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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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idk games back in the day where harder but games have progressed quite abit if i say games havent then i would be lying and say all games is just as long as pac man which is a 10 minute game.


progression doesnt always mean better so that is another thing.


True progression does mean evolving into something better.


"To advance toward a higher or better stage; improve steadily."


Come on man.

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I've been playing video games since 1988. Do you really think I'm going anywhere?


Nah. I reserve my right to complain and speak the absolute truth, regardless of whether or not that truth is popular.


You've been playing roughly 1 year longer than me then. Some of my fondest MMO memories are from early EQ. Even EQ2s early release form was very good from a purest's view. WoW brought it all crashing to a halt when it decided to introduce 12 year olds to the wonders of the WWW and SWTOR is just another itteration of that.

I personally don't see anything changing in the forseeable future.

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You've been playing roughly 1 year longer than me then. Some of my fondest MMO memories are from early EQ. Even EQ2s early release form was very good from a purest's view. WoW brought it all crashing to a halt when it decided to introduce 12 year olds to the wonders of the WWW and SWTOR is just another itteration of that.

I personally don't see anything changing in the forseeable future.


"But I can dream, can't I?"

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And since you have mentioned Skyrim i have to say it is a perfect example of what we are talking about, old Morrowind is still miles ahead of both Oblivion and Skyrim.

The Witcher series is currently something that i hold in high regard, but i am afraid it will follow the same path in the future.


Shooters are also a good example, nowadays it's nearly impossible to die in them with self healing perks which are in my opinion ridiculous....they have just hit you with two grenades in the head but no worries, duck behind a rock for a few seconds and rush back out there with full health and a vengeance :D


lol spot on about the shooters i remember even the first CoD had a health bar.

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True progression does mean evolving into something better.


"To advance toward a higher or better stage; improve steadily."


Come on man.


in that case i would say cars took a step back from using metal frames into using plastic but then again that is all overlooked when you have your GPS and air bags.

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in that case i would say cars took a step back from using metal frames into using plastic but then again that is all overlooked when you have your GPS and air bags.


... Plastic/Carbon fiber weigh MUCH less than steel. Safety is still there, just not as much as with steel(The difference is minimal). The PROGRESSION of moving from metal to plastics and carbon fibers is that the lighter a vehicle is, the less energy the engine needs to expend to make it move. Thus saving gas.


That's progression.

Edited by Vaegaknight
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in that case i would say cars took a step back from using metal frames into using plastic but then again that is all overlooked when you have your GPS and air bags.


NCAP safety tests might have something to say on the metal/plastic issue.

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... Plastic/Carbon fiber weigh MUCH less than steel. Safety is still there, just not as much as with steel(The difference is minimal). The PROGRESSION of moving from metal to plastics and carbon fibers is that the lighter a vehicle is, the less energy the engine needs to expend to make it move. Thus saving gas.


That's progression.


yes i will admit that bit still they did have to sacrifice the durability but i guess it is for the better.


then again that is how people feel safe is when they hear a statistic but hey you know what is very safe? airplanes but then again what is chances of surviving a plane crash compared to car you may be messed up in a car crash but you are alive but a plane you have a very slim chance.

although planes are getting more safer but still doesnt change the fact.

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yes i will admit that bit still they did have to sacrifice the durability but i guess it is for the better.


then again that is how people feel safe is when they hear a statistic but hey you know what is very safe? airplanes but then again what is chances of surviving a plane crash compared to car you may be messed up in a car crash but you are alive but a plane you have a very slim chance.

although planes are getting more safer but still doesnt change the fact.


I... -- What?

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Anyway.. getting back on track.. Duel spec is good, anyone that says different is wierd. Agreed?


Duel-spec is bad. anyone that doesnt think so is ignoring all the facts and is just looking at what is good for them and not the game as a whole. Agreed?

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Bugger. And there I was hoping everyone was watching the Super Bowl and I could get the last word... oh well. Been a good discussion for sure! I'm sure the Dev team already have a plan for what they are doing and we'll all moan about it for a week or 2 and then accept it.

Off to watch the big game!

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Re-assign hotkeys, update bars...pay lots of credits.


You must be unemployed and have lots of time on your hands. That or you're unskilled and can't be depended on to hold multiple pivotal roles for your guild raids.


We need dual spec now! NO REASON TO NOT HAVE IT!

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Bugger. And there I was hoping everyone was watching the Super Bowl and I could get the last word... oh well. Been a good discussion for sure! I'm sure the Dev team already have a plan for what they are doing and we'll all moan about it for a week or 2 and then accept it.

Off to watch the big game!



The big game? You mean The Puppy Bowl?

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Re-assign hotkeys, update bars...pay lots of credits.


You must be unemployed and have lots of time on your hands. That or you're unskilled and can't be depended on to hold multiple pivotal roles for your guild raids.


We need dual spec now! NO REASON TO NOT HAVE IT!


You missed an entire thread. Good job coming in late to the game, making some grand proclamation and then ignore everything that was said within.


Great success!

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60+ pages and really the only arguements against dual spec is that it is lazy? Or that it breaks your RP decision/consequence immersion? I played all the old games, and I hate how watered down and trivialized certain aspects of games have become just as much as anyone. I agree certain things should be hard and should take time and effort and should not be handed to you, but in my opinion this is not one of them.


If my guild needs dps for raids, but the server community needs tanks for pick up flashpoints, then how does everyone not win by me being able to fulfill both roles? Or if a pure dps class wants one spec for raiding and another for pvp, how does that negatively affect the game in any way?


The ability to respec is already there, the only difference with dual spec is that it provides the convienence of not having to manually change action bars, hot keys etc everytime you want to switch, along with not having to waste a million credits a week in order to do so.

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I think the people against dual-spec are the ones that chose a support class to make up for their lack of skill.


They are afraid that someone who primarily runs dps can change to a healer and force them out of their raid slot. These same types of players usually hog skill positions and prevent guilds from advancing because they just are not good enough.


I get it, you play a class that is needed and not everyone wants to play. You can't handle someone coming along and doing it better than you therefore you don't want dual spec.


Solution: play better.

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