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Maintenance hitting EU Primetime! LOL times updated


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My 2 posts eh? I said 1. develop your own game if you want timeframes in your zone. 2 . If you make a game people want to play then we have to deal with your downtime to play it..


Half of the subs because of downtime once or twice a week... really go get laid or enjoy outside.


I don't care about maintenance times, if I did, I wouldn't have joined a US server. I'm just bored of hearing anti-European hate on these forums.

Edited by Kirjava
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Pick One:

1) Patch with emergency downtime to try to fix major issues with PvP.

2) No emergency downtime so that you can play as normal furthering the imbalance in PvP


I don't give a sheite about the PvP - and Further - And I don't expect people that play Imperials to not try to take every unfair advantage given - see the Tarkin doctrine.


So Grats to the imperials. Their soulless and dark living has been gifted by an unfair universe.


I would take offence to a rollback tho. Thats punishing me directly, and I did only lilly white PvE stuff on my smuggler.


A rollback would therefore really ruffle my features.



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I don't care about maintenance times, if I did, I wouldn't have joined a US server. I'm just bored of hearing anti-European hate on these forums.


Im not anti EU. Im anti crying like its a conspiracy to mess you over. Its a NA based game. People live on NA time. They arent robots that can take servers on and off according to what works for you..


They are not going to set up a entire different team in EU to suit you so you are just going to have to deal with downtime when you dont like it. I dont like. It is what it is. Get over it.


edit Messed that up...Im generally up when maintenence ect is going on.

Edited by Jahannam
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This was so bound to happen. I mean, seriously, all that talk about "EU primetime does not start before 5pm CET" - yeah, and what if, like it happens often in MMOs, downtime is extended or shortly delayed? Yeah, you cut right into the very middle of prime time. Congratulations, Bioware, you proved everyone right who disagreed with your maintenance schedule.
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Just adding my voice to those who are complaining about the continual poor timing of maintenance for EU customers.


Patching should occur when the fewest number of people are online for each timezone. That is, 2AM to 8AM on a Monday to Thursday morning - irregardless of what timezone you are in.


The current situation is ridiculous and unacceptable.

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What is so overly ammuseing to me is all the clueless US smartarses on here mouthing off, you do realise what happends to your US BASED COMPANY'S SUPER GAME when EU players begin to leave in big numbers due to ill treatment by customer support and from getting the middle finger when it comes to mainteness times / server downs along with that the horrible state of the game, and the fact they pay more for beeing treatet this way YAY !


i know most of the US players think very little about the EU and you lack of intelligente awnsers proves you really dont have a clue.


Here is a Tip : EU IS THE BIGGEST MARKET WHEN IT COME TO GAMEING BETWEEN US AND EU. but i love how Americans sits back and think Why im in the biggest contry in the world i will have it my way and everyone else can suck it ...


GL with that !

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Im not anti EU. Im anti crying like its a conspiracy to mess you over. Its a NA based game. People live on NA time. They arent robots that can take servers on and off according to what works for you..


They are not going to set up a entire different team in EU to suit you so you are just going to have to deal with downtime when you dont like it. I dont like it actually as I sleep during daylight in the US. It is what it is. Get over it.


Except that they already have an entirely different team set up for EU. The entire server park along with maintenance crew is located in IRELAND! Guess what, it is in the EU.


I do not get it why this EU based crew cannot perform the maintenance, why does it have to be done from the USA?

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Some people seem to forget this is a paying service.


Why the charity towards Bioware? I've cancelled my subscription.

Not because of this, but there are just too many errors right now and a bad laggy engine will be hard to solve.


Try Vindictus, installed it yesterday, its free and actually has physics. Something you'd expect every game to have by 2012, it really makes everything much more fun.

Edited by stoepkrijt
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What is so overly ammuseing to me is all the clueless US smartarses on here mouthing off, you do realise what happends to your US BASED COMPANY'S SUPER GAME when EU players begin to leave in big numbers due to ill treatment by customer support and from getting the middle finger when it comes to mainteness times / server downs along with that the horrible state of the game, and the fact they pay more for beeing treatet this way YAY !


i know most of the US players think very little about the EU and you lack of intelligente awnsers proves you really dont have a clue.


Here is a Tip : EU IS THE BIGGEST MARKET WHEN IT COME TO GAMEING BETWEEN US AND EU. but i love how Americans sits back and think Why im in the biggest contry in the world i will have it my way and everyone else can suck it ...


GL with that !


If only US was the biggest, it isn't - by a long way

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First off can I just say all the people saying stop whinging because you would complain if they didnt fix the problem and you complain because they do.... ****!


I logged into the game before I headed off to work this morning and saw that the maintenance was going to be on until 8:30GMT. Now why couldn't they have taken the servers down at the usual times to do this patch? Which would have the servers back up for people getting home from work in the evening in the EU and people getting out of bed in the morning in the US.


They KNEW they were going to have to apply the patch.... if the patch wasnt ready then it could have waited until Friday at the usual patch times.


I saw some people saying more people would be complaining if it was on a Friday... well no actually they wouldnt. Contrary to popular belief a large majority of people go out and socialise on a Friday after work. But this is also irrelevant because the downtime would be at a set time.... the same time they usually do maintenance work....



All we are asking for is a bit of consistency not the redesigning of the *********** wheel!

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I like game improving but not at this time... BTW all of you speak about patching ilum they crash it with patch which has a 2 weeks delay so i suppose it will work after that time... As you can see not. And its need to be done like this couse of US they are mid of the world and things like that you know... and god is american too its old story.



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To all the people telling others to get a life and go outside, that the game is not that important, you are right, but you are also missing a huge point. This is a game that we PAY for. There is nothing wrong with having the expectation that, at a prime time, the game should be available. It was a poor judgement call on the part of the Bioware devs and they need to hear that the people helping fund their paychecks are not happy with it before it gets repeated.


No one is denying the need for maintainance or hotfixes. What is being questioned is the timing of it. I am in the U.S. and play with people from the UK who, after a long day of work, look forward to unwinding a bit in the game. They've paid for that luxury and now, because of some illogical thinking, they are denied that. It's not right, and it's not whining to speak your frustration and opinion.


Being a game company, Bioware should be well aware that MMO's are very popular and that they do have prime times of play. Ways to avoid taking servers down in the middle of those times should have been considered. If it means their employees have to come in at 2 am and work, well, that is their job and what they're being paid for. We are paying for the right to access the service. If that service is unavailable, we should not be charged for that period. It's that simple. Personally, I think our monthly fees should be credited for all downtimes. If I can't play, I shouldn't pay.

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Pick One:

1) Patch with emergency downtime to try to fix major issues with PvP.

2) No emergency downtime so that you can play as normal furthering the imbalance in PvP


For some Illum crap where only a minority participate anyway shut down the server during main time?

Hurt the 99% to please the 1%? :rolleyes:

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US Company ... Does this not compute with you? U.S. COMPANY ..



If I were playing a game based in EU / Asia, I wouldstand them having their opatches based on their primetimes and not the US ...


Thank god Blizzard, Square-Enix, NCsoft, Sony Online Entertainment and ArenaNet are all EU companies then!

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Well they're fixing the game to shut you PVP guys up. I know I lost an entire day of play due to you PVP guys...


At least they're doing something to fix your crap. While I have to wait for them to fix YOUR crap.


They should have just blown up Ilum and scrapped PVP from the game. I'd take a week of downtime if they did that.




It's easy to blame BW for the permanent downtimes at (for EU) unacceptable times. But this is only the symptom. The cause is - as mostly - a part of the PvP-crowd, who is unable / incompetent to play the game fair and therefore must revert to exploits whenever possible.


Imagine a game without the ongoing discussions / nerf-patches / fixing errors of nerf-patches which happens just to balance classes for PvP.

I estimate, we'd have at max half of the downtimes.


As a sidenote: Dear PvP-fans, you might have noticed, that I didn't use any profanity. Feel free to counter my opinion, but - if you are able to - by using a civilized language.:)

Edited by AnjyBelle
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UPDATE: This maintenance period is now scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30AM CST (7:30AM PST/ 10:30AM EST/ 3:30PM GMT/ 4:30PM CET) on 1/19 and end at 1:30PM CST (11:30AM PST/ 3:30PM EST/ 7:30PM GMT/ 8:30PM CET).


I can only LOL about this


Peak hours are usually 8PM to 10PM. So it does hit EU peak times slightly. I would prefer it didn't, but sometimes these things happen.


It's too bad that some people have there game play affected, but it could be worse. Could you imagine if they did these updates on the weekends during the REAL peak times?

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Except that they already have an entirely different team set up for EU. The entire server park along with maintenance crew is located in IRELAND! Guess what, it is in the EU.


I do not get it why this EU based crew cannot perform the maintenance, why does it have to be done from the USA?


Probably legal and pay issues that go beyond saying hey EU guys you can patch now. I really hope they fix it...i do because It gets old every tuesday or whatever hearing this like bioware is just out to hose the EU.

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