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PvP unplayable as a Sentinel


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Sounds like the OP just needs to re-roll or ya know, take some suggestions about his class and put them to use. You think you have it rough OP? Try being a Sniper. We may hit hard as hell, but we sure do get hit hard as hell. Classic Glass Cannon 101.
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Am I going too far to suggest that PvP is utterly unplayable as a Sentinel?


1. As a melee DPS character, I am literally useless outside of melee range.

2. I can be routinely stunned and killed before reaching melee range. Resolve has a two-minute cool-down, so sometimes I am killed 3-4 times in a row without once reaching range to attack anyone back with no defense possible.

3. Assuming I can get to melee range, some of my better abilities require that I not move to activate them, where as my target only need to step backwards to get out of melee range and render me again completely useless.

4. Melee DPS is not significantly higher damage than ranged DPS to make up for these short-comings.


I love SWTOR on the whole. SWTOR excels in story, but arguably long term sustainability of an MMO depends on enjoyable mechanics for after you've completed your story. The disparity between classes/builds in PvP just absolutely baffles me. I believe Bounty Hunters and Troopers can both "run-and-gun" to stay out of range while killing me, but I can't activate abilities while trying to get/stay in range. This is immediately apparent to most players I've spoken to, but apparently not to the PvP team.


I was fortunate enough to play in early betas, where I saw the exact same feedback being given in the tester forums. I had hoped these concerns would be addressed before launch. And I've been paying attention to any interviews or posts from developers discussing future development. I've seen no indication these concerns will ever be addressed at this point.


PvP wasn't the selling point of the game for me, but it concerns me that such a glaring problem could impact the sustainability of the game with a larger audience.


I sincerely hope that my character will be able to get gear on par with the best PvP gear (best in game I've seen so far) via crafting or Operations/Flashpoints so that I'm not forced to play PvP at end-game.


Just by reading this I can tell you are playing as the wrong spec. Your issue is yourself.

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lets reread that sentence over and rethink the meaning of the word balanced. Melee shouldn't do more dps because they need to be in melee. They should just have the ability to get into melee range. Called a gap closer. You have that...


1. Force Leap has a cool-down.

2. I'm routinely stunned and killed at range before I can get off a single Force Leap.

3. Even if I can get into range initially with Force Leap, my opponents can continue attacking while moving away, while some of my abilities require that I remain stationery to use them, so I can't stay in melee range.

4. Given the above three points, do you still really contend that melee DPS shouldn't be higher than ranged DPS?

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Seriously? Speaking as a sorc, I effing hate marauders and sentinels. They have way too many stuns and roots, so much so that if I pop UW, they just stun me again and beat me down before my resolve meter even procs. Sure, I've seen Mars and Sents that are bad, but the class is OP in terms of stuns/roots (and what's with the damn stealth). I can do as much damage as them, but they can burn through my 20% armor reduction in less time than I can cast a few spells and I can't even kite them to kill them. Sometimes, if I get lucky.


It has gotten better now that 50's have their own pvp, but i still do not like facing a mar or a sentinel.



Not to be an ***, but the only ability we have that's actually a stun is Force Choke/Stasis. Everything else is slows and immobilizes, with one 6 second Daze effect that breaks on damage.

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Can you explain to me how it is balanced or fair that I don't do more damage than a ranged DPS, but I am literally useless outside of melee range?


Isn't that a pretty massive disadvantage that I need to find a way to get into, and stay in melee range of a target, especially given that I can't activate many abilities while moving?


I'm not sure how playing as a Sage (ranged class) gives you insight into playing a Sentinel.


The marauder/sentinel class is actually capable of doing more damage than ALL of the ranged classes at the moment. Just because YOU don't do more doesn't mean anything is wrong with the class.

Edited by fest
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Just by reading this I can tell you are playing as the wrong spec. Your issue is yourself.


Please tell me which of the three specs (I've played with two of the maxed) addresses the points I raised.


The answer is none. Why am I not surprised that pretty much the only responses I'm getting are ad hominem attacks?


Not a soul has tried to explain why and how the classes are truly balanced as designed, because I don't think you can make that argument logically.

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Am I going too far to suggest that PvP is utterly unplayable as a Sentinel?


1. As a melee DPS character, I am literally useless outside of melee range.

2. I can be routinely stunned and killed before reaching melee range. Resolve has a two-minute cool-down, so sometimes I am killed 3-4 times in a row without once reaching range to attack anyone back with no defense possible.

3. Assuming I can get to melee range, some of my better abilities require that I not move to activate them, where as my target only need to step backwards to get out of melee range and render me again completely useless.

