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Why are there so much emos on the servers?


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I'm always see people in general chat (and in forum) that see offense in almost everything. And yeah, they think that someone should save them from the scary world around.

But I am really curious why don't they go to the kindergarten for their plays. While probably they will be offended by the color of sand in sandbox.


Just some examples to explain my whine:

Someone is speaking russian in general = these emo are offended - they don't know what the people talk about, probably they are laughing at them?

Someone tells that he doesn't like any group of people = he is a new Hitler, he gonna kill us!!!111

Someone walking with PvP flag is suddenly attacked when almost dead in fighting with mobs = he is a cheater and a scum!!! I forgot to turn it off, yes, but he is so baaad to kill me!!!!


Guys, nobody is really trolling you, you just have to grow up and understand that the world is a cruel and dirty place. If you are not ready - don't talk to strangers and play in the backyard.

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According to Wiki, Emo: is a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace. As the style was echoed by contemporary American punk rock bands, its sound and meaning shifted and changed, blending with pop punk and indie rock and encapsulated in the early 1990s by groups such as Jawbreaker and Sunny Day Real Estate. By the mid 1990s numerous emo acts emerged from the Midwestern and Central United States, and several independent record labels began to specialize in the style.


Emo broke into mainstream culture in the early 2000s with the platinum-selling success of Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional and the emergence of the subgenre "screamo". In recent years the term "emo" has been applied by critics and journalists to a variety of artists, including multiplatinum acts and groups with disparate styles and sounds.


In addition to music, "emo" is often used more generally to signify a particular relationship between fans and artists, and to describe related aspects of fashion, culture, and behavior.

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Don't you watch South Park?

Emos are that little goth-kids but full of emotions.


Completely the same as all this troll-food on the chat channels that aggro on each post they don't like. Just bad spoiled egoistical kids.

The problem is that there are so many of them on servers...

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Don't you watch South Park?

Emos are that little goth-kids but full of emotions.


Completely the same as all this troll-food on the chat channels that aggro on each post they don't like. Just bad spoiled egoistical kids.

The problem is that there are so many of them on servers...


because south park is totally a reliable source of information.


I'm calling troll on this. But on the offchance its not.


Emo are those kids who try to look goth, only with their little sisters jeans, eyeliner purposely put on to make it looks like they've been crying, who cut themselves and smoke so "their lungs can be as black as their heart".


It has nothing to do with being sensitive and offended at everything.

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According to Wiki, Emo: is a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace. As the style was echoed by contemporary American punk rock bands, its sound and meaning shifted and changed, blending with pop punk and indie rock and encapsulated in the early 1990s by groups such as Jawbreaker and Sunny Day Real Estate. By the mid 1990s numerous emo acts emerged from the Midwestern and Central United States, and several independent record labels began to specialize in the style.


Emo broke into mainstream culture in the early 2000s with the platinum-selling success of Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional and the emergence of the subgenre "screamo". In recent years the term "emo" has been applied by critics and journalists to a variety of artists, including multiplatinum acts and groups with disparate styles and sounds.


In addition to music, "emo" is often used more generally to signify a particular relationship between fans and artists, and to describe related aspects of fashion, culture, and behavior.


damn you, I wanted to do the same thing


(also: damn dashboard confessional)

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Well, may be where are more emo kids there is another understanding of their subculture :)

But in Russia it is almost equal to excessively sensitive person...


Anyway, just replace every 'emo' above with 'highly sensitive'.

The problem is a great numbers of them on servers, not the shame of emo themselves existing in the world :)

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Well, may be where are more emo kids there is another understanding of their subculture :)

But in Russia it is almost equal to excessively sensitive person...


Anyway, just replace every 'emo' above with 'highly sensitive'.

The problem is a great numbers of them on servers, not the shame of emo themselves existing in the world :)


that's irrelevant because 'emo' is hardly what these people make it to be. the kind of emo you see daily is the equivalent to blink 182 being punk.


we all know what you .mean. but that doesn't mean you can just use a wrong term for it. it's simply put a pet peeve of mine (and don't worry, I tell these kids that My Chemcial Romance is not emo, too)


btw... go listen to


doesn't sound much like Fall Out Boy, does it?

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Emo girl:






Goth girl:





I know i know, its so hard to choose!





