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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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Hahaha. WOW. You went there. You really went there.


There's no sense in trying to argue with you.


This is really goodbye.


Good LORD.


i dont know if you notice but game has turned into casual years ago look at old games sequels that have came out in recent time they all went casual because that is where the money is


Socom one of my favorite shooters turned into a casual shooter was it the right move? lol no

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Originally Posted by Vlacke

It's funny how some people want every commodity WoW has to be implemented in this game also.


And WoW itself started loosing subs a lot after introducing all these various commodities which make everything a piece of cake joy ride.



Yea you make the same argument those drones in LOTRO did, few months before it went F2P.


Dont make it like warcraft, dont give us addons, dont give us damage meters dont give us this or that and dont make it appealing to wider audience.


Well... where is LOTRO now? Do you really want to have SWLOTRO?

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2012 this way>>

1999 << that way


And the year we are currently is relevant to this topic how exactly?

Is 2012 the year where everything should be handed out on a silver platter when compared to the "dark ages" of 1999 and before?

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Blizzard tried really hard to avoid the dual-spec. At the end it wasn't possible. They all go there with the holy trinity system. If you want your player to play most of the aspect (FP, Ops, pvp, dailies) in the game this tool is needed. If you want to divercify your boss fight you need that tool. Respecting twice a day isn't really fun. They will need to something about this but at the end they will do a dual spec. How long it will take is more the question here. Edited by Guzul
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Agreed, perfect example for that are some people who are screaming for AC change because they cannot comprehend the fact that choosing one is a choice that matters in this game.


im not hoping for a AC change because that would be silly since your AC plays quite a bit different from your other one.

but i wouldnt even care anymore if they did bring it in it is bioware game they can do what they want with it lets just hope they have a good decision on doing things.

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And the year we are currently is relevant to this topic how exactly?

Is 2012 the year where everything should be handed out on a silver platter when compared to the "dark ages" of 1999 and before?


in this time yes


go back to the 80s to now games back then are far less forgiving than games we have today.


people have to face the market has changed this is why people say the generation after the 90s babies is going to be very bad and no hope to them critical way of thinking.

Edited by genmyke
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Well... where is LOTRO now? Do you really want to have SWLOTRO?


No of course i don't, i like this game and wouldn't want it to suffer the same fate LOTRO did, on the other hand in my personal opinion this game is a hell of a lot better than LOTRO (to me at least) so i have no worries.

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Agreed, perfect example for that are some people who are screaming for AC change because they cannot comprehend the fact that choosing one is a choice that matters in this game.


You really should read a bit more before you comment. Reading the actual thread title might help.

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The way 8mans are designed doesn't seem to mesh well with the lack of dual-spec. I agree that it's something this game really needs. For my own use of it I'd like to be able to switch my Sorc between healing for PvE and madness for PvP without having to deal with exponentially expensive re-spec costs.
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go back to the 80s to now games back then are far less forgiving than games we have today.


I agree with you on this 100 %, but to me personally that didn't make them any less enjoyable.

Hell i like RPG genre a lot for example and old games such as Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 were harder but also a LOT better and more fun then the games we have today in the same genre.

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I agree with you on this 100 %, but to me personally that didn't make them any less enjoyable.

Hell i like RPG genre a lot for example and old games such as Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 were harder but also a LOT better and more fun then the games we have today in the same genre.


Yessss, I enjoy the watered down, low risk/reward games we have today. I really, really do. What's a challenge, anyway? An inconvenience! And LORD knows no one wants to be inconvenienced even a little nowadays because it's 2012, damnit! And I want my crap handed to me!


A derp.


A durr.

Edited by Vaegaknight
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You really should read a bit more before you comment. Reading the actual thread title might help.


You are the one who needs to learn to read apparently because when i mentioned AC it was in response to another poster whom i quoted and that particular post of mine was a simple comparison.

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I agree with you on this 100 %, but to me personally that didn't make them any less enjoyable.

Hell i like RPG genre a lot for example and old games such as Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 were harder but also a LOT better and more fun then the games we have today in the same genre.


i agree i am just looking at it from a profit standpoint that a a less forgiving game isnt that good for making money like imo i like dark souls a hell of alot more than skyrim it seem dark souls has that old school rpg element of getting harder from mistakes made. hell even mario galaxy is harder than most games today.


but since developers hit the gold mine of making casual games and mixing that formula into our favorite shooters and rpg games it created a stir and brought in new people and they just take over from the original fans of the game.

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Yessss, I enjoy the watered down, low risk/reward games we have today. I really, really do. What's a challenge, anyway? An inconvenience! And LORD knows no one wants to be inconvenienced even a little.


