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Is Wither properly scaling up for you guys with Mounting Darkness and the recent buff added with patch 1.1? I ask because by looking at the TOR Head calculators and comparing them to my current 31/0/10 build, I don't see the 30% + 15% increase that Wither is supposed to have. The skill still shows default damage in my tooltip and I'm doing around 800 damage non-crit. Shouldn't I be doing 1200 (average) non-crit?
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I'm not entirely sure because there was a lot going on. I noticed the lowest I was hitting for was about 850, although it's tough to sort out all the numbers flying up with your active spells, passive stuff like dark charge damage/heals, harnessed dark heal numbers, and team mate heals.
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I didn't notice this myself. Harnessed Darkness isn't gaining charges with Wither as well. It seems they really messed up Wither's buffs in 1.1.


I dont think it every did/is intended to... would be seriously OP if so considering the CD on wither.

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Were you noticing the 800 hits in PVP or PVE?




I dont think it every did/is intended to... would be seriously OP if so considering the CD on wither.


But then why have a skill that increases the damage output by 10% per point, up to three points? And why advertise a 15% damage increase to the skill in the Patch Notes?


It's the capstone ability of the Darkness Tree, and if it worked as advertised, it would be balanced against Deception's Voltaic Slash, another capstone ability.


I'm not entirely sure because there was a lot going on. I noticed the lowest I was hitting for was about 850, although it's tough to sort out all the numbers flying up with your active spells, passive stuff like dark charge damage/heals, harnessed dark heal numbers, and team mate heals.


I'm not fully geared, so my mileage is probably less than the status quo, but I average 800 and crit for around 1.1k, which is why I ask. I believe I should be hitting for 1.1k or 1.2k, and critting for 1.6-1.8k.

Edited by Belcorwyn
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Considering that 15% of Wither's min-damage pre-1.1 was only something around 90 points or so, I haven't noticed that much of a big difference post 1.1 PvE. This was with Mounting Darkness Specc'd, of course. Edited by RoguexA
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I dont think it every did/is intended to... would be seriously OP if so considering the CD on wither.


Patch 1.1 introduced the updated tooltip that says it should, however. To go from not saying it at all, to saying "Shock and Wither" can't be accidental.

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Wither did 15% more damage than it did before 1.1. The tooltip for me used to be around 1000 and now it's 1100ish, so I see no reason to not believe that it does 15% more damage. The Harnessed Darkness talent claims to get a charge from Wither but this is definitely not the case. Since Wither never give extra charges of HD I assume it's either a typo, or something they intended to add to buff Wither but never implemented.
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