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People please chill out.


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Everyone who is crying about the new patch and how it messed up pvp and are going all crazy because things are not how they want them, chill. They will probably fix it soon, stop jumping the gun and canceling just because one day wasn't perfect. This game is awesome, yes it does have some things that need work, but it is new give it time to adjust and grow and then it will be even more amazing than it already is. I had my doubts about this game originally but I was proved wrong.


I noticed it is mostly Republic crying. Go hug a kitten and turn the other cheek, it is your lot in life to get ganked. So stop blaming the game because Empire just rocks. I get whined at by Republic all the time and even had people make Empire toons just to whisper me and get mad because they got murdered a bunch in open world pvp.


People please just relax enjoy this sweet game, and realize that what needs to be fixed will be fixed in time. Remember it is new, not even a month old there are bound to be things wrong and messed up patches and all that the people at bio are just that, PEOPLE, and I have never met one who has not made mistakes or met a group that was totally perfect at anything. So give them a min to sort it out.


And if you are so sad, then just don't cross the Sith.

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.



the proof that this happened has yet to surface.

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I actually think the bigger problem is that yesterdays patch revealed a core issue with the game. It revealed that there is a severe imbalance in factions on most servers (of course we all knew this), but that the game itself is designed for balanced factions (at least for open world pvp). This is a core design issue and I don't think it will be fixed without going back to the core design of open world PvP. I think it won't be really fixed until at least 2.0 - nevermind an emergency 5am patch.
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Everyone who is crying about the new patch and how it messed up pvp and are going all crazy because things are not how they want them, chill. They will probably fix it soon, stop jumping the gun and canceling just because one day wasn't perfect. This game is awesome, yes it does have some things that need work, but it is new give it time to adjust and grow and then it will be even more amazing than it already is. I had my doubts about this game originally but I was proved wrong.


I noticed it is mostly Republic crying. Go hug a kitten and turn the other cheek, it is your lot in life to get ganked. So stop blaming the game because Empire just rocks. I get whined at by Republic all the time and even had people make Empire toons just to whisper me and get mad because they got murdered a bunch in open world pvp.


People please just relax enjoy this sweet game, and realize that what needs to be fixed will be fixed in time. Remember it is new, not even a month old there are bound to be things wrong and messed up patches and all that the people at bio are just that, PEOPLE, and I have never met one who has not made mistakes or met a group that was totally perfect at anything. So give them a min to sort it out.


And if you are so sad, then just don't cross the Sith.


gotta ask, are you level 50 yet? ofc a new game has flaws thats to be expected. but the game was more or less fine in 1.0 the changes they brought in were just unbelievably stupid and its not rocket science to see that before it actually hit. every other company with a bit of expirince would have NEVER implemented like this in the first place EVER.


ofc if ur not lvl 50 yet its easy to make a post like that because ur not actually suffering at all. but from a level 50s point of view that is simply unacceptable incompetence and makes u lose all faith that this game will ever turn out well with the current management.

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...

Its not fair, move one with it already.

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Exploits suck, yes but it happens on both sides, like standing on the huttball stand in the warzone so you cannot be targeted. I see both sides doing it. And to many people cry about it when it is not them. Don't get me wrong, the exploits need to be fixed but seriously it isn't the end of the world. I haven't exploited crap, I have been grinding my valor and yes it is slow. But really I will eventually get to 60 get my battlemaster gear and then match up. But gear doesn't make you everything in this game. I have killed BM geared pubs and I'm in champs, LV 50 JUG btw is what I am playing. And no it wasn't easy, but it is possible, you just have to know your class, know when to roll your cds and fight and have fun. A full valor rollback may be in order but if it doesn't happen I won't be totally upset about it. Just makes something a little more challenging.
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honestly, the only reason I even care about people not canceling is so all the republic doesn't quit, because then there will be no one left to kill and that would suck. I love killing jedi and dancing over their bodies. It is almost a reason to wake up in the morning.
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We aren't talking about the gear we are talking about the way this whole thing have been handled.. Of course exploiters will sadly always exist but this one takes the cake...


