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Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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Well... actually:



Here's the Quote for those that don't want to follow the link (emphasis added):




So, um, yeah - looks like you just made a poor decision based on incomplete/inaccurate information :jawa_frown:


Always makes me laugh when people quote redundent comments from what? 7 months ago just to make their own wants and demands sound like the majority opinion.


Here is the the latest position from BW:


Georg Zoeller:


Seems obvious that he avoided the question, probably because they won't have dual spec at release.


I think the translation makes it sound like I'm avoiding something there, which isn't the case.


First, we fully understand why dual spec is a popular topic.


Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.



And a further comment from SR back in December:



Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool?


So dont make out like it's a done deal, or that you are a majority in wanting dual spec. It's not a required staple of all modern MMORPGs at all. It's just a quality of life feature that exists in a 2 maybe 3 MMORPGs and you just want it because other games have it. Thats the reality of it.



Edited by ImperialSun
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what is lazy about this? explain if anything the respec system is stupid in this game and not reasonable.


No the respec system is entirely reasonable.


I hear the first one is free...each time you respec the price goes up until eventually, the jumps in price become prohibitive to you doing it.


This is because you are not supposed to be respeccing every five minutes. Respeccing is cheap the first few times to allow for bad choices etc. The reason you think its unreasonable is because you are using the respec mechanic as a dual spec mechanic.


This game does not currently support dual speccing.


Use the respec as it was designed and its perfectly reasonable.



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No the respec system is entirely reasonable.


I hear the first one is free...each time you respec the price goes up until eventually, the jumps in price become prohibitive to you doing it.


This is because you are not supposed to be respeccing every five minutes. Respeccing is cheap the first few times to allow for bad choices etc. The reason you think its unreasonable is because you are using the respec mechanic as a dual spec mechanic.


This game does not currently support dual speccing.


Use the respec as it was designed and its perfectly reasonable.




so i am suppose to only enjoy 1 apsect of the game and not the other you know pvp and pve?

like i said the system is unreasonable i dont pay monthly to only enjoy 1 part of the game and be punish money wise for trying to enjoy both.

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so i am suppose to only enjoy 1 apsect of the game and not the other you know pvp and pve?

like i said the system is unreasonable i dont pay monthly to only enjoy 1 part of the game and be punish money wise for trying to enjoy both.


Quite right, you should be able to enjoy both aspects.


Roll an alt, just like I did and feel free to enjoy two entirely different builds.


All you have to do is put the requisite amount of effort in, it's easy.



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Quite right, you should be able to enjoy both aspects.


Roll an alt, just like I did and feel free to enjoy two entirely different builds.


All you have to do is put the requisite amount of effort in, it's easy.




oh yay the roll a alt to enjoy both aspect of a game.................



why should i roll the SAME AC twice?

and waste character slots?


right you didnt think that i would like to have classes of another AC or be on the republic.

lol these unrealistic solutions

Edited by genmyke
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oh yay the roll a alt to enjoy both aspect of a game.................



why should i roll the SAME AC twice?


lol these unrealistic solutions


It's not unrealistic at all...you made a choice when you picked an AC.


Whats unreasonable about having to make a choice and live with it...in a MMORPG of all things?



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Ugh, I hated dual-spec in WoW. I was a shaman and there was no way to ever get out of healing because of it. Dual-spec removes consequences from your actions which kinda goes against the general Bioware RPG ethos.


that is not dual spec fault that is the lame people you are playing with fault for making you heal rather than dps ive played WoW for years not once was i forced to do something i didnt want to but then again i also had a choice if i wanted to and still got my main spec gear so it didnt matter.

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oh yay the roll a alt to enjoy both aspect of a game.................



why should i roll the SAME AC twice?

and waste character slots?


right you didnt think that i would like to have classes of another AC or be on the republic.

lol these unrealistic solutions


All your really saying here is you want two builds but only want to put in the effort required to level one of them, the other should just be given to you at the click of a switch. It wreaks of self entitlement imo.



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It's not unrealistic at all...you made a choice when you picked an AC.


Whats unreasonable about having to make a choice and live with it...in a MMORPG of all things?




dude seriously.... did you not read what i said?



i know what i picked what im saying why should i have to level merc bh 2 times just to enjoy 2 parts of the game.


it has nothing to do with AC

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All your really saying here is you want two builds but only want to put in the effort required to level one of them, the other should just be given to you at the click of a switch. It wreaks of self entitlement imo.






sorry didnt know we level our 3 talent trees 3 times where is the experience bar in the tree smart one?


oh right there isnt one our choice isnt permanent we are not playing diablo 2.

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dude seriously.... did you not read what i said?



i know what i picked what im saying why should i have to level merc bh 2 times just to enjoy 2 parts of the game.


it has nothing to do with AC


Because you want to enjoy BH from two entirely different and mutually exclusive builds.


Why shouldnt you have to level Merc twice?


Why is your first reaction to go "I levelled one class of toon therefore I deserve a second for no effort at all"



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Because you want to enjoy BH from two entirely different and mutually exclusive builds.


Why shouldnt you have to level Merc twice?