The difference of Emo and Goth is that the first is pop culture while the second is underground. Music style also denotes that.

Edited by bliapis
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I'm always see people in general chat (and in forum) that see offense in almost everything. And yeah, they think that someone should save them from the scary world around.

But I am really curious why don't they go to the kindergarten for their plays. While probably they will be offended by the color of sand in sandbox.


Just some examples to explain my whine:

Someone is speaking russian in general = these emo are offended - they don't know what the people talk about, probably they are laughing at them?

Someone tells that he doesn't like any group of people = he is a new Hitler, he gonna kill us!!!111

Someone walking with PvP flag is suddenly attacked when almost dead in fighting with mobs = he is a cheater and a scum!!! I forgot to turn it off, yes, but he is so baaad to kill me!!!!


Guys, nobody is really trolling you, you just have to grow up and understand that the world is a cruel and dirty place. If you are not ready - don't talk to strangers and play in the backyard.


Talking Russian in General when the common language is English would be considered rude by most people. I can imagine someone responding to that. In my opinion that has nothing to do with being overly sensitive but everything with being polite to your fellow gamers and include everyone in the chat. After all it's a general channel. You can make your own private channel for speaking German, Russian or swahili for all I care.


Also do not forget there are quite a number of children playing this game. Obviously they will respond in a much more immature/emotional manner to things like being killed in pvp.


Last but not least when people from different backgrounds meet online and have to co-exist in an MMO community, some feelings will get hurt. That's what happens when you mix different cultures and social rulesets.


Worst thing to do is feel you are the one who is right and everyone who feels differently is an 'emo'. Either try to grow mutual understanding, or put them on ignore. Fighting never solved the issue.

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Talking Russian in General when the common language is English would be considered rude by most people. I can imagine someone responding to that. In my opinion that has nothing to do with being overly sensitive but everything with being polite to your fellow gamers and include everyone in the chat. After all it's a general channel. You can make your own private channel for speaking German, Russian or swahili for all I care.


Also do not forget there are quite a number of children playing this game. Obviously they will respond in a much more immature/emotional manner to things like being killed in pvp.


Last but not least when people from different backgrounds meet online and have to co-exist in an MMO community, some feelings will get hurt. That's what happens when you mix different cultures and social rulesets.


Worst thing to do is feel you are the one who is right and everyone who feels differently is an 'emo'. Either try to grow mutual understanding, or put them on ignore. Fighting never solved the issue.

Can't agree with that - even if I feel that it is annoying that someone talks in spanish in general (that I don't understand), that will not make me to attack this guys in chat or even care about them. Normal and mature people just ignore everything that doesn't endanger your real life or money for example.

There is no sense in aggroing on somebody that says something that you don't like or do not agree with. That is what's called tolerance and freedom.

For example If I think that some of minor religions or churches are just a community of fooled people and several leaders being enriched on this fools, I will not shout on their missionaries when they knock my door. It is always less costly for your own mind not to care about such unimportant matters.

I understand that when you are a child, you can see world in black and white and want to fight any wrong thing you see. But in normal society that should pass before reaching 10 years I'd say. And I believe that there are not so many small children playing MMOs. They have their casual XBOX games to enjoy.

Therefore the result is - why there are so many teen or even adult players in SWTOR that didn't grow up emotionally since kindergarten? Is it the flaw of western educational system or families?

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In general terms, I get what you mean, OP. I've noticed it not only here, but in other MMOs - there's a distinct lack of humor or sense of perspective in many people's reactions.


One of my first experiences in General when the game went live involved a guild recruiter advertising in both General and Trade. I saw maybe 3 messages total from her in the space of 10 minutes - and another 15 minutes' worth of full-on spam from people telling her not to spam, to go back to WoW, that she might as well sell gold while she's at it, and that her guild is lame because they're not using max level characters to recruit (with a whole tangential discussion as to whether that was a valid point).


In short, the self-appointed defenders of General chat generated several times' more spam than that one recruiter. So, of course, I "contributed" by pointing that out, at which time I was told by at least three individuals that it was democracy in action and I should shut up... :mad:


But for your specific examples:

Just some examples to explain my whine:

Someone is speaking russian in general = these emo are offended - they don't know what the people talk about, probably they are laughing at them?

