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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.
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What's just as bad is a thread explaining how to work around it was closed. If the "Unsubscribe" button missing is a bug, you'd think Bioware would support and even make a sticky the work-around instead of forcing those who wish to unsubscribe to spend who knows how much time on the phone trying to get through.


Exactly. This wreaks of capital entrapment from Bioware and EA.



I believe doing that is also illegal under some consumer protection laws in California.

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I'm using Firefox as well and it wasn't showing up for me.


I would go on about "what settings your on" or "what plugins your using" but troubleshooting this isn't the point.


The simple fact that it works for me and not you and we both use firefox means that the page was not flat out taken out. If it did, NO ONE would see it.


Unless... you guys honestly think they would purposely bug there own site? :p

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Well I am happy with the current product and will wait to see BW fix the issues/bugs. It is unfortunate that BW has chosen to work with EA. on the other hand BW seems to be eager to fix the issues but if it takes too long I will be canceling my account.


It would be great to see BW stand against SOPA as I believe it would gain appreciation as well as new customers.

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iw worked in WoW and it's going to work here. You cancel when they want.



I can just see the picture now... blizzard rolling in money with millions of people trapped in cages who haven't seen day light in 8 years.

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I would go on about "what settings your on" or "what plugins your using" but troubleshooting this isn't the point.


The simple fact that it works for me and not you and we both use firefox means that the page was not flat out taken out. If it did, NO ONE would see it.


Unless... you guys honestly think they would purposely bug there own site? :p


I have had issues in the past with using FF here. If things don't look right or start acting weird, I clear about my browser history and cache, then things start working correctly again.

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Then the Indian Call Center will ask you what you do need assistance on?


You say I want to Cancel... Please hold... then transfer to a USA call center... They try to talk you out of it.... Still want to Cancel?


Transfer to another USA Call Center... 27 hours later... you can finally cancel..


It may not be true but it's funny because some of these call centers actually have this system in place lol.


Yes, call them, spend 14 hours holding, then talk to some Indian call center.




Edited by spicycookie
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