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30 Days up?


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30 days are up and those that aren't re-subbing, shouldn't they be gone from the forums by now? If not today, when will they all be getting locked out of posting here?


For my first 30 days I have had a really good time, some bugs here and there that I have worked with while they are fixing them and I really haven't seen anything that is game breaking.


I had a major FPS improvement when I logged in at the Fleet last night.


I noticed that the Cargo Hold now stacks items that you right click in your inventory to place in there.


The new cool down setup I wasn't extremely fond of, I actually like the old version but it's not a huge issue.


I didn't get to play long, basically I did my daily quests and logged out for the evening but all in all this patch looks good and I look forward to seeing the game develop over time.


I am a long term subscriber and proud to be here, just ready for all of the Drama Queens to move on!

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Also I noticed something about my companion, he actually lived through an elevator ride for the first time last night :)


lol its nice to not have to resummon him isnt it? Finally my warrior stopped turning green after being healed for my ENTIRE PLAYING TIME!

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I bought the game two weeks late, so I have 15 days left. That being said, I have cancelled my subscription and will be gone from these forums in a few weeks. So, there you go.


Not everyone bought the game at launch.


For my part, I find the single player and quests to be somewhat enjoyable and done well. The problem is, this is an MMO. There just isn't enough Multiplayer content to justify the monthly price tag. I have zero interest in the PvP system in this game, so that leaves a handful of group quests and that won't cut it.


At least in WoW and Rift, I could jump into an instance with people and break the monotony. Even the voiced-over questgivers are getting monotonous for me. The Star Wars setting is about the only thing that has kept me playing this long.


Add to that the way they obsessively moderate these forums to remove anything negative (there are now almost nothing but positive threads here) and this is clearly their game that they "allow" us to play, which doesn't work for me.

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At least in WoW and Rift, I could jump into an instance with people and break the monotony.



(there are now almost nothing but positive threads here)




Constructive criticism here but last I checked SWTOR does have quite a few instances, if this is a LFG problem I understand but I've seen it time and time again. People must be proactive and not passive forming groups, I never have issues on my main or any alts getting people together.



As far as the positive threads thing, I disagree. The General forums are still trashy and filled with multiple trolls saying the same thing over and over again. It's essentially one huge post with multiple replies, useless unnecessary venting on how the game isn't 'perfect' for them. This isn't Facebook, go rant there(not directed at you) imo and make some space for SWTOR info.

Edited by Riho
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Weirdly enough, this game has just made me want to play RIFT even though I quit that game back in August. It's just the better game for now until the problems in SWTOR are fixed.


Weird, playing this game also made me want to go back to Rift after taking a break from it. I guess TOR really makes other mmo's look good.

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Ok, I'll check for you. It says my billing day is the 19th (that sort of doesn't make sense to begin with, I thought the game launched on the 20th? But my memory isn't the best and I'm too lazy to open another tab to confirm) and my account is cancelled.


Can I post on the forums?

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30 days are up and those that aren't re-subbing, shouldn't they be gone from the forums by now? If not today, when will they all be getting locked out of posting here?


For my first 30 days I have had a really good time, some bugs here and there that I have worked with while they are fixing them and I really haven't seen anything that is game breaking.


I had a major FPS improvement when I logged in at the Fleet last night.


I noticed that the Cargo Hold now stacks items that you right click in your inventory to place in there.


The new cool down setup I wasn't extremely fond of, I actually like the old version but it's not a huge issue.


I didn't get to play long, basically I did my daily quests and logged out for the evening but all in all this patch looks good and I look forward to seeing the game develop over time.


I am a long term subscriber and proud to be here, just ready for all of the Drama Queens to move on!


Same here OP.

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30 days are up and those that aren't re-subbing, shouldn't they be gone from the forums by now? If not today, when will they all be getting locked out of posting here?


For my first 30 days I have had a really good time, some bugs here and there that I have worked with while they are fixing them and I really haven't seen anything that is game breaking.


I had a major FPS improvement when I logged in at the Fleet last night.


I noticed that the Cargo Hold now stacks items that you right click in your inventory to place in there.


The new cool down setup I wasn't extremely fond of, I actually like the old version but it's not a huge issue.


I didn't get to play long, basically I did my daily quests and logged out for the evening but all in all this patch looks good and I look forward to seeing the game develop over time.


I am a long term subscriber and proud to be here, just ready for all of the Drama Queens to move on!


Why stir the pot? As you can see, the forums have quieted down quite a bit since yesterday.

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Weirdly enough, this game has just made me want to play RIFT even though I quit that game back in August. It's just the better game for now until the problems in SWTOR are fixed.


Damn, I have to agree with you, TOR is keeping my attention cause several of my friends are playing.

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I just find it amusing that people are leaving without even reaching 50 or trying to reroll another character. MMOs take time to judge and so far, absolutely loving it. Of course their are bugs but thats expected with any new launch. Cant wait too see whats otw.
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Wanna bet the forums are going to be separated from the game in the sense that even without a subscription you will be able to post...


Well you can't post without entering a game key and getting the free 30 days already... so I don't know. I would think once today's billing is done we'll see.

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We're glad that many of you are enjoying the game and that you are happy with the changes, but posts that criticize the community are discouraged because they tend to bring out negativity from other members. We understand that your original intent was to spread positivity, and we appreciate that.


Thank you for your feedback and for your cooperation!

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