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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rollback or Sub Cancellations


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You will start caring when there won't be any people to play with. :p


Most PVP servers end up ghost towns anyway. One side dominates in every game, the gank, corpse camp the other side until they give up and roll on another server. That server ends up the same.


I don't know why the PVP'ers are complaining, they get what they sow.

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Most PVP servers end up ghost towns anyway. One side dominates in every game, the gank, corpse camp the other side until they give up and roll on another server. That server ends up the same.


I don't know why the PVP'ers are complaining, they get what they sow.


PVP servers by far usually have more population, what are you smoking?

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Dang, even pizz-poor funcom was able to query,isolate,and rollback pvp exploiters in age of conan. That's with their c -team devs and crappy dream world engine. I am legimately scared if bioware does not have such functionality.


Considering not a single shred of evidence has been presented that suggested PvPers earned significantly more valor than they were intended to yesterday and this is merely hearsay and a group of snowflakes (Yourself included) jumping up and down calling for action when action may not even be necessary, I'm happy to see you aren't on their development team.


I'm sure you were up in arms when players claimed there were already level 50s running around due to the 'pvp exploit' during early access and you still believe people actually did in fact hit 50 despite the complete lack of evidence.


Some people will just believe everything they are told.

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Most PVP servers end up ghost towns anyway. One side dominates in every game, the gank, corpse camp the other side until they give up and roll on another server. That server ends up the same.


I don't know why the PVP'ers are complaining, they get what they sow.


I've played on a pvp server my whole life and this has never happened to me or anyone I know. I remember seeing posts on the wowforums about this making people ragequit though.

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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed for six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.


Can you verify that you can un sub, people are having issues. Reply back this is serious.

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You will start caring when there won't be any people to play with. :p


Because, despite what you might think, plenty of people will still be playing. There is not some vast majority out there complaining. It just looks like it if you read these forums.

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Dang, even pizz-poor funcom was able to query,isolate,and rollback pvp exploiters in age of conan. That's with their c -team devs and crappy dream world engine. I am legimately scared if bioware does not have such functionality.


FC spent months responding to exploits in AO - I'm amazed that you'd notice their devs doing something usefull like that in AoC :D (and yes I'm talking about issues that arose pre-AoC launch)

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Just like what people like him do, complain probably.

You see, I like constructive critisism, arguments and innovative people who want to help get the game better. Hell, I have problems with the game too. But all the claims: Change this or I'll quit are just completely and utter useless, like Bioware cares.


Add to that, weigh your words my friend.

Edited by Notannos
rude reply
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Dang, even pizz-poor funcom was able to query,isolate,and rollback pvp exploiters in age of conan. That's with their c -team devs and crappy dream world engine. I am legimately scared if bioware does not have such functionality.


Nobody exploited anything but the bad play of the republic players

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There isn't gonna be a roll back get over and read the Dev tracker.


Looks like you either fail at reading comprehension or are hoping to draw attention away from some ill-gotten gains of your own: Lack of a statement so far regarding rollbacks =/= statement saying no rollbacks.


In this context, what most people are asking for is for the exploitatively gained valor to be removed, not for every single character serverwide to be rolled back. If you have a problem with that, then you are either an exploiter yourself, or are an apologist for them.


Ultimately, if Bioware/EA do not take decisive action against exploiters, this is not a game I want to play long-term anyway -- such a game can only spiral down into a cesspool.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Looks like you either fail at reading comprehension or are hoping to draw attention away from some ill-gotten gains of your own: Lack of a statement so far regarding rollbacks =/= statement saying no rollbacks.


In this context, what most people are asking for is for the exploitatively gained valor to be removed, not for a serverwide rollback, not for every single character serverwide to be rolled back. If you have a problem with that, then you are either an exploiter yourself, or are an apologist for them.


Ultimately, if Bioware/EA do not take decisive action against exploiters, this is not a game I want to play long-term anyway -- such a game can only spiral down into a cesspool.


There was no exploiting going on so no need to roll things back.


People got appropriate valor for killing other players

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Rollbacks to correct an issue that effected a relatively small portion of the playerbase would cause far more problems than they would solve. It's completely unnecessary, and I can't believe anyone would think they'd be a good idea.


No. More people played legitimately yesterday than didn't, and those people should not be penalized just for playing. It's a ridiculous idea.

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I would think that a lot of these changes are based on the heavily populated pvp servers.


The game is new and there are a number of servers that need filling up still. My server is a PvE one anyway and Ilum generally has like 13 people there. Most people are still below level 40. Taris is just getting more population now.


I suspect that in a few weeks, when more people get to 50 some of this stuff will make more sense. And there will always be server balance issues. That's unavoidable I guess.

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Rollbacks to correct an issue that effected a relatively small portion of the playerbase would cause far more problems than they would solve. It's completely unnecessary, and I can't believe anyone would think they'd be a good idea.


No. More people played legitimately yesterday than didn't, and those people should not be penalized just for playing. It's a ridiculous idea.


I pretty much went on my Sith Warrior, got my 30 kills/armaments, jumped in a raid of Republic so they could kill me and then went on my alt and played her.


I should add that on my server the raid of us Imps were at the central point and the Republic came there. We didn't go to their base.

Edited by Reavyn
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Are unsubs and not gaining new clients creating a issue for bioware. You better believe it. Everything revolves around money.


SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.


Currently falling to 4.2% so this is looking worse and worse.. Soon this game will be called swtoe (star wars the old empire)




So where is the mention of this 45% loss of subscriptions you came up with?

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The thread started as a call for rollback, but as many have said a rollback is beyond realistic at this point. It WAS realistic hours after the patch was released, before players had gone on to achieve various things in the game. At this point, however, a rollback wouldn't be fair to players who continued to play for the last day or so.


As much as I enjoyed the game, I have cancelled and will stay cancelled until SOMETHING is done to ameliorate the valor discrepancy between Republic and Empire. Rollback isn't the solution at this point. Surely, the people making serious money at Bioware and EA can think of something.


Why can't they figure out, using the server information they must be able to gather, how much of a gap in Valor was created by the debacle yesterday and then buff Republic valor by a certain percentage for a certain period of time to make up the difference? If the playerbase doesn't like that idea, fine, but as I said, there are people in the offices of Bioware and EA making large salaries to come up with solutions to problems such as this. What are they doing?

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Subscription downgraded to monthly. If this is not resolved with a rollback I will cancel. Period. This is your mistake Bioware. I will not pay you for the right to suffer in a mess you created. Fix it or lose my money. End.


And nothing of value will be lost, no one will care and no real difference will have been made.

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