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Legacy System - New playable species?


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So we've heard that the Legacy system will be updated with a patch coming sometime in march, but absolutely no details about what it will give us have been provided.


What I'm interested in are the presence of new playable races. Will they be part of the legacy system? I've been putting off levelling any of my alts because I'm really not satisfied with the species selection we have at the moment, especially considering that those of us who were beta testers were complaining about the character creator for nearly a year and we never received any kind of response or acknowledgement on that subject from the developers or moderators.


Surely someone at Bioware can provide us with some details on the Legacy system before March.


Watch the Guild summit. Lagacy System is in the itinerary @ 330pm CST.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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3- Remove companion romance restrictions. It's my business if I want my female human bounty hunter to date a jawa or another chick. Stop the racism/sexism, you're violating about 1000 EO laws here.


It's not that serious, it's a video game! EO applies to video game characters now? This is ridiculous, man! And how is not able to date a Jawa racist? I swear the day is going to come when a man will fall in love with his dog and want to marry, and will say that the current laws are preventing him from being happy. People are getting crazier by the minute!

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TBH, I'm entirely disappointed in the legacy system features we've heard about from the summit and recent developer interviews. We're not getting any 'new' species, all they're doing is forcing us into yet another grind in order to unlock new race/class combos from species we already have access to.


The more updates I see to this game, the more it seems like they're just drip-feeding us features that were developed months or years ago and should've been in at launch in order to keep us paying monthly subscriptions while they figure out *** they actually want to do with the game.

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TBH, I'm entirely disappointed in the legacy system features we've heard about from the summit and recent developer interviews. We're not getting any 'new' species, all they're doing is forcing us into yet another grind in order to unlock new race/class combos from species we already have access to.


The more updates I see to this game, the more it seems like they're just drip-feeding us features that were developed months or years ago and should've been in at launch in order to keep us paying monthly subscriptions while they figure out *** they actually want to do with the game.


Really? That's the impression you got from watching that?


I realize you really, really want a Cathar, but how did you take away that message from the Livestream? Did we watch the same thing?


Daniel Erickson, who gave the Legacy presentation explicitly said that this was an idea that formed the core from the very beginning, when they laid out a family tree including Vader, Luke, Leia, Han, their kids, etc. Family ties and the strength of the Force within families has always been an important part of SW. They wanted to implement that in the game.


The system has a complex network of relationships, including enemies and nemeses, adopted children, allies, siblings, parents, spouses, and that's just what he mentioned in passing.


When someone asked how Force Choke could be used by a non-Force class without shattering lore, Daniel Erickson instantly responded that the Force is strong in family lines, and you can only use it once your Legacy family unlocks it. They certainly put a fair amount of thought into it.


Listening to his presentation, he made it clear that this is considered a powerful tool for helping you create your own SW story....adding some sandbox play into their themepark game. If you level a Chiss Agent and a Human Guardian, you can set them up with a Nemesis relationship. Then, once the Agent is 50, you can create a Chiss Smuggler and call him the Human Jedi's adopted son. The story between the lines there is that the Agent and Guardian have been hunting each other for years...they fought....the Agent lost...the Guardian finds a child in the rubble of the battlefield, and, presuming the Agent dead, saves it from the burning ruins and adopts it.


From a story stand-point, this makes far more sense in the context of Legacy than "hey look what we found, a kitten! Can I keep it? Sure. Oh look....it grew into a person..." and now you can play a Cathar.


If anything, despite the disappointment of no real new races, this system is more thought out and internally consistent within the story and conceptual framework they have been pushing than any unlocked species would be.

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First off, everyone needs to keep in mind what Bioware's requirements for a playable species candidate is:


-Must be human-like, enough to feasibly form a romance with the romanceable companions in the game

-Must be able to express humanlike emotions through facial expressions

-Must be able to speak basic

-Must not have issues with gear models


Something like the flesh raiders, or yoda's race, or wookies, or kel dor - they arent going to happen, regardess of how much players want them added.




As far as the 'republic vs imperial balance' goes, it isnt like that on all servers. My server has 3 republic players for every one imperial player.



Well, perhaps its time for them to revise their stupid requirements, particularly the romance one. Its not like every class even HAS a viable/sensible romance option anyways (Ashara is flat out terrible), and some people just dont care. I'd rather my bounty hunter be a rodian or trandoshian than romance freakin Mako any day.

