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Endless pvp queues for 50s


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The one advantage of being a rep at the moment. I dont think i waiting more than 5 secs for a pvp pop yesterrday or this morning.


Hutt ball makes the faction irrelevant for warfront queues. You're just on an awesome server for off hour queues it sounds like.

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I also don't recall ever QQing about being bracketed with the 50s as I learned to get very good with my skills against them - i.e. learn something....


Being queued against a 50 wasn't the problem. Being queued against a 50 in expertise gear was.


There's no amount of learn to play functionality that a low level player can introduce to their game that will allow them to overcome being hammered for 5k+ a hit from a 50 jacked up on expertise. Don't even try to claim the "higher path to learning your class" by claiming you were able to overcome the odds, or even that you learned something other than "if I do this skill now, I'll live for 1.5 more seconds". That's not learning, that's simple desperate survivability skill usage.

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I have a 50 and after yesterdays ilum fiasco I will retire him. I will level alts and pvp as long as i can. Try to keep valor up to level and enjoy it.


I do not want 50s back in the mix. Get nice groups of premades in full Battlemaster....no thank you.

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One of three things:


1. Get rid of 50 bracket.


2. Get rid of 50 bracket during off hours.


3. Get cross-server pvp.


Oh hey look, I know more about this aspect of game design than six figure salary devs at Bioware.


These ideas actually made me vomit in my mouth a little.


1. This is the most reasonable of the three, but as a low level player I enjoy the game INFINITELY more with the 50 bracket in place than without, so I'm just going to set this aside for the moment.


2. This just seems silly. It'd require quite a lot of coding and probably bringing the servers down to bring the brackets up/down, and generally be a headache for players who don't keep minute-to-minute track of these things as well. Overall annoying for players and devs alive.


3. This one was aweful. For the love of everything good in the world don't make cross-server PVP. From there it's cross-server dungeons and then I may as well go play WoW. What if I LIKE recognizing people from my server in a warzone, chatting to them (You can chat with Sith in this game, it's awesome) and getting to know people, on both factions? **** world PVP, it's a headache when it WORKS, let alone with what BioWare did to it just recently.





The BEST SOLUTION to your problem is patience. Eventually people will catch up with their own level 50s, settle into a routine and queue more. Right now the MAJORITY of the player base is still not 50, or if they are they are alting and checking out the other classes, or doing what I personally am doing and trying each class out extensively to see which I prefer to main.


However, if that solution is simply intolerable to you, here are some alternatives.


1. Remove Expertise. The main reason level 50 players were steamrolling lesser leveled players was that they had a huge advantage in gear than any other player did, since even the level 40 gear did not give PVP stats (To my knowledge does not). Disregarding the fact that PVP stats are dumb (Why can't PVP gear = Raid gear, just look different?) throwing people with a massive advantage into the general pool competitively is what caused the problem. If you did this, I would have no problem with 10-50 bracket again.


2. New warzones. BioWare has already announced they will be implementing new warzones, but for the sake of argument I will say that it could help fix the problem by introducing warzones with smaller team sizes. Huttball on a 5v5 team would be odd, but perhaps a different map of Huttball or some similar PVP game would be more fitting.


3. Remove Open World PVP or lessen the rewards. An unpopular fix to be sure, but lets face the facts - if you are concerned about queue times, then you are clearly not doing Ilum. If you are not doing Ilum, then you probably don't care about open world PVP. If BioWare lessened the rewards or took it out entirely, then more people would queue for PVP rather than go there to troll the poor Republic bastards for PVP rewards.



DISCLAIMER: I am aware that my three given fixes are very undesirable as well, I still advocate that the best fix for this issue is patience as the general population catches up.

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These ideas actually made me vomit in my mouth a little.


1. This is the most reasonable of the three, but as a low level player I enjoy the game INFINITELY more with the 50 bracket in place than without, so I'm just going to set this aside for the moment.


2. This just seems silly. It'd require quite a lot of coding and probably bringing the servers down to bring the brackets up/down, and generally be a headache for players who don't keep minute-to-minute track of these things as well. Overall annoying for players and devs alive.


3. This one was aweful. For the love of everything good in the world don't make cross-server PVP. From there it's cross-server dungeons and then I may as well go play WoW. What if I LIKE recognizing people from my server in a warzone, chatting to them (You can chat with Sith in this game, it's awesome) and getting to know people, on both factions? **** world PVP, it's a headache when it WORKS, let alone with what BioWare did to it just recently.





The BEST SOLUTION to your problem is patience. Eventually people will catch up with their own level 50s, settle into a routine and queue more. Right now the MAJORITY of the player base is still not 50, or if they are they are alting and checking out the other classes, or doing what I personally am doing and trying each class out extensively to see which I prefer to main.


However, if that solution is simply intolerable to you, here are some alternatives.


1. Remove Expertise. The main reason level 50 players were steamrolling lesser leveled players was that they had a huge advantage in gear than any other player did, since even the level 40 gear did not give PVP stats (To my knowledge does not). Disregarding the fact that PVP stats are dumb (Why can't PVP gear = Raid gear, just look different?) throwing people with a massive advantage into the general pool competitively is what caused the problem. If you did this, I would have no problem with 10-50 bracket again.


2. New warzones. BioWare has already announced they will be implementing new warzones, but for the sake of argument I will say that it could help fix the problem by introducing warzones with smaller team sizes. Huttball on a 5v5 team would be odd, but perhaps a different map of Huttball or some similar PVP game would be more fitting.