4. Melee DPS is not significantly higher damage than ranged DPS to make up for these short-comings.


I love SWTOR on the whole. SWTOR excels in story, but arguably long term sustainability of an MMO depends on enjoyable mechanics for after you've completed your story. The disparity between classes/builds in PvP just absolutely baffles me. I believe Bounty Hunters and Troopers can both "run-and-gun" to stay out of range while killing me, but I can't activate abilities while trying to get/stay in range. This is immediately apparent to most players I've spoken to, but apparently not to the PvP team.


I was fortunate enough to play in early betas, where I saw the exact same feedback being given in the tester forums. I had hoped these concerns would be addressed before launch. And I've been paying attention to any interviews or posts from developers discussing future development. I've seen no indication these concerns will ever be addressed at this point.


PvP wasn't the selling point of the game for me, but it concerns me that such a glaring problem could impact the sustainability of the game with a larger audience.


I sincerely hope that my character will be able to get gear on par with the best PvP gear (best in game I've seen so far) via crafting or Operations/Flashpoints so that I'm not forced to play PvP at end-game.



you are going to far. I've seen many sentinel's / marauders absolutely own pvp.

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As a PT who is not quite as melee restricted as a marauder but who doesn't have jump, I don't find staying in melee hard, are you lacking a snare? Regardless Most maras are bad cause they're so hard to play but I've seen a few insane ones that show me the class is fine
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lets reread that sentence over and rethink the meaning of the word balanced. Melee shouldn't do more dps because they need to be in melee. They should just have the ability to get into melee range. Called a gap closer. You have that...


Ok you have a difficult choice ahead of you.


Go melee based and do less dmg then a ranged class.



- being on the mob/players nuts

- If you are not on their nuts you are doing 0 dps

- Utilzing 2.5 hotbars worth of abilities


Go range based and do more dmg then melee



- None

- None

- Pressing 5-7 buttons

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As a PT who is not quite as melee restricted as a marauder but who doesn't have jump, I don't find staying in melee hard, are you lacking a snare? Regardless Most maras are bad cause they're so hard to play but I've seen a few insane ones that show me the class is fine


Let me try this one more time. Stating that some players have success with the class doesn't counter any of the points.


Please try to explain to me how ranged DPS equaling melee DPS makes sense given the inherent disadvantages.


Explain to me how it is possible to stay in melee range when some of the abilities dictate I don't move when using them, when you've got ranged DPS that can run-and-gun?


Several pages in, and not a soul has actually directly responded to my points with counter-points.

Edited by enderandrew
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I agree, it is not an easy class to play. A lot of the time, I try to avoid starting the fight with force leap, as that is just asking for a KB. I typically use force camo to sneak up on them, hit them with zealous and snare them. When they KB you (and they probably will), then you force leap back and unload your full rotation. If they stun you, just hope you have trinket up. I know it's a little discouraging, considering how many stuns there are and how we have none, but it's the sad truth.


It's much harder to be a good sentinel than a good *insert class here*. All the L2P people just don't understand how demanding the class actually is, don't listen to them.

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Please tell me which of the three specs (I've played with two of the maxed) addresses the points I raised.


The answer is none. Why am I not surprised that pretty much the only responses I'm getting are ad hominem attacks?


Not a soul has tried to explain why and how the classes are truly balanced as designed, because I don't think you can make that argument logically.


Idk which spec your playing as but Carnage and Anni are PVE specs. If your not rage your doing it wrong. Doesn't matter what class you are without a healer if you get focused on by a enemy team your dead. Trying grouping with players who know how to pull there weight. Ganking happens less. Also should be using your force charge(talented) as your second closer in a one on one fight. most likely they have already trinket by then. An you wont have to worry about people back pedaling out of your Ravage attack. Cause that is the attack you said you cannot do. Bottom line if you play this class right you will insta kill a sorc in matters of seconds and they cannot sprint away or do jack about it. Then I guess they would need to post a QQ thread as well. Cause that's what everyone seems to default to when they dont know how to play yet.

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Let me try this one more time. Stating that some players have success with the class doesn't counter any of the points.


Please try to explain to me how ranged DPS equaling melee DPS makes sense given the inherent disadvantages.


Explain to me how it is possible to stay in melee range when some of the abilities dictate I don't move when using them, when you've got ranged DPS that can run-and-gun?


Several pages in, and not a soul has actually directly responded to my points with counter-points.


You cast them when other people cant move. Pretty simple?

