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Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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Ugh... you only need to generate a random number for every unique user ONCE.



When you login, the site remembers you because your username and password are stored in a database. Once that random number has been assigned to your login, it can be stored in the same database. You people who think this take technical hurdles to accomplish are absolutely ignorant.


he said session based. Never said anything about writing thier number to the db. if they logged out and closed the broswer the logic would kick in again.

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he said session based. Never said anything about writing thier number to the db. if they logged out and closed the broswer the logic would kick in again.


which if they were trying to be sneaky it would be the way to do it so there would be no DB paper trail. And it would be random even amongst the same user. lol I quoted myself!

They could have also coded the error intentioanlly as broswer based.

Honestly though given how bad thier customer support is currently i doubt theyd want to give themselves even MORE support tickets. Thier support is backed up for days on end it seems.

Edited by lordgracy
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Taurusaud, I appreciate you making so much sense in an effort to help people but in the end the effort is futile. You will only continue to be insulted, these people are going to continue to throw their money at EA. This thread only intended to warn people about the shady nature of this bug and perhaps incite individuals to hold EA accountable. However there are the staunch loyalists to the game who feel that an attempt at swaying their feelings toward said game is a personal attack. You're ultimately battling with the ego of many users so sound reasoning and intimate knowledge of programming are useless. Just know that your efforts are appreciated but continued responses at this point will only earn you insults by the self proclaimed internet intellectuals.
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Except Bioware has already acknowledged the issue and are "looking into it".



Even if this is a bug (it isn't, it's technically impossible for this to happen unless it's been coded, buttons don't just disappear randomly), but let's just say this is a bug - it is still completely inexcusable if not downright criminal to have a bug affecting your customers by not allowing them to unsubscribe to your product.


Bioware would be assuring their customers by saying "if you're effected by the bug, just send us an email or let us know if you get resubscribed and we'll unsubscribe you. Here's an email you can contact us at". Instead they are keeping silent, locking threads that point out this issue, and customers are being directed by other players to contact their call-centers in India for resolution. They are not concerned about this bug, because it is NOT a bug. It is their intention to milk as many people as possible from this so-called "bug".


Buttons actually can 'just disappear' if there is a problem with browser compatibility.

Edited by Notannos
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Except Bioware has already acknowledged the issue and are "looking into it".



Acknowledging that people are reporting an issue and that they are looking into it is exactly what a responsible company does. DUH!


Does not automatically mean there is an issue (much less a conspiracy) on the part of Bioware.


Now, I fully expect that they will come back and say exactly what was posted here by another poster, there is a browser dependency. Depending on their web server, they may be able to code so that it is not a problem OR they may advise customers of the browser dependency and FAQ a work around (which might include "update your old browser").


As for your continuing to speculate that Bioware is doing this on purpose... GIVE IT A REST. Provide proof or let it go.

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which is they were trying to be sneaky it would be the way to do it so there would be no DB paper trail. And it would be random even amonst the same user.


I'm the one who said it could be session-based. It could also be databased. It could also be done via cookie, or web-storage if the browser is using HTML5. There are literally a ton of ways to accomplish this.

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Buttons actually can 'just disappear' if there is a problem with browser compatibility.


Buttons do not just appear one day and disappear the next due to "browser compatibility". The code doesn't change from day to day. Your browser doesn't know what day it is, unless it's been programmed to retain that information via cookie or browser storage.

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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.


If you are unhappy with the game, you should unsubscribe.

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Taurusaud, I appreciate you making so much sense in an effort to help people but in the end the effort is futile. You will only continue to be insulted, these people are going to continue to throw their money at EA. This thread only intended to warn people about the shady nature of this bug and perhaps incite individuals to hold EA accountable. However there are the staunch loyalists to the game who feel that an attempt at swaying their feelings toward said game is a personal attack. You're ultimately battling with the ego of many users so sound reasoning and intimate knowledge of programming are useless. Just know that your efforts are appreciated but continued responses at this point will only earn you insults by the self proclaimed internet intellectuals.


Alright thanks I understand, good to see somebody else here who's sane :)

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I'm the one who said it could be session-based. It could also be databased. It could also be done via cookie, or web-storage if the browser is using HTML5. There are literally a ton of ways to accomplish this.


Of course. I agree. But you orginally said session based which I assumed was browser session.

Edited by lordgracy
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Buttons do not just appear one day and disappear the next due to "browser compatibility". The code doesn't change from day to day. Your browser doesn't know what day it is, unless it's been programmed to retain that information via cookie or browser storage.



And I'm sure that everyone that has had this issue crop up checked before they unsubscribed that there button was there. Point being it could have been 'disappeared' all along but they wouldn't have seen it 'gone' until they tried to use it.


Think man. Think.

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So I'm going to go with 'born that way'.


For the record, my friend who is a computer science major would like to say: "Oh idiots who think they understand code."


FYI - If there is a problem with browser compatibility the button could simply not appear due to the browser not processing the code.


But I think I'm just going to go with her opinion, fancy degree she has and all. You have fun with your conspiracy theory.


Except the button appeared fine for everybody until today. You think today the browser just "decided" not to process the code... your denial is unbelievable. Anyway I'm finished here, the frustration of talking to people who refuse to use their head is not worth my time.

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Except the button appeared fine for everybody until today. You think today the browser just "decided" not to process the code... your denial is unbelievable. Anyway I'm finished here, the frustration of talking to people who refuse to use their head is not worth my time.


>Implying that the button actually appeared fine for all of those people that it currently doesn't prior to today.

>Also implying that coding couldn't have been changed before during one of the downtimes that the site was under maintenance

>Implying implications.

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I'm happy with the game and my subscription, but locking a thread for being off-topic... that was a dreadfully horrible decision. BioWare is creeping much more quickly toward evil empire status than I'd ever thought possible. I'm very concerned that, like Blizzard, the BioWare we knew and loved from just a few years ago may be dying, if not already dead.


How will you know? Look for conspiracy theory posts from BioWare (and @Rockjaw already accused someone on twitter of that this morning). Too bad, because the game is fun and I am subbed, but blaming the unsubscribe button on a browser issue on the same day forum posting is disabled when maintenance happens during EU primetime is downright nefarious.


You have substituted excuses and defenses when you should have taken responsibility.

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Except the button appeared fine for everybody until today. You think today the browser just "decided" not to process the code... your denial is unbelievable. Anyway I'm finished here, the frustration of talking to people who refuse to use their head is not worth my time.



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Except the button appeared fine for everybody until today. You think today the browser just "decided" not to process the code... your denial is unbelievable. Anyway I'm finished here, the frustration of talking to people who refuse to use their head is not worth my time.

My unsubscribe button is still there. I am using Mozilla FireFox 9.0.1. So seriously, unless you believe in telepathy, it is a browser issue.

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Buttons do not just appear one day and disappear the next due to "browser compatibility". The code doesn't change from day to day.


Unless of course they did a release update to their web apps, during....oh... I don't know... maybe during a scheduled maintenance when they have all the servers off line including the web site.

Edited by Notannos
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Buttons do not just appear one day and disappear the next due to "browser compatibility". The code doesn't change from day to day. Your browser doesn't know what day it is, unless it's been programmed to retain that information via cookie or browser storage.


The server where the code lives can know what day is though. The code can also know what browser the user is using. They could most definately code this logc. If its one day before sub runs out and they are on IE8 hide the button. It is doable. Its just highly unlikely like I stated before due to the condition of thier current customer service woes. Im sure they wouldnt want more headaches.

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