3. Remove Open World PVP or lessen the rewards. An unpopular fix to be sure, but lets face the facts - if you are concerned about queue times, then you are clearly not doing Ilum. If you are not doing Ilum, then you probably don't care about open world PVP. If BioWare lessened the rewards or took it out entirely, then more people would queue for PVP rather than go there to troll the poor Republic bastards for PVP rewards.



DISCLAIMER: I am aware that my three given fixes are very undesirable as well, I still advocate that the best fix for this issue is patience as the general population catches up.


You're right. I'll just pay $15.00/month for a game that I can't play and be patient.

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Being queued against a 50 wasn't the problem. Being queued against a 50 in expertise gear was.


There's no amount of learn to play functionality that a low level player can introduce to their game that will allow them to overcome being hammered for 5k+ a hit from a 50 jacked up on expertise. Don't even try to claim the "higher path to learning your class" by claiming you were able to overcome the odds, or even that you learned something other than "if I do this skill now, I'll live for 1.5 more seconds". That's not learning, that's simple desperate survivability skill usage.


This, essentially. People get confused as to what the problem was. The problem was not level 50s in the PVP bracket. It was highly geared level 50s in the PVP bracket. Sure, myself and three of my buddies could focus and EVENTUALLY kill a geared level 50, but a team of them? Coordinated? Getting heals? Spamming tracer missle? While using force speed to run the ball back and forth and winning the match in thirty seconds? WHILE they were killing us and T-bagging our corpses? Nah.


The system was fine before there was gear. It was the GEAR not the LEVEL that was *********** it up. I had no problem with a level 50, it was a level 50 with BioChem buffs, with max valor rank and stacked PVP gear.


The best solution would have been to alter/fix the PVP gear or increase the Bolster effect on lower level players. BioWare did neither. Instead they opted to make a 50 bracket. Also a solution, but not a particularly nice one.

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3. Remove Open World PVP or lessen the rewards. An unpopular fix to be sure, but lets face the facts - if you are concerned about queue times, then you are clearly not doing Ilum. If you are not doing Ilum, then you probably don't care about open world PVP. If BioWare lessened the rewards or took it out entirely, then more people would queue for PVP rather than go there to troll the poor Republic bastards for PVP rewards.


Many imps don't want to waste their time in ilum, there were over 300 imps (~250 in ilum 1, 75 in lium 2) camping the republic base yesterday, I don't find that fun, and that's not pvp, that's just plain dumb.

Edited by Sookster
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No. I didn't. I've always maintained there weren't enough 50s in game to start a level 50 bracket. I honestly didn't think Bioware would put it in for two more months.


An idiot law student in the Midwest with a community college degree has more foresight in MMOs than the developers of this 100 million dollar game. Wonderful!


I've always maintained that it would split up guilds, friends and organised groups which is did. I can no longer do Warzones with lowbie friends and vice versa.


that one is actually funny :-)


it's a known fact that most people do sleep during night time


if you want to play at night, maybe you should have a character on the other server (if you are from USA - make Europe character, and vice-versa)


It's a known fact that some people work the evening or night shift.

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I've always maintained that it would split up guilds, friends and organised groups which is did. I can no longer do Warzones with lowbie friends and vice versa.


It's a known fact that some people work the evening or night shift.


You too must be gifted with superior than Bioware foresight. Came to this game with a group of friends from UO. This patch split us in half. We're probably going to leave when our subs run dry.


IRC log: "Hey Vir, I keep wanting to ask you to pvp but then I remember we can't. :("

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It's a known fact that some people work the evening or night shift.


and those people would be wise to roll on the server across the ocean :)


i'm sorry but the split between 1-49 and 50 was a good move (and an even better move would be splitting between fresh lvl50 and geared up lvl50 later on when we get way more max level players)

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No. I didn't. I've always maintained there weren't enough 50s in game to start a level 50 bracket. I honestly didn't think Bioware would put it in for two more months.


An idiot law student in the Midwest with a community college degree has more foresight in MMOs than the developers of this 100 million dollar game. Wonderful!


Ah QQ you can't ROFLStomp 4-5 Sub 50 players at once now.

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I knew I was screwed when brackets were announced. On Kath Hound the server pop was so low I knew my pvp was done


So last week i bit the bullet and rerolled on Ajunta and I am so glad I did. There are still more Sith than Repbublic (which I prefer) but luckily since the Sith have become the American idol faction so half of the 50s are really bad players who have been facerolling lowbies (the other half are great players and have some awesome RP stuff going on)


I am already back up to 40 and having way more fun.



If you know your server is hopless and you still love the game go ahead a reroll. Its not so bad

Edited by ActionAce
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i dont get these people saying reroll repub to get shorter Q's it doesnt work that way.


And uh, for example on my server twin spears 10minutes ago when i looked we had 11 lvl 50s online compared to 58 empire 50s. Cant make a warzone if 8 people dont search for one tsk. 0 republic in warzones and 2 huttball sith matches were being played.


Ratio is about the same all day on this server, id go as far to say that if i wanted to play warzones id have to reroll sith and play huttball

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Why would you que up for war zones anyway as they are boring as hell. The same old thing over and over again. What we need is a nice open world that is not borked to high hell.


That is impossible with the crappy engine theyve built this game on. It grinds to a halt when there is more than 20 people in the same area.

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