When you can lvl vast amount of valor in a short period of time it's nothing to take lightly and not when a huge number is doing it..

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Hey Op, how does your *** feel after Bioware continues to pound it? Have fun being a fanboi and defending the worst mmo developers ever!!


I have hate to but this is far from worse MMO and its their first one so you can just go QQ somewhere else lol

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...


players who did it legitly, people who spends weeks trying to gain valor to the next ranking without using the bug to further their ranking will be the ones to really suffer over a roll back. A roll back means nothing if you already have the gear. A roll back will not punish the ones who used the bug to their advantage it will only punish the players liek yourself who did it legitly and worked hard at it.


A better solution instead of a roll back should be thought up instead. Not sure if Bioware has the time ot go through all the logs to see which player took advantage of the bug. That might not be an option either as if they are busy looking at logs they won't be fixing other things that need fixing. Just saying a roll back will only hurt the ones that have been grinding out ranking legitly and not from a bug after a patch. I personally worked my hiney off for weeks to get rank 32, heard about the bug yesterday so didn't log in to take advantage of it personally cause I thought it was wrong. I don't want to lose allmy hard work cause a few players took advantage of a bug to gain levels in valor.

Another solution is clearly needed just not a roll back

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...

I swear i have read through about a million people craying about this, and yet i also read where the dev said they are aware of it, and will take action against the individuals. I guess no one eles read that? Or they wont be happy unless they have some big public announcement naming names of who is getting punished. Like the one guy said the damn game hasnt even been out a month, NO game from WOW to FFXI released perfect, they all had problems. Unless GOD comes down and makes a mmo for us to play this will always be the case. Alot of yall just need to pull your panties out your butt and just chill and see what they do imo. Just my 2 credits.....
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To solve this issue that is by far the best way to do a rollback even if it's legit players that get suffered. And why not let BW solve their mess by themself? they fu**** it up.


It's just because you wanna keep your valor I don't care about that sh**


I don't need valor to show that I am godlike :p

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...


its a video game.......

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Okay, first off I don't exploit, I am only Valor rank 35. Secondly I am not that awesome, I have been ganked, spawn camped and all the crap that pisses everyone off but it is part of the game I don't care about the exploits as much as I care about giving cc's a bigger DR, or making the cc break that everyone gets have a duration like 30 seconds so you don't just break a cc just to get cc'ed again and maybe giving that a lower cd.


BW is not the worst game developer ever, people need to just stop crying when things are not perfect.

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Couple of things ...


1. Still waiting to see irrefutable proof of HUGE valor gains in a short period of time. So what people are talking about it on the internet... NO ONE has yet been able to show proof and more than likely it's all just hype and pot stirring.


2. They fixed it. Too bad it wasn't on your time table. If your pissed about the time it took, it's probably because you believe the "Hype" that has yet been proven.


3. This is FAR from the worst MMO or MMO developers. Just cause they are the most recent in your mind, doesn't make them the worse. The people that say that, I'm 99% sure you said that about Blizzard at one point.


4. Imps - don't talk smack to rep players complaining about class imbalance and how pop imbalance sucks. Alot of their class "qq" is legit and the pop issue can be annoying too. If the situation was reversed, you'd be the first ones posting.


5. It was one day, it's over, even if said valor gains were true. Most the 50s will be there in a few weeks and it's all for not anyway. Get over it. /nerdragequitters just amuse me.


6. Those that are quitting: Have fun in GW2, can't wait to read their boards and see you complaining about class imbalance and how bad the pvp is. I'm seeing a pattern here...

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Say that to all the exploiters that gained 45-55 valor ranks within 1h? Please tell me how this is fair to people that actually play the game how it was intented.


People that have spent days/weeks to gain valor ranks and now ppl just need to watch it all flow in. Sorry but this is a big issue and this is why I will cancel my subscription if they don't do a full valor rollback...


I was there for about 2 hours yesterday... think I gained about 2 ranks... Hardly an exploit. could of done the same thing in warzones. Just sat there long enough to get my daily, which since there was only about 5 Reps and 70 Imps, it took awhile.

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