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3- Remove companion romance restrictions. It's my business if I want my female human bounty hunter to date a jawa or another chick. Stop the racism/sexism, you're violating about 1000 EO laws here.


I wonder what the kids would look like????????:D


I'm still hoping for Falleen and Zeltrons in the future

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You're expecting wrong then. BioWare has made it clear that playable species have three main requirements:


1. That you can imagine Princess Leia kissing them.

2. That they possess human-like facial expressions.

3. That they speak Basic.


That eliminates Wookiees, Trandoshans, Rodians, Duros, Kel Dor, Sullustans, and a whole host of NPC species.


The big problem with Togruta, Nautolans, and Devaronians is the "clipping" issue with their head-tails and horns when it comes to wearing armor. Hence the reason why Twi'leks can't display helmets and why Sergeant Rusk (a Chagrian) doesn't wear a helmet either. They've yet to develop a way to solve that particular issue.


'reads rule number one'


did anyone invoke a certain rule of the internet after reading rule number 1?

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Ewok : Republic

Jawa: Sith empire



I'll resub if the above happens.



I would go back to wow, and play a panda.


All my characters are human. Doesn't need to be anything fancy, just a good looking jaw line and tolerable hair.

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Really? That's the impression you got from watching that?


I realize you really, really want a Cathar, but how did you take away that message from the Livestream? Did we watch the same thing?


Daniel Erickson, who gave the Legacy presentation explicitly said that this was an idea that formed the core from the very beginning, when they laid out a family tree including Vader, Luke, Leia, Han, their kids, etc. Family ties and the strength of the Force within families has always been an important part of SW. They wanted to implement that in the game.


The system has a complex network of relationships, including enemies and nemeses, adopted children, allies, siblings, parents, spouses, and that's just what he mentioned in passing.


When someone asked how Force Choke could be used by a non-Force class without shattering lore, Daniel Erickson instantly responded that the Force is strong in family lines, and you can only use it once your Legacy family unlocks it. They certainly put a fair amount of thought into it.


Listening to his presentation, he made it clear that this is considered a powerful tool for helping you create your own SW story....adding some sandbox play into their themepark game. If you level a Chiss Agent and a Human Guardian, you can set them up with a Nemesis relationship. Then, once the Agent is 50, you can create a Chiss Smuggler and call him the Human Jedi's adopted son. The story between the lines there is that the Agent and Guardian have been hunting each other for years...they fought....the Agent lost...the Guardian finds a child in the rubble of the battlefield, and, presuming the Agent dead, saves it from the burning ruins and adopts it.


From a story stand-point, this makes far more sense in the context of Legacy than "hey look what we found, a kitten! Can I keep it? Sure. Oh look....it grew into a person..." and now you can play a Cathar.


If anything, despite the disappointment of no real new races, this system is more thought out and internally consistent within the story and conceptual framework they have been pushing than any unlocked species would be.


There will be kittens!!!??!!!

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Family ties and the strength of the Force within families has always been an important part of SW.

Daniel Erickson instantly responded that the Force is strong in family lines, and you can only use it once your Legacy family unlocks it.


Well it's obvious that by 'family' he's meaning biologically connected individuals


Now if he could answer how a chiss, rattataki, twi'lek and human can all be part of the same biological family then his "the Force is strong in family lines" might make sense when a non force user class uses force choke...


The fact that the legacy system has all characters in the same 'family' regardless of race, alegence, possition in society, etc means that the legacy family is NOT a biological family and therefor the reason he gives FAILS


"They certainly put a fair amount of thought into it."

No they didn't. They just thought "here's a cool idea" then had to invent some way to expalin it


Ps. what exactly is the point of the legacy system when everything I'm hearing so far is "play character **** loads to unlock it"

It was a nice idea but the way it's being implemented it's just a piss poor way to force you to play more


I don't like the sith inquisitor (jedi whatever) and I have no interest at all in playing one BUT a couple of their abilities are cool. Why the **** should I be forced to play a class I have no interest in just to get abilities to use with classes I am interested in??

Also I'd love to play Twi'lek but that means being forced to play SI or rep side without my guild and friends just to be able to unlock Twi'lek as a race for a class I do want to play

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Well it's obvious that by 'family' he's meaning biologically connected individuals


Now if he could answer how a chiss, rattataki, twi'lek and human can all be part of the same biological family then his "the Force is strong in family lines" might make sense when a non force user class uses force choke...


The fact that the legacy system has all characters in the same 'family' regardless of race, alegence, possition in society, etc means that the legacy family is NOT a biological family and therefor the reason he gives FAILS


"They certainly put a fair amount of thought into it."

No they didn't. They just thought "here's a cool idea" then had to invent some way to expalin it


Ps. what exactly is the point of the legacy system when everything I'm hearing so far is "play character **** loads to unlock it"

It was a nice idea but the way it's being implemented it's just a piss poor way to force you to play more


I don't like the sith inquisitor (jedi whatever) and I have no interest at all in playing one BUT a couple of their abilities are cool. Why the **** should I be forced to play a class I have no interest in just to get abilities to use with classes I am interested in??

Also I'd love to play Twi'lek but that means being forced to play SI or rep side without my guild and friends just to be able to unlock Twi'lek as a race for a class I do want to play


You can have non-family in your Legacy. That is why they enabled you to turn off the last name or display it as a title.


There is also nothing prevented inter-species romance, so presumably if you had a Chiss Agent and a Human Jedi, you could create a Chiss child relationship with a Republic Chiss. Choose a lighter blue for the skin and call it half-Chiss if you care enough, but you now have a Chiss character with a human Force user in its background allowing a family tie to the Force despite the racial difference.


What was unclear was if you set a non-biological relationship, if that changes anything. If I have a Sith Warrior as the Nemesis of my Trooper...does my Trooper get Force Choke? That makes no sense, but it was unclear in the presentation how the specifics there would play out and I'd say its too early to protest until we hear word on that.


They also said you can use credits to purchase unlocks, so if you really want to play a Chiss but you don't want to roll any Imperials at all, you can spend a bunch of credits to simply do so. Certainly won't be cheap, but its an option. Same goes for your Imperial Twi'lek when you dislike SI.


As for its primary purpose being to get you to play a lot....isn't that the purpose of most game systems, to keep you playing?

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can have non-family in your Legacy. That is why they enabled you to turn off the last name or display it as a title.


There is also nothing prevented inter-species romance, so presumably if you had a Chiss Agent and a Human Jedi, you could create a Chiss child relationship with a Republic Chiss. Choose a lighter blue for the skin and call it half-Chiss if you care enough, but you now have a Chiss character with a human Force user in its background allowing a family tie to the Force despite the racial difference.


What was unclear was if you set a non-biological relationship, if that changes anything. If I have a Sith Warrior as the Nemesis of my Trooper...does my Trooper get Force Choke? That makes no sense, but it was unclear in the presentation how the specifics there would play out and I'd say its too early to protest until we hear word on that.


They also said you can use credits to purchase unlocks, so if you really want to play a Chiss but you don't want to roll any Imperials at all, you can spend a bunch of credits to simply do so. Certainly won't be cheap, but its an option. Same goes for your Imperial Twi'lek when you dislike SI.


As for its primary purpose being to get you to play a lot....isn't that the purpose of most game systems, to keep you playing?


There are no half Chiss. Chiss are one of the races that can not cross breed, neither can Twi'lek. Miraluka and Iridonians can however. Chiss lore states that they can not, not only can they not do so biologically, but socially Chiss are xenophobes. A chiss breeding outside their species is highly unlikely even if it was biologically possible. Chiss also can use the force in the lore. You wouldn't need a human force sensitive in the family to justify a Chiss force sensitive. Sith Chiss likely were not made playable to start with because it is unlikely the Ascendancy would have their force sensitives be apart of the Sith Order, or the Jedi for that matter. It's a culture of recluses. They likely have their own method and ways of training their force sensitive members.


Of course just about anything can be justified with creative writing, look at "Lost". There are ways to explain hybrids via genetic engineering or cloning, and also ways to explain species and members of certain cultures doing things outside the norm. Also, nobody says you have to rp your characters as the actual profession you pick for them. There are more then eight occupations in the galaxy.

Edited by Glacier
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I don't like the sith inquisitor (jedi whatever) and I have no interest at all in playing one BUT a couple of their abilities are cool. Why the **** should I be forced to play a class I have no interest in just to get abilities to use with classes I am interested in??

Also I'd love to play Twi'lek but that means being forced to play SI or rep side without my guild and friends just to be able to unlock Twi'lek as a race for a class I do want to play


Did you really just ask why you should have to play a class to receive the reward for having played that class?

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