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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... BIOWARE why hasn't there been a valor rollback


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E. Most imbalance classes seen in an mmo at launch TO DATE. A 500 expertise tank getting killed in 3-4 seconds by a 45 operative? Shouldn't matter if it was a tank or any class for that matter, I have never played any mmo that failed that much. Everybody knows people like to see BIG numbers when it comes to a damage hit or healing hit, and people like fights that last a good amount of time. NO IT IS NOT JUST BIOCHEM.




What? I have a 47 operative. Please teach me how to kill a level 50 tank with 500 expertise while I have none in 3-4 seconds.


I'm serious.

Edited by Ruio
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sorry for guys emp and republic who play wzs hard to earn Battlemaster title. now its only title for semi-afking aoe spaming loosers. no respect to them.


farming randoms with low levels in a premade isnt exactly skillfull either


bioware said the higher valor gain is intended and they want ppl to farm illum for valor - thats why there wont be a rollback


just hope that with rated warzones they gonna introduce gear u need to win rated wzs for and no one will give a **** about battlemaster anymore

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I agree with everything the OP stated. As does everyone that PvPs in my guild (we've discussed this at length).


Bioware, your shameless preference for the Imps will be your undoing if you don't step up to the plate NOW.


Wow, really? A whole guild? People need to learn the art of critical thinking.

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Show evidence someone gained extreme amounts of Valor, say over 100k, in one day and maybe they'd consider a Valor rollback. Right now I don't think anyone gained extreme amounts of Valor. The only exploiting that happened was the turret exploiting. It's all forum rumors and hysteria.


Was only there for the 30 kill/ornament daily yesterday and today. Stuck around for about 20 minutes afterwards and got 9-10k valor in that time.

Note though; we (Empire) were camping 1 entrance so they (Republic) could've taken the other to get out of their base.

For the (former) WoW players amongst us: Think Alterac Valley before they overhauled it.

With having said that: Imagine turret/spawn camping for hours. 100+k valor would've been easy.


Oh and i didn't abuse because I just wanted to see how much valor they were gaining on average. It was god aweful and boring.

Edited by Ricje
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You can say that the title meant nothing 'til you're blue in the face, but to the people who got it legitimately, it meant many long nights of busting heads, to just see it given as charity to the already overpowered faction on each server (whether Republic or Imp).


It also gives you better commendations, and chances at Battlemaster Bags, which are pretty easy to come by, though subject to randomness. Even 100 fresh Battlemasters due to this "bug", which was a result of horrible testing and complete indifference towards what the players had already warned the company of, are too many.


It's spitting in the face of everyone who worked to get it.


you didn't work to get BM, I've explained this to you bad players before, BM is not work in this game, It's simply time invested.


You get rewarded for losing in this game, Thus you can fail to the top like most bad players do.


If you didn't get any reward for losing a Warfront, you would have a point, But again, I've explained before.. Ya don't..


Factor in players getting to farm level 20's for an entire Month and you actually want to call it work.. Please son..


I was 50 in the first week, I spent my entire time just wrecking lowbies pretty much every game, It was not challenging or work in any fashion.

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