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Endless pvp queues for 50s


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I knew I was screwed when brackets were announced. On Kath Hound the server pop was so low I knew my pvp was done


So last week i bit the bullet and rerolled on Ajunta and I am so glad I did. There are still more Sith than Repbublic (which I prefer) but luckily since the Sith have become the American idol faction so half of the 50s are really bad players who have been facerolling lowbies (the other half are great players and have some awesome RP stuff going on)


I am already back up to 40 and having way more fun.



If you know your server is hopless and you still love the game go ahead a reroll. Its not so bad


So everytime BW decides to crap all over lvl 50 players we are supposed to just take it and reroll? Good solution.

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Picking faction based on server population or queue times are just retarded.

Sides should be choosen based on enjoyment and interest in the class, lore what ever.


Warfront queue times, inbalance factions should be fixed by BW and not lead people into speculating in mentioned queue times.


Id take cross server queing anytime anyday if the means faster warfronts, versus fair opponents.

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Picking faction based on server population or queue times are just retarded.

Sides should be choosen based on enjoyment and interest in the class, lore what ever.


Warfront queue times, inbalance factions should be fixed by BW and not lead people into speculating in mentioned queue times.


Id take cross server queing anytime anyday if the means faster warfronts, versus fair opponents.


+1. Yeah BW needs to fix this.

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So everytime BW decides to crap all over lvl 50 players we are supposed to just take it and reroll? Good solution.


I am just proactive by nature . I would rather solve my own problems and get to play than act helpless and sit in a que because Bioware cant focus all of their attention in the first month on 1% of the players

Edited by ActionAce
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Friends: LETS GO SITH YAY!!!

Me: No Sith is going to be overpopulated lets go Jedi.

Friends: Ewwww Jedi