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Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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Speeders in game hurt me. I have to pay for them. And training too! It huuuuuurrrttttsss!


When you have to start paying tens to hundreds of thousands of credits per week to do your dailies in a timely manner then you can complain. Until then why don't you share with us your server and character names? I'm sure the healers or tanks you run with would like to thank you for your support.

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When you have to start paying tens to hundreds of thousands of credits per week to do your dailies in a timely manner then you can complain. Until then why don't you share with us your server and character names? I'm sure the healers or tanks you run with would like to thank you for your support.


My main is tank and my primary alt is a healer. What's your point?

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You're not turning a question about gear into a question about level are you?


Learn to read all the post. I said many time maybe his alt won't be ready, by ready I mean gear AND LEVEL.


I see nobody is able to counter the ratio arguments that can change every boss fight in an raid.



Edit: typo

Edited by Guzul
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Speeders in game hurt me. I have to pay for them. And training too! It huuuuuurrrttttsss!


Actually, let's take your example and make it an even comparison:


Since Respecs are in the game for "quality of life" but you have to pay each time you do it, and Speeders are in the game but you only incur costs ONCE, then OBVIOUSLY BioWare needs to change it so that you get charged an escalating cost every time you mount up and use your Speeder, right? :rolleyes:

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Actually, let's take your example and make it an even comparison:


Since Respecs are in the game for "quality of life" but you have to pay each time you do it, and Speeders are in the game but you only incur costs ONCE, then OBVIOUSLY BioWare needs to change it so that you get charged an escalating cost every time you mount up and use your Speeder, right? :rolleyes:




i agree they should amp up the cost everytime you get on your speeder just so these dual spec nay sayers can see their logic.

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Learn to read all the post. I said many time maybe his alt won't be ready, by ready I mean gear AND LEVEL.


I saw nobody is able to counter the ratio arguments that can change every boss fight in an raid.


No, you felt cornerd by the gear argument so went to a silly "you can't bring a level 5!"

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so what i got from that is if i can dps and heal on my merc BH i should never play a Sith Sorc at all...... which makes no sense since they play different from one another.


I hate to break it to you but so do the other trees in whatever you are playing now. Switch from DPS to a healer and it is going to play a lot differently. So it is not that strong of a point to make.

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My main is tank and my primary alt is a healer. What's your point?


Without proof you can say whatever you want. You've already proved yourself to be a troll, only here to escalate tensions and argue with people. However, even if what you say is true, no matter what character you are on you can't do FPs or OPs on your own.

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Actually, let's take your example and make it an even comparison:


Since Respecs are in the game for "quality of life" but you have to pay each time you do it, and Speeders are in the game but you only incur costs ONCE, then OBVIOUSLY BioWare needs to change it so that you get charged an escalating cost every time you mount up and use your Speeder, right? :rolleyes:


So you are for "hurt" just on a limited basis? Or is it not "hurt" at all?


PS: If you are going to equate the in-game respecs to dual-spec then we can stop with these silly threads. You have what you want in game.

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I hate to break it to you but so do the other trees in whatever you are playing now. Switch from DPS to a healer and it is going to play a lot differently. So it is not that strong of a point to make.


ok im not taking you seriously anymore you cant even think right.

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it doesn't matter how YOU play .. I'm talking about how the MAJORITY play.

You can't speak for the majority. You don't honestly know what the majority does. Just speak for yourself.


maybe its because i like to play differently with my class.

Then go to the skills mentor and respec when you want a change.


I play a dps shadow. There are a bajillion of us. A lot of us can't play. Want to know how long it takes me to find a group? About 5 minutes, sometimes less.


Oh, and that dps build can off-tank.


Yes. some specs are better for some tasks, but every class is a hybrid. Use that to your advantage.


Want to be dps? Play as dps with the build you have. That means a.) don't pull aggro off the tank, do pull aggro of the healer, clear up the adds. It might take you ten seconds longer to kill things. But big whoop.


There are available approaches to addressing your wishes that don't require a huge change to a central game mechanic in a game that is brand new. Try them.

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So we agree that time and credits aren't hurting anyone, right?


Nope, I said they are an expected sink. It is frustrating to loose large amounts of time or credits, when something as simple as a duel spec system would solve a lot of the issues. Having people stand around outside a flashpoint trying to fill a tank spot when any number of the DPS that is LFG would happily fill the tank spot if only they could change to that role without breaking the bank every time is not a good direction for the game to progress in.