Someone tells that he doesn't like any group of people = he is a new Hitler, he gonna kill us!!!111

1) Most games and forums have an "English only" policy for general channels. Not sure if SWTOR does (though it doesn't matter, since there's clearly no moderation in-game). My own view - if it's a one-time occurrence, no problem. It's fine to meet up with people with the same language or interest. If people are carrying on a convo in another language though, they really should take it to /whisper or make their own channel. General chat is a shared resource.


2) Why on earth would anyone be talking about his/her own real-life personal prejudices, if not to get a reaction? How could it possibly be relevant to a video game? I would assume that the person not only expects people to react, but wants them to - and I'd probably put him on /ignore temporarily, along with anyone dumb enough to respond to him. Same goes for political or religious discussions - that's not what I play a video game for.

Edited by BobaTed
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But for your specific examples:


1) Most games and forums have an "English only" policy for general channels. Not sure if SWTOR does (though it doesn't matter, since there's clearly no moderation in-game). My own view - if it's a one-time occurrence, no problem. It's fine to meet up with people with the same language or interest. If people are carrying on a convo in another language though, they really should take it to /whisper or make their own channel. General chat is a shared resource.


2) Why on earth would anyone be talking about his/her own real-life personal prejudices, if not to get a reaction? How could it possibly be relevant to a video game? I would assume that the person not only expects people to react, but wants them to - and I'd probably put him on /ignore temporarily, along with anyone dumb enough to respond to him. Same goes for political or religious discussions - that's not what I play a video game for.

Regarding first point - AFAIK SWTOR is not one of them. But anyway, if there are people to talk to in this language - they may do it. Because there is a sense behind that. The general chat is like an air on the street. You can always be sitting in cafe when a group of japanese tourists appear and start their 'ninja tokugawa chupakaba' next to you. Just enjoy your coffee and cheesecake and let the people talk. Thats what adult people do.


As offtop - The real 'democratic' way is to let english speakers create 'english only' channel but not demand others to be removed from general. General is to be used by everybody, there can't be no filter in it. IMHO


2. Regarding 2 - Why do people talk about different things? Why can't hey talk about politics or immigrants? Just to share and to discuss. But normal discussion is:

- I hate *ish, they are bad in something

- Why is that? My friend is *ish and he is not so bad.

And what do we have in chat?

- I hate light side, they are retarded hippies

- reported for offence

- shut up you are retarded

- ignore him guys, he is idiot


BTW, when I was in US my local colleagues were always criticizing blacks as lazy, aggressive etc. But they wouldn't do it in a public because of all this sensitive idiots that will take their feeling or experience as racist offense. Even to say negro (that means black and nothing more) may cost you an arrest.

An ability to discuss whatever you want and do whatever you want while not directly damaging others is a real freedom. And all this emotional weak-minded people spoil the free society of internet and MMOs

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Luckily, The Ebon Hawk server only has the occasional political grumbling in the General chat and is for the most part intelligent discourse, but even when that happens the chat window is small enough I'll sometimes forget it's even there unless I'm actively talking to someone.


They say that the one who gets angry, is the one who loses.

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This is why I don't play Empire side. I can only imagine the rampant Emo that the black clothing of the Sith attracts. :p

Republic hasn't really been any better IMO - in fact, my impression leans slightly towards the opposite. I've seen some incredibly inane and pointless "debates" 'Pub side.


The general chat is like an air on the street. You can always be sitting in cafe when a group of japanese tourists appear and start their 'ninja tokugawa chupakaba' next to you. Just enjoy your coffee and cheesecake and let the people talk. Thats what adult people do.

It isn't really the same. If you're having a conversation on the street, babbling tourists won't make it "scroll up" before you even have a chance to hear what was said.


A little bit of Russian in General chat - not a big deal, and if people are hassling you about it, they're being petty jerkwads. A whole conversation in Russian (or Spanish, or about religion or politics or race relations or whatever) in General chat - that makes the channel useless for everyone else.


As offtop - The real 'democratic' way is to let english speakers create 'english only' channel but not demand others to be removed from general.

Why? Why make other people accommodate you, when you aren't willing to accommodate them? There's nothing "democratic" about that at all - just selfish.


...which, really, is one of the fundamental drivers behind the issue in your original post, isn't it? Each and every person in chat thinks his or her own way of utilizing it is the most valid, and the "emo-ness" (not gonna debate the word) comes in when someone 1) thinks someone else is "doing it wrong," and 2) tries to call them out for it.