Why is your first reaction to go "I levelled one class of toon therefore I deserve a second for no effort at all"





ok for one you statement doesnt hold any water for the fact there is respec in the game if they wanted us to level more alts with the same AC we need more slots.


like i said unreasonable


lol effort have you forgot we are playing a game it is not a job trust me i know what is like to put effort into a game but this is for the wrong reason.


so from YOUR logic how about level up same class when you want to try 3 points in a different spot in your tree or if you put a point in the wrong spot you should level another class


this is your logic btw.

Edited by genmyke
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sorry didnt know we level our 3 talent trees 3 times where is the experience bar in the tree smart one?


oh right there isnt one our choice isnt permanent we are not playing diablo 2.


That is why respeccing becomes so expensive...this game is not designed to allow dual speccing as I said earlier.


You dont level your trees 3 times...you pick one. Thats the point.


If you wsnt to enjoy the benefits of them all, then yes Im sorry but as things stand you have to put some work in...this isnt WoW.



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Haven't read a single comment before replying. Why? Because there really is no sane argument against duel specs. The only real headache the dev team have is to not make it an OP - "on the fly" swtich.


I don't care that you masochists want to have 2 or 3 of every class just incase you feel like healing 1 day and DPSing another - do it. Us normal people will be over here in the sane corner asking for an alternate.

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what is lazy about this? explain if anything the respec system is stupid in this game and not reasonable.


What's lazy about it is that you're not willing to go back to the Fleet (or capital planet; someone told me that you can respecialise there) in order to change up your skill points. I don't find the current system stupid or unreasonable at all. If you want to change, then go do it.


Better yet, most of the time that someone would need to respecialise would be to go to a Flashpoint or Operation, so you'd be on the Fleet anyway. Of course that's not always the case, but it's been true to for every time.

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That is why respeccing becomes so expensive...this game is not designed to allow dual speccing as I said earlier.


You dont level your trees 3 times...you pick one. Thats the point.


If you wsnt to enjoy the benefits of them all, then yes Im sorry but as things stand you have to put some work in...this isnt WoW.





i didnt read anywhere it said you have to be forced to pick one also devs already said they plan on putting it into the game question is how long from now.


lol this isnt WoW riiiiiiiiiiiiiight this game has the same structure as Wotlk without attunements get out of here with this crap.

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What's lazy about it is that you're not willing to go back to the Fleet (or capital planet; someone told me that you can respecialise there) in order to change up your skill points. I don't find the current system stupid or unreasonable at all. If you want to change, then go do it.


Better yet, most of the time that someone would need to respecialise would be to go to a Flashpoint or Operation, so you'd be on the Fleet anyway. Of course that's not always the case, but it's been true to for every time.


so that is your gripe about dual spec is that you care about people weather or not they go to the fleet to respec? really? if that is your stand against dual spec that is laughable.

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It's simple, they need to add a dual spec since they creat a problem because of the FP and the Ops. You can argu as long as you want, this problem won't be solve by respecting 3 times in an hour.


I'm pretty sure someone already said this, but I will repeat it since it's a "big" problem in any MMO. The holy trinity is great but the numbers of tanks, dps and healer change between the FP and Ops. This is main problem here.


Right now you need 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps in a flashpoint. That mean you need more tank in this game than any other one (ex: wow, everquest) but when it comes to the operative you only need 1 tank in 8 and 1-2 in 16 man. So the ratio change to 1:1:2 to 1:2:5. So one of your tank need to respec. It's pretty fair for them to respec all the time when the rest of the raid don't have to do it. (Pretty sure in 16 you can go with a 1:3:12 ratio in some fights)


The worst thing is in some fight in the operatives you will need 2 tanks. In others you just need 1 healer in 8 and 3 healer in 16. So will you send them to respec during the raid time for only one fight? (think enrage timer when you answer this question)


There is 2 solutions right now for that problem. The first one: make ALL raid boss encounter with the ratio 1:1:2. No MMO yet was able to keep the dungeon ratio in raid. The second one: Dual spec, simple, easy and you can diversify all your fights as you wish.


(sorry for my english)

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I have no problem with a dual spec option in general but I don't see it as a real solution to some of the problems stated by the OP. In WZs players will play best at the role they like and will obviously tend to play that role more. With so much emphasis on earning medals in WZs it would be difficult to get a player who normally plays DPS (potential for lots of medals) to switch to a healing role (potential for few medals) unless that person really wants to heal. I realize that there are exceptions but what you will frequently end up with is a healer with little WZ healing experience who would rather be DPSing, even further gimping the group. To really solve the problem of lack of healers in WZs they should be given more opportunities for medals gained from healing. Additionally, teammates should pay attention to ensure that the healer is always protected (I can't count the WZs where I received not a single bubble). You'd see a lot more dedicated healers this way.


tl;dr People will still play more and play better at the role they enjoy, especially (in WZs) if it tends to award more medals.

Edited by Trebarian
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so that is your gripe about dual spec is that you care about people weather or not they go to the fleet to respec? really? if that is your stand against dual spec that is laughable.


My stance is that it's just not necessary. There is tons of screaming that it's somehow required to have, but it's not. The game is still functioning properly without it.

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