before typing. Give said information considerate and intense thought, collecting your thoughts in an organized and logical manner before clicking on the "Submit New Thread" button. This will save you the embarrassment of being completely wrong.



Thank you.

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Please apply more than 30 seconds of thought before posting. Focus on the topic at hand, read all relative materials and gather the correct information pertaining to the subject before typing. Give said information considerate and intense thought, collecting your thoughts in an organized and logical manner before clicking on the "Submit New Thread" button. This will save you the embarrassment of being completely wrong.



Thank you.


I just rechecked my post and I do have a few mistakes. Shifting around sentences etc and didn't proof read due to me rushing / multi-tasking. But there is alot of validity to what I said as far as the issues in this game. To busy atm to edit my post but even with the typos my point is still clear.

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I just rechecked my post and I do have a few mistakes. Shifting around sentences etc and didn't proof read due to me rushing / multi-tasking. But there is alot of validity to what I said as far as the issues in this game. To busy atm to edit my post but even with the typos my point is still clear.


It still reads like an overboard Illium rant. One that isn't worth investing time to fully read it. tldr; They messed up, and they are incompetent. Got it, thanks for sharing.

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