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Sentinels are godly in PvP, if you're struggling as a Sentinel you are just bad. In terrible gear at 50 I regularly top damage on my team if not the entire warzone on my Sentinel - I do not run with any pocket tanks or healers.


I now see the light. All of my points are meaningless. I'm an idiot. I've never played an MMO in my life. I have no idea what I'm talking about. You have bestowed wisdom on me that I can never repay.


I now suddenly realize that it is absolutely fine that I do zero damage at range, and I'm fine with that. I realize that it doesn't matter if I don't really have any means to keep people in range with me. I have one stun, that does require me to stand still to activate, and can easily be interrupted. It also requires focus that is hard to rack up when I can't stay in range in the first place, but why should that matter?


Sentinels are godly. Anyone who disagrees is just frankly an idiot, which I was until reading your post.


I will spread the gospel now that you have shared it with me.

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You just don't know how to play your class properly. I've seen AMAZING marauders such as Stamp and Kalinda.







http://www.twitch.tv/stmp ( he streams like at 2pm est)



Watch them and learn as marauder is the hardest and most complex class to play.


Kalinda's video is a joke for any type of argument you are attempting to make i watched it and i seen a total of 1 level 50 other then that one shes picking on low levels in warzones. proves nothing. and the single level 50 she targets is a healer that doesnt do anything but attempt to run..... lol

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I now see the light. All of my points are meaningless. I'm an idiot. I've never played an MMO in my life. I have no idea what I'm talking about. You have bestowed wisdom on me that I can never repay.


I now suddenly realize that it is absolutely fine that I do zero damage at range, and I'm fine with that. I realize that it doesn't matter if I don't really have any means to keep people in range with me. I have one stun, that does require me to stand still to activate, and can easily be interrupted. It also requires focus that is hard to rack up when I can't stay in range in the first place, but why should that matter?


Sentinels are godly. Anyone who disagrees is just frankly an idiot, which I was until reading your post.


I will spread the gospel now that you have shared it with me.


Sarcasm. How funny considering your the one asking for help.

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You cast them when other people cant move. Pretty simple?


I can't stun them unless I can get in range, earn a few focus, and then slowly activate Force Statis, which has a nasty cool down. It doesn't activate quickly, can be interrupted easily, and then is wasted.


But assuming the first move I had was Force Stasis, I could stun them, get in range, stay in range, and do a bunch of damage. But to do that, I need to get in range, and rack up focus to begin with.



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As a level 50 Republic Focus spec'd Sentinel, prior to 1.1 patch the class/spec was fine.


Our biggest issue right now is the new CD indicator on the Quickslot bars.


Man, you read my mind. It is obviously horrible what they have done with this indicator. Now as Sentinel I am not able to understand when CD is over especially when it's almost almost over. Who plays Sents/Mar will understand me.

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Check out my sig link. Plenty of footage of sentinel pvp and being successful.


Its frustrating as hell but also rewarding. Fyi im not fifty yet and all of the footage is pre 1.1, there is still plenty of killing.


Playing a melee class without stealth and in happy knockback land means knowing when and how to engage, and who to engage. Going in, murdering a healer and popping cooldowns to get out or survive long enough to be healed is just one example.


The resolve system does **** us hard, getting stunned multiple times and never reaching full resolve before dying sucks. Killing people after they use everything and get you to 15% and then they go from full to dead makes up for it.


I pvp as watchman, I tried out combat and I just didn't like the eng nature of burst from status form, and bladestorm cries not being enough to compare with watchman zenith + merciless slash. Focus i'll try out when im geared.


If you want something easier just go watch that epic bounty hunter video where he has one ability on his bar.

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I can't stun them unless I can get in range, earn a few focus, and then slowly activate Force Statis, which has a nasty cool down. It doesn't activate quickly, can be interrupted easily, and then is wasted.


You have to channel stasis, which means standing still. Also, you do not need any focus to apply it, because it is a focus builder. Still pointless as an opener...

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You have a free cast slow... that u can keep up 100% of the time. You have a Force Crush that removes SPRINT from councelors/sorc class(ONLY one in game). You have mortal strike. You have Multiple leaps. You have temp vanish to close the gap. You have Stun imunnity. You are not helpless. I am sorry. But heres some real world advice: 1 person says your a duck ignore it does not mean jack. 2 people say your a duck then you should think about it. 10people say your a duck then start quacking your a duck.


The world is not out to get you. If the rest of the people taking time to post on your dang thread are telling you they have success then the problem is obviously yourself and your negative attitude which is probably the main reason you have a mental block and no ability to get better from your own mistakes cause you pass blame.

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