In a sense, you've just shown that you can be guilty of the same attitude as "them." You seem to be advocating for your "right" to speak Russian in a public channel, while expecting English speakers to make their own channel rather than tell you what they think of you.


Interestingly, the furor I mentioned in my last post only ended after I made a similar point. Among the many responses I got, someone said "Nobody cares about your opinion." My answer was, "Nobody cares about anybody's opinion, but here we are." After that, things got quiet (though maybe they just got tired of yapping, who knows).

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Guys, nobody is really trolling you, you just have to grow up and understand that the world is a cruel and dirty place. If you are not ready - don't talk to strangers and play in the backyard.


sounds like you're the one that needs to grow up, ivan

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It isn't really the same. If you're having a conversation on the street, babbling tourists won't make it "scroll up" before you even have a chance to hear what was said.


A little bit of Russian in General chat - not a big deal, and if people are hassling you about it, they're being petty jerkwads. A whole conversation in Russian (or Spanish, or about religion or politics or race relations or whatever) in General chat - that makes the channel useless for everyone else.



Why? Why make other people accommodate you, when you aren't willing to accommodate them? There's nothing "democratic" about that at all - just selfish.

You don't get it.

If the russian (or spanish, actually I see more spanish on Nightmare Lands) takes the chat, then there are more russian user that want to use chat then english-speakers. The reason why the chat is fast scrolled down is that it is just too small and there ar elot of people there.

For example if it were as you think it is in reality - 95% english speakers and 5% russian - then our russian messages will be fastly scrolled out. If the reality is completely the different, and the majority of chat users use russian - then it is normal. 'Normality' actually is defined by major group in society in view.

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sounds like you're the one that needs to grow up, ivan


Hey racist, why do you call me ivan? Are you always such a jerk? Don't you get it that calling a russian Ivan or muslim Mohammed is an insult? I've reported on you, hope you will be banned








Thats what I'm talking about. I hate guys that write the messages like above :)

Thanks for the possibility to show how to react on jerks in chat :)

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I'm always see people in general chat (and in forum) that see offense in almost everything. And yeah, they think that someone should save them from the scary world around.

But I am really curious why don't they go to the kindergarten for their plays. While probably they will be offended by the color of sand in sandbox.


Just some examples to explain my whine:

Someone is speaking russian in general = these emo are offended - they don't know what the people talk about, probably they are laughing at them?

Someone tells that he doesn't like any group of people = he is a new Hitler, he gonna kill us!!!111

Someone walking with PvP flag is suddenly attacked when almost dead in fighting with mobs = he is a cheater and a scum!!! I forgot to turn it off, yes, but he is so baaad to kill me!!!!


Guys, nobody is really trolling you, you just have to grow up and understand that the world is a cruel and dirty place. If you are not ready - don't talk to strangers and play in the backyard.


Sounds like your on a pve sever guess that might be the problem?

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You don't get it.

If the russian (or spanish, actually I see more spanish on Nightmare Lands) takes the chat, then there are more russian user that want to use chat then english-speakers.

Interesting phrase there. What gives anyone the right to "take the chat?" That's the question - and my answer is "no one has that right more than anyone else."


Again, have a quick question or want to give a quick shout-out to someone? Post in General. Want to have an extended conversation, about any topic or in any language (including English)? If you don't take it private, you're showing a lack of respect for other people on General chat, and I couldn't blame them for harrassing you about it.


It really doesn't matter what the majority language is of people actively engaged on a General conversation. General chat is everyone's resource equally, and if you effectively make it useless for anyone else, you should expect fallout.

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It really doesn't matter what the majority language is of people actively engaged on a General conversation. General chat is everyone's resource equally, and if you effectively make it useless for anyone else, you should expect fallout.


This is actually a healthy and fair way of looking at it. That said, a lot of people will not act so courteously, and will even go out of their to get a rise out of people and get their fill of negative attention. Honestly, the best thing one can do is focus on how they want to get enjoyment out of the game and not worry so much about the peripheral issues and ways others are seeking to enjoy themselves...I see a lot of people online seemingly hunting for an excuse to be offended or confront others in a way that is almost guaranteed to fail and just ends up wasting their own time and giving the 'offender' the sort of attention they crave.

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