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Without proof you can say whatever you want.


As are you....


You've already proved yourself to be a troll, only here to escalate tensions and argue with people. However, even if what you say is true, no matter what character you are on you can't do FPs or OPs on your own.


I love it how folks, who generally can't substantiate their point, get mad and call those who disagree "trolls".


PS: Strawman building is a silly venture. Who's arguing doing FPs/OPs solo?*



*Obviously you can do low level ones on your own.

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No, you felt cornerd by the gear argument so went to a silly "you can't bring a level 5!"


Oh man... I'm in a loop. You just want to talk about the alt badly geared so you ignore all the other facts. Like your main spec gear will be better than your alt in green. Your alt is maybe lvl 25. The ratio in flashpoint and operative isn't the same and can change in every fight.


At this point I will ignore you since you don't want to understand the basic fact.

Edited by Guzul
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Dual Spec and LFG tools should be pretty much standard in MMOs these days.


Unless the MMO took a strange route and based most of the content on different class story lines...

Edited by Uben
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Nope, I said they are an expected sink. It is frustrating to loose large amounts of time or credits, when something as simple as a duel spec system would solve a lot of the issues. Having people stand around outside a flashpoint trying to fill a tank spot when any number of the DPS that is LFG would happily fill the tank spot if only they could change to that role without breaking the bank every time is not a good direction for the game to progress in.


We can play this silly train if you want: But then those who want to play Healers or Tanks are having a hard time finding groups beause all these DPSers are taking up the roles....

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Dual Spec and LFG tools should be pretty much standard in MMOs these days.


nooooooooooo they ruin the game and community and they also take away your parents....




i wounder why a game like Rift ( the actual WoW clone) is still going strong oh yeah they had sense to put these features in at release.

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There is so much to being a healer beyond your tree choices.....there is a lot more to being a tank than your tree choices.


To me duel spec means that when a dps player can't find a group they will say they are a healer....of course they may have neverlayed as a healer, or haven't sincetheyve leveled five levels.


This game invites you to Learn your character..... WAnt to be a tank spec as a tank....want to be a healer..... Spec and level as a healer.....


Want to be dps...great level and to be great at dps......but don't think you can change tree choices choices and call yourself a healer or a tank.


Edited by DevonDs
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Oh man... I'm in a loop. You just want to talk about the alt badly geared so you ignore all the other facts. Like your main spec gear will be better than your alt in green. Your alt is maybe lvl 25. The ratio in flashpoint and operative isn't the same and can change in every fight.


At this point I will ignore you since you don't want to understand the basic fact.


It hasn't been about levels. This is a fall-back you have taken because your gear argument was so weak.


Dual-spec won't help your buddy's main if he is under-leveled either.

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i wounder why a game like Rift ( the actual WoW clone) is still going strong oh yeah they had sense to put these features in at release.


I've always wondered why, if these other games have all the features you want, you aren't playing those other games?


*You in the generic sense*

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Duel spec is just wrong for the game get over it. Its only because you want to be able to do everything easily.


Having the ability to be exceptional at 2 areas of the game is also wrong. Hey ok this mob is light on healing and heavy on dps check so lets all switch to DPS and for some reason you are all great DPS's and kill it then the next fight 1 min later you switch to healer and then you are an outstanding healer ever though you did nothing but click a button to do so.


Deal with what you have and work with it, every class still has the basic abilities to preform other functions. If you are a healer spec you still have alot of DPS abilities and if you are a dps and have a healing spec available in your AC you have basic healing abilities.


Please someone give me a good reason why someone who DPS's 99% of the time should have the ability to be just as good a healer as someone who heals 99% of the time or be just a good a tank as someone who tanks 99% of the time.


Its all because you want, you want, you want and all you care about is what you want.


Just imagine that they allow respecs between classes, then we will have the babies crying for tri-specs because they can be all 3 specs. Hey Im a tank and a DPS now but we are always short healers so I should be able to heal also so because of that I need 3 specs. Then here comes the quad specs because you have to have your PVP spec also. Then comes the cinco-spec because you have to have your PVP dps spec your PVP heal spec your pve tank spec and your pve dps spec and your pve heal spec.

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