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Overview of PvP and WHat Patch 1.1 has brought to light


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Hmmm first post, better get this out of the way....



50 Commando

16 Shadow

I focus in on more PvP than PvE but I can do both.


Alrighty. Now you know what side and level ranges this opinion is coming from, so onto the rant.


Pre 1.1

While leveling up and doing PvP in general I found that it was more of a "Hope I don't get a 50 premade" attitude since that meant the group was probably going to lose due to the fact that the PvP stat was readily available to 50's and realistically pre-50's couldn't get enough of it to matter.


When I heard about 1.1 and the new brackets being implemented I was happy, but concerned. I had leveled up to 50 and was building up my PvP gear...but I realized that due to certain exploits and the lack of proper response to these exploits, namely removing the exploited assets from the game, the barrier to entry in the 50 bracket would be insanely high. It would be "lose until you can gear up" rather than PvP and hope you win. That is not fun and I don't spend my leisure time of activities I don't find fun. However at this point is was all speculation so I was going to give it a try.


Now Ilum pre 1.1 was a PvE tradefest. I didn't really like that at all. Yes I could get dailies and weeklies done quickly, but I felt it just was wrong. So when I heard that you would need to kill people for the dailies and the like I was extremely happy and couldn't wait to get out and hunt.


Post 1.1

Well The brackets were as I expected. 50 was just not fun anymore since I had not exploited my way to super awesome gear and I don't have the time to sit and play all day. So ok, no big deal warzones are out, not the only thing to do PvP wise in game...I'll goto Ilum. Big mistake. Ilum was even worse. While waiting for the long PvP ques the Empire PvPers had wriggled their way into the base sat on the medcenter killing people over and over.


So after seeing that 1.1 had effectively ruined endgame for me. I did the only thing I could do, I rolled an alt. After playing a bit and leveling up to PvP range I thought I'd give the lower brackets a shot. Best. Decision. Ever.


The lower brackets were fun, competitive, and balanced. It had progression and gave an advantage to people who were higher level, but not so much that a lower level would get face spanked. So I had found what I liked. So I delved a bit deeper and tried to nail down the one thing that could change endgame to be this fun.


I have seen a few other threads on it, but basically the PvP stat.


I would love for one person to give me one good reason why this stat is even in the game. I am not talking about armor either. I am talking about the PvP stat alone. I realize that there needs to be progression. So leave the armor in and tweak it, just take out the PvP stat. This gives those who want to PvP the option to gear up that way, and those who like to PvP the option to gear up in PvE.


Keep everything else the same aside the stats on the gear itself. Simple solution.


As for progression, if they need something more aside gear, come up with a ranking system, or even just a log to keep track of wins, losses, total kills, biggest hit, biggest heal, etc.



PvP Stats are bad mm'kay. Just get rid of it. Maybe add in a tracker for various things like largest damage, total kills, etc. Keep the gear tweak the stats, and tada much more balanced.

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I would love for one person to give me one good reason why this stat is even in the game.


Expertise is in the game because it is a PvE game based on PvE loot progression.


In order to avoid PvE gear being overpowered in PvP, BioWare must add tiered PvP gear. In order for that gear to NOT be overpowered in PvE, they must differentiate its use to "only PvP". They do this via the Expertise stat.



This is part of the reason why gear in games like DAOC, UO, AC, SB were all "better" -- the gear was not tiered, and the gear stats were not tuned for PvE.


However, SWTOR is based on the WoW gear-progression model. Thus.

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PvP Stats are bad mm'kay. Just get rid of it. Maybe add in a tracker for various things like largest damage, total kills, etc. Keep the gear tweak the stats, and tada much more balanced.


I gave my opinion on this several times during my few months of beta testing. I am all for no PvP stat. I like the idea of PvP rewarded gear having a different visual look to similar quality PvE gear but that's it.

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I agree with everything here but the removal of the pvp stat. The endgame was fun as hell before 1.1 i dont feel that having everyone pvp together was that bad. Now the pvp for everyone but 50"s is good, but the problem is now the other half of the subscribers who are level 50 cant anymore because of the valor overload. Do the friggin valor rollback and figure out a better system cause as it is already half of my gamer friends group just quit the game because of this foolish mistake.
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I was part of that vanilla WoW beatdown. Latest weapons (PvP weaps were better) but all the best purple gear while others had to reach high warlord to access equal gear. We were farming instances every week, and I was 2 shotting priest healers everyday in Arathi Basin.


Resilience is kind of stupid, and so is expertise, but the alternative is worse.


I still preferred Shadowbane the most. You just get lucky and craft a gear with all the stats you need, but it was just the right amount of significance. Then again, that was a real PvP gear, with real cities to be lost. I was hoping MMOs would trend more that way, but then again, players here and in WoW are mostly carebears.

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