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I don't have enouggh spare time to bother trolling games I don't play on their forums.


I unsubbed from:










Earth And Beyond


And I didn't bother to go to their forums complaining and writing "I quit" or "Your game is bad". I just don't feel that entitled. I'll play what I find fun and leave it at that.


I find TOR fun.

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No, this is just stupid.


You are basically wanting to stop people making VALID complaints about the game.


Fanboy Response - But the game is perfect, Bioware can fix it. EA is not the problem...




Over the past few days i have seen a majority of good complaints being locked and flamed because of the fanboy rage on this forum.


A good discussion is one thing but posting positive topics don't help Bioware, they need negative threads so they can act on the issue.


The game is not plain sailing, it is time people learned that


Making valid complaints is all well and good.


The current condition of the forums, however, is just sad.


It is, nevertheless, what I expected. The in-game and forum communities so drastically different, and the forum goers believing they make a difference, and that because they post on a forum, they matter any more than the people in-game.

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Lets be afraid to offer criticism! Yes! Lets cover our ears and take what is given because we don't deserve to be heard.


If this is you, this submissive person, you're right....you don't deserve to be heard.


Listen, you ain't helping the game when you act like everything is perfect because it isn't.


That's what pisses me off about this community, you act like the criticizers are hurting the game when it is YOU, the people who lambast them for criticizing that is the issue!



pot this is kettle calling .....

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Without a doubt. But when I can't play (only play on Sundays and Mondays, due to working), I just love ruffling the feathers of trolls and haters. They are worthy of nothing more.

Oh, I whole-heartedly agree, but you have to be careful not to call anyone anything, or else the forum nazi's (aka mods) will give you a warning. :)

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If I stick my fingers in my shout real, real loud and close my eyes, I can't see or hear anybody complain about the game.


That's essentially what people are doing right now. It's fine to enjoy the game and have fun with it. It's not fine to blindly look over flaws and say "THEY'LL PATCH IT" or "IT JUST RELEASED". This game has a massive abundance of flaws and Bioware is handling it very poorly.

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You expect positive topics on the official forums?


If you want actual positive and contructive topics, go to any other forum thats not this one, like the reddit link to these post says: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here."

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If I stick my fingers in my shout real, real loud and close my eyes, I can't see or hear anybody complain about the game.


That's essentially what people are doing right now. It's fine to enjoy the game and have fun with it. It's not fine to blindly look over flaws and say "THEY'LL PATCH IT" or "IT JUST RELEASED". This game has a massive abundance of flaws and Bioware is handling it very poorly.


How are they handling it poorly? They've put out so many patches there's a thread now demanding they be compensated for down time. I've played a lot of mmo's and this is the most polished one I have played out of box and gives the most content. A game this massive in scale will always have bugs.

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Too late...


The investors are spooked.

The game sold poorly than expected.

Higher churn rates than expected.


This game is not going to succeed, and the fanboys can't deal with it...


Here's another stock that went down recently. Should people just stop playing the game, even while having fun, due to the stock dropping?

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You expect positive topics on the official forums?


If you want actual positive and contructive topics, go to any other forum thats not this one, like the reddit link to these post says: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here."


haha yes, I'm from the reddit subforum and they are right, this forum is a joke.

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As there are supporters and players enjoying the game around here, we have to start spamming the forums with topics of what we love about TOR.


So, because people are spamming and trolling, you feel you need to ... spam and troll. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.


Hint. Bioware already has a PR department. If you want to help the game,recommend it to your friends, write a positive review on other game forums.


Everyone reading and posting on these forums can already experiencing the game. NOTHING you can write is going to make me like something I don't like. NOTHING you can write is going to make someone who is only here for the PVP and raid aspects be satisfied with the game simply because some parts or even 95% of the game is great.


It doesn't matter WHY you do it, it's still spam and it's still not needed.


We have to counteract the trolls and quitters who keep posting for some reason.


Why, exactly?


I never did understand this, and you seem reasonable and coherent, so you can explain it to me. How exactly are you "counteracting" anything?


There are the people who are unhappy because of one specific thing. Anyone who values that thing is going to be unhappy if it isn't done well. It's better that people don't buy the game and don't bother with it if it's just going to make them unhappy rather than drown out the truth (which is this game isn't WoW and if you're looking for that you'll be upset) and then have these people feeling ripped off and badmouthing it MORE.


I can respect the following people:

- You unsub, quit, and don't come back. Don't lurk. I did the same with EvE Online. I haven't looked back


Everyone else who's posting about feeling ripped off, warning others away from the game, complaining about Ilum and PvP, however, should be given a nice whack with the banhammer.


So if a person likes the game, but literally feels ripped off because of whatever reason he has no right to post his issues and complain?


If a person feels the game needs improvement but every constructive post they put up gets closed and redirected to the "suggestions" post which is full of things no one is reading, and so gets frustrated , they shouldn't be listened to?


Anyone who bases their opinion of the game on what some troll is screaming is , to be blunt, someone you can't win over with logic or positive posting anyway, and their inability to think for themselves is it's own punishment. You'd do much better to spend your time counteracting the lying trolls at Massively, and the people making up bad reviews on other gaming sites, than wasting time posting spam here that will get buried by more spam.

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Well don't argue with the trolls in their game bashing posts are you get infractions for defending the game as I just found out lol


I have yet to get an infraction, simply talk to them dont insult, point out where they are incorrect . Most times the serious trolls completly ignore my comment or questions because they know that if/when they do they will lose their basis for argument.


And lets be serious here, most of the negative posts on this forum are not constructive. There is a reason many other websites are telling people to stay away from these forums.

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Here's another stock that went down recently. Should people just stop playing the game, even while having fun, due to the stock dropping?


Dude, Im almost convinced all the people here were hired by blizzard to troll up the forums to scare away potential buyers. haha not really, but it sure as heck seems that way. Don't get me wrong though I'm a huge WoW fan, I just wish people could enjoy both.

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Hello all,


We appreciate feedback of all kinds, both positive or negative as long as it is constructive. And we know that it can be frustrating to see criticising and negative posts but creating threads to address or "counteract" these threads tend to be just as disruptive. With this in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread.


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