A derp.


A durr.


The thing is, you can't sell a product as one thing and then expect people to put up with anything less than what it says it is.

If you want hardcore MMORPG action then Everquest is still going. But even that is a watery version of what it used to be. Ok, how about Mortal Online. But nobody plays it!


Time to face the fact that this is as good as it's going to get unless something dramatic happens. You can't deny progression.

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Duel Spec will happen There is just no good reason for it not to be implemented. When they implemented it in WoW I know a lot of people liked it (alot of tanks and healers that wanted to PvP LOVED it.) none of those people still play WoW but when i asked why they quit duel spec was not anywhere near the list of reasons why. I don't know why people are so against it every argument i see basically boils down to "THIS ISNT WoW!!" or "WE WANT CHOICE TO MATTER" . to answer the first one no this isnt WoW its start wars and a answer to the second one is you can already change your spec so your choice doesn't matter anyway. Choice would only matter if it was permanent and its not so how does simplifying the process change anything?
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You are the one who needs to learn to read apparently because when i mentioned AC it was in response to another poster whom i quoted and that particular post of mine was a simple comparison.


I must have missed that... been drinking... apologies

Edited by Tolil
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Yessss, I enjoy the watered down, low risk/reward games we have today. I really, really do. What's a challenge, anyway? An inconvenience! And LORD knows no one wants to be inconvenienced even a little nowadays because it's 2012, damnit! And I want my crap handed to me!


A derp.


A durr.


it is the truth you should see the people on the WoW forums saying they pay 15 dollars a month they should be able to see and kill the last boss in the game even if they suck at the game.


i honestly hate those kind of people it is like me saying i paid 60 dollars for mass effect 2 and i be entitled to beat the game even if i died and make no progression


this is the generation of gamers we have today.

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The thing is, you can't sell a product as one thing and then expect people to put up with anything less than what it says it is.

If you want hardcore MMORPG action then Everquest is still going. But even that is a watery version of what it used to be. Ok, how about Mortal Online. But nobody plays it!


Time to face the fact that this is as good as it's going to get unless something dramatic happens. You can't deny progression.


"Progression". LOL


Games haven't made any real progression in a while, sorry to inform you. I don't want a "hardcore" MMO, I want a happy medium. Which these people want to destroy with all of their convenience features.

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"Progression". LOL


Games haven't made any real progression in a while, sorry to inform you. I don't want a "hardcore" MMO, I want a happy medium. Which these people want to destroy with all of their convenience features.


Then go play Runescape. You certainly won't find any such..."conveniences" there.

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"Progression". LOL


Games haven't made any real progression in a while, sorry to inform you. I don't want a "hardcore" MMO, I want a happy medium. Which these people want to destroy with all of their convenience features.


Trust me, as someone who is studying to try and (who knows) get a job in the games industry I hate the way things are going. But unless you're in a position to change it you'll just have to accept it or leave. It really is that simple.

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Trust me, as someone who is studying to try and (who knows) get a job in the games industry I hate the way things are going. But unless you're in a position to change it you'll just have to accept it or leave. It really is that simple.


I've been playing video games since 1988. Do you really think I'm going anywhere?


Nah. I reserve my right to complain and speak the absolute truth, regardless of whether or not that truth is popular.

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"Progression". LOL


Games haven't made any real progression in a while, sorry to inform you. I don't want a "hardcore" MMO, I want a happy medium. Which these people want to destroy with all of their convenience features.


idk games back in the day where harder but games have progressed quite abit if i say games havent then i would be lying and say all games is just as long as pac man which is a 10 minute game.


progression doesnt always mean better so that is another thing.

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i agree i am just looking at it from a profit standpoint that a a less forgiving game isnt that good for making money like imo i like dark souls a hell of alot more than skyrim it seem dark souls has that old school rpg element of getting harder from mistakes made. hell even mario galaxy is harder than most games today.


but since developers hit the gold mine of making casual games and mixing that formula into our favorite shooters and rpg games it created a stir and brought in new people and they just take over from the original fans of the game.



And since you have mentioned Skyrim i have to say it is a perfect example of what we are talking about, old Morrowind is still miles ahead of both Oblivion and Skyrim.

The Witcher series is currently something that i hold in high regard, but i am afraid it will follow the same path in the future.


Shooters are also a good example, nowadays it's nearly impossible to die in them with self healing perks which are in my opinion ridiculous....they have just hit you with two grenades in the head but no worries, duck behind a rock for a few seconds and rush back out there with full health and a vengeance :D

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