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I am not /quit ing thread.


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I feel I should post a good topic about this game to battle against the sea of flame that seems to be brushing over the forums.


I will not be /quitting because I thoroughly enjoy this game.


This game has bugs, yes. People however are quick to forget how MMO launches go. They aren't a bug free bucket of rainbows sadly and I feel that this sentiment is coming from a lot of people who joined the MMO genre from WOW long after that game was off the ground.


Bugs take time to fix: man hours put in to diagnose, fix, and re-diagnose the problems. Content will take time to implement. As much as we want content NOW, sadly the world doesn't work like that. My generation of people, the Iphone generation, need quick fixes that aren't feasible.


What I see is an MMO that had a smooth launch. There are bugs yes, but bugs that I personally don't see as *gasp* gamebreaking, /rage quit, or even the dreaded "Why I'm not resubscribing because X". I enjoy the fully animated cut scenes and story, happy that I don't have to read boring text from static AI. This game makes it easy and enjoyable to follow the story ARCs, most notably the class stories. The companion characters are another welcome addition, letting me quest even when my buddies aren't on. Sometimes, its okay to quest on your own and sometimes its fun to group with others. This game gives you that option.


This game to me doesn't play like WOW in fact but plays like an MMO, which has been around well before Blizzard jumped onto the scene. Like Blizzard before them, Bioware has taken many parts of the MMO idea and tweaked it to their liking which seems to be working out well. As a veteran of games such as Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft, I can definitely say I am very impressed with this game and can't wait to see where the developers take it.


So I would like to hear from the community which aspect of the game you like and what keeps you coming back for more.

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I applaud you OP however there are going to be many desperate TOR haters flaming your thread in the last hours before they can no longer post!


Here is hoping a few brave players that are staying will brave the flame fest and post in here also. ;)

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I ain't goin anywhere. Love this game, love what BW is doing and am proud to enjoy the game.


Are there minor and major issues, OF COURSE. Are they anywhere near what EVERY OTHER MMO HAD AT LAUNCH? .... NOT HARDLY!!!!


Best Launch in MMO history, one of the better MMO's made so far, and a company that actually is trying to improve the game already.


Good Job BW, keep it up and don't listen to the trolls, haters, whiners, and complainers.

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I applaud you OP however there are going to be many desperate TOR haters flaming your thread in the last hours before they can no longer post!


Here is hoping a few brave players that are staying will brave the flame fest and post in here also. ;)


I'm enjoying the game too, so I subscriped!


For a month. I'm planning to go for another 2-3 months, but that depends greatly on the things they're doing...


And to the person I quoted: Aren't you playing into the fanboy stereotype the trolls like to call you? Because Biodrone does sound fitting for you.

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I'm paying and playing. Will likely be doing so for some time.


I've had only very minor issues, none of which are game-breaking.


I've appreciated the improvements made thus far, such as AA, Higher res, in-game textures, graphical indications of collectable nodes vs. broken ones, and auto-stacking items.


As long as the developers continue to improve things, I'll keep paying to play.

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