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No valor rollback? BOYCOTT PvP!!!!!


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Since Bioware's incompetence has allowed tons of Imperial Players to farm valor and all the benefits that go with it, and NOT DO A ROLLBACK.


We Republic players should deny Bioware and the Imperials PvP opponents by not participating in any warzones or going into contested areas. Make the imperials have NO PVP opponents whatsoever!


Also, play an Imperial alt on a PvP server until Bioware does a rollback.


In all seriousness, PvP is now ruined and we Republic players will face Imperial players who reaped the benefits of the valor exploit making an already poor situation worse.


Last night I went to Ilum with my Imperial alt, and Imperial players were out in tons at all levels with OPS groups excorting low levels thru the high level MOBS to get to the warzone as taxis were disabled.


The attitude of Imperial players is that they are glad Republic Players are quiting the game and that we got our just deserves for rolling Republic. What a nice bunch of players!

They are DIRT BAGS...now some Imperial players were trying to stem the tide by saying it was not worth a ban goign to Ilum....can you guess the response to them?

They were flamed and flamed and flamed.



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Actually I am already boycotting PVP WZ now, and will not go to Ilum until the issues are fixed. From my perspective, farming isn't just going on with Ilum its in WZs as well. A friend of mine did WZ all day and told me was only part of one win. He mentioned "uber/Elite groups" were playing all day, and no one can win against them.


I think perhaps a split on level 50s is also needed, I don't know what else they can do about this. put geared level 50s in their own smaller Warzones - level 50's with out gear play with level 45-50s (With out gear) - surely this is a more fair system. I know this is not a perfect solution but I would welcome better constructive idea's to this. Please don't Troll, I am only interested in mature constructive feedback :)


I get hutball against other Empire players anyway. Can't really say I'd care if all Republic players unsubbed.


Really I think you should, besides your comment being generally ignorant, and lacking any actual nutritious response.

Edited by dronepilot
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that wouldn't work..the Imps fight each other in war zones more then they fight us...so they would continue to gear and then when we return for our boycott we would be out geared...:/ just fight the up hill battle for now...
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Since Bioware's incompetence has allowed tons of Imperial Players to farm valor and all the benefits that go with it, and NOT DO A ROLLBACK.


We Republic players should deny Bioware and the Imperials PvP opponents by not participating in any warzones or going into contested areas. Make the imperials have NO PVP opponents whatsoever!


Also, play an Imperial alt on a PvP server until Bioware does a rollback.


In all seriousness, PvP is now ruined and we Republic players will face Imperial players who reaped the benefits of the valor exploit making an already poor situation worse.


Last night I went to Ilum with my Imperial alt, and Imperial players were out in tons at all levels with OPS groups excorting low levels thru the high level MOBS to get to the warzone as taxis were disabled.


The attitude of Imperial players is that they are glad Republic Players are quiting the game and that we got our just deserves for rolling Republic. What a nice bunch of players!

They are DIRT BAGS...now some Imperial players were trying to stem the tide by saying it was not worth a ban goign to Ilum....can you guess the response to them?

They were flamed and flamed and flamed.




That's fine, mate, I'll just play Huttball. Plenty of imperials queueing.


Also: get off your high horse, a LOT of us imps never even went near Illum yesterday.

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Actually I am already boycotting PVP WZ now, and will not go to Ilum until the issues are fixed. From my perspective, farming isn't just going on with Ilum its in WZs as well. A friend of mine did WZ all day and told me was only part of one win. He mentioned "uber/Elite groups" were playing all day, and no one can win against them.


I think perhaps a split on level 50s is also needed, I don't know what else they can do about this. put geared level 50s in their own smaller Warzones - level 50's with out gear play with level 45-50s (With out gear) - surely this is a more fair system. I know this is not a perfect solution but I would welcome better constructive idea's to this. Please don't Troll, I am only interested in mature constructive feedback :)




Really I think you should, besides your comment being generally ignorant, and lacking any actual nutritious response.


oh yea, so instead of having 30 min queues we'd play 2 warzones per day


great idea derp

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for the little amount of reps we had they were able to gain valor faster then any imperial since reps didn't have to go any further then their base to get it while imperial bottlenecked them selves at the front of reps base they were getting 6 kills to our one.


anyhow no one would of gained anything unless there was someone to kill, no rollback should be made because players allowed themselves to be farmed that much for valor.

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NO one is going to leave just because of this, and no Bioware will not roll back valor or punish those who were in Ilum (most of the 50'son each server). Just accept that it sucks, but it happened and move on.... it'll make you happier in the long term - stress is bad for you ;)
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NO one is going to leave just because of this, and no Bioware will not roll back valor or punish those who were in Ilum (most of the 50'son each server). Just accept that it sucks, but it happened and move on.... it'll make you happier in the long term - stress is bad for you ;)


Or reroll as Empire and watch changes happen in the very near future.

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for the little amount of reps we had they were able to gain valor faster then any imperial since reps didn't have to go any further then their base to get it while imperial bottlenecked them selves at the front of reps base they were getting 6 kills to our one.


anyhow no one would of gained anything unless there was someone to kill, no rollback should be made because players allowed themselves to be farmed that much for valor.


Except that players were also using alt accounts and just pressing revive over and over again.



The only thing that I'm sad about is many of the empire players who exploited the valor ranks will get away unpunished, its bad enough they exploited and griefed but being rewarded for doing so is disgusting

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With champion gear vs battlemaster gear,

Skill > Gear


You will need a new slogan once Rep. stop playing altogether.


Perhaps something like.


I suggest -


Broken/long casting animations vs. abilities that work


Skill > Gear


I do like where you are going though cause you can basically put anything you want there and just say


Skill > gear and it works everytime, well played~

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People won't ever stop ************ about this will they. Nobody got to Battlemaster from farming valor because it costs so much for ranks post 54-55. The only problem that was revealed was the population imbalance which BioWare can't do much about cause I doubt they will say to people "no, you can't play this class." since they want everyone to see every story.
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