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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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I can't get over the people saying "This stuff should have been in at launch." You people kill me seriously. You all whined and cried that the game was taking too long. Now they pushed for a early launch, got it out and you are not happy because there is stuff you feel they should have gotten done before launch. Just shut the hell up already.
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Sure, BW have many things to work out, but we have nothing to complain about. I mean, no one is forcing us to play this game. And if you want you can always take a pause and do something else.

Besides, would you not rather play this then no game at all? :jawa_biggrin:

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That video is outright scary.


"Rise of the Rakghouls is a huge epic storyline. Yadda yadda yadda, the first part is coming right away, the next one in the future. That's how epic it is."


Yeah or you had to rush it out to placate the masses? "Welcome to SW:TOR! Where abridged stories equals epic quality".


"We'll also gonna be listening to the community and see what they want to see in the game. We always are listening to the community. You are the people who decide what kind of changes we need to make to the game."


Aside from being a recipe for disaster due to conflicting opinions within the community, it betrays a fundamental lack of overarching design-direction regarding gameplay mechanics.


That being said it is positive they listen to the community regarding bug-fixes and fundamental tools missing. I am personally looking forward to combat parser, damage meter, customizable ui and, hopefully in the future, add-on support. However, these are fundamental lacks that should have been implemented right off the bat.

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Cant wait for this. Im really excited. BW has my sub and my wifes sub, as well as my 10 IRL friends and my 50 or so guildys for the next 6 months. Thank you BW for showing us that there are games out there that dont make you only log in twice a week for 3 hours on those two days just to raid. You have kept all of us logging in since laungh, GG.
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I love the final couple of sentences where they talk about they are always listening to us because the game is for us.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


You see sometimes MMO devs have to be like parents to the players, providing fun and good environments for them to grow and have a good time. Sometimes parents have stuff they need to handle that is beyond the grasp of their kids. The patient and polite child asks nicely and in a constructive way and they get a response, the loudmouth bratty child that screams MEMEMEMEME I WANT MORE! DO WHAT I WANT NOW! either gets ignored or a spanking, just so the parents can get back to work on all the things they had to put on hold while they coddled their bratty child.


Extreme example but, we never think of what WE do to slow down progress of something when we feel slighted by the lack of it.

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Hi to everyone.

This is for J. Ohlen n the game crew. Firstly thanks a lot, bug fixing is required, but im already an enthusiastic player of TOR, its the game i've been waitin for 5 years, its awesome! So bugfixing it's a thing to do, but since i heard u guys are listening to audience suggestions i got some ideas for future patches that i think will make the game even more perfect n enjoyable. Here it is:


1) Adding more level for characters, eg. from lev 50 to lev 100, also making high level missions that according to ur dark/light points allow to master new special force powers; eg. im a jedi shadow, n i would love to learn further on force choke and force lightning, like some jedi did.


2) Making all created planets accessible to everyone by making little refugee camps n landing pad even on hostile worlds, for high level quests; eg. im playing republic n i can't go to Hutta, Korriban, Dromund Kaas.....


3) Making more playable species; eg. wookiees, tusken, kaminoans, togruta, moncalamari, quarren, karkarodon, kaleesh, nautolan, cathar, Bothan, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Ithorian, Rodian, pantoran, talz, jawas, ewoks, gungan,.....


4) Adding more playable planets; eg. adding the 12 planets from KOTOR and KOTOR2 (Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Manaan, Sleheyron, Lehon, Katarr, Peragus II, Telos IV, Dxun, Onderon, Malachor V, M4-78) maybe making 2 mission series "revan's legacy" and "exile's legacy"; adding planets from SW Galaxies (Mustafar, Yavin IV, Naboo, Dathomir, Rori, Talus, Endor, Lok); and adding some planets from the movies era (kamino, geonosis, rodia, toydaria, Christophsis, Teth,.....)


Ok thanks a lot for listeninig!



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alright bioware good i just hope that at some point u guys change bounty hunters and smugglers to freelancers faction and also switch smuggler and imp agent starting planets around. and also make a account bank or get rid of the bound to character ever time u get an item and equip it cant be traded or at least given to ur other characters thats u made because its bound to that one dude and hes companions
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Hi to everyone.

This is for J. Ohlen n the game crew. Firstly thanks a lot, bug fixing is required, but im already an enthusiastic player of TOR, its the game i've been waitin for 5 years, its awesome! So bugfixing it's a thing to do, but since i heard u guys are listening to audience suggestions i got some ideas for future patches that i think will make the game even more perfect n enjoyable. Here it is:


1) Adding more level for characters, eg. from lev 50 to lev 100, also making high level missions that according to ur dark/light points allow to master new special force powers; eg. im a jedi shadow, n i would love to learn further on force choke and force lightning, like some jedi did.


2) Making all created planets accessible to everyone by making little refugee camps n landing pad even on hostile worlds, for high level quests; eg. im playing republic n i can't go to Hutta, Korriban, Dromund Kaas.....


3) Making more playable species; eg. wookiees, tusken, kaminoans, togruta, moncalamari, quarren, karkarodon, kaleesh, nautolan, cathar, Bothan, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Ithorian, Rodian, pantoran, talz, jawas, ewoks, gungan,.....


4) Adding more playable planets; eg. adding the 12 planets from KOTOR and KOTOR2 (Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Manaan, Sleheyron, Lehon, Katarr, Peragus II, Telos IV, Dxun, Onderon, Malachor V, M4-78) maybe making 2 mission series "revan's legacy" and "exile's legacy"; adding planets from SW Galaxies (Mustafar, Yavin IV, Naboo, Dathomir, Rori, Talus, Endor, Lok); and adding some planets from the movies era (kamino, geonosis, rodia, toydaria, Christophsis, Teth,.....)


Ok thanks a lot for listeninig!




Woah buddy, thats roughly 4-5 expansions there.:p:D


But seriously, thank you Bioware!

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It's lazy and stupid to assume that the same people who were 'whining' for these changes are the same people who are 'whining' because they're unsatisfied with the changes or don't think the changes go far enough.


It's lazy and stupid to assume that the people who like the game as it is are mature adults and the people who are unsatisfied and want to see improvement in the game are 'whiny, immature children.'


It's ironic and hypocritical to come to the forums to whine and complain about people who 'whine and complain' in the forums.


These forums exist for a reason. Bioware needs to hear from the 'whining' paying costumers so that game improves. If the paying costumers stop 'whining,' that's when the game is really in trouble.

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That video is outright scary.


"Rise of the Rakghouls is a huge epic storyline. Yadda yadda yadda, the first part is coming right away, the next one in the future. That's how epic it is."


Yeah or you had to rush it out to placate the masses? "Welcome to SW:TOR! Where abridged stories equals epic quality".


For all those who don't poses the High School Level Definition of Epic as it is used here, (not in the much assumed day in age gamer term) Epic as is found in Websters Dictionary means a Grand or Long Quest/Journey. other wise the Epics of Homers Iliad and Odyssey would not have been called Epics

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For all those who don't poses the High School Level Definition of Epic as it is used here, (not in the much assumed day in age gamer term) Epic as is found in Websters Dictionary means a Grand or Long Quest/Journey. other wise the Epics of Homers Iliad and Odyssey would not have been called Epics


'possess' :to have as an attribute, knowledge or skill.


If the paying costumers stop 'whining,' that's when the game is really in trouble.


I am a customer.




OP: Keep the changes and content coming.

Edited by MadMac
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'possess' :to have as an attribute, knowledge or skill.




I am a customer.




OP: Keep the changes and content coming.


'Possess' is the correct form here but it isn't a problem. There's no need to point out typos in a forum unless it is one that is about English grammar and spelling. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of TOR and between classes and my other responsibilities, enjoying a session of it is most enjoyable. The UI scaling is what i am most looking forward to. :cool:

Edited by infinitum
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hehe so many ppl here relly think off this game,, (as if it was good ) but to befair it´s just not that great ther have taking way to long to come out whit a game misse so many things for end an mid game ,,, weee its fun to lvl but then it´s a joke ... i my selv have a lvl 50 sage an hade some fun in the lvl mode:)

But relly WOW beta hade a better game play then this game have alot better .. an i sorry but for a game compain like BW , then have not at all lived op to ( the online game stadars like , rift, tera,wow, 3 games thats ether free to play aN BETTER or just better made,, Plz look at your game agian an fix your end an mid game Couse it sux

Edited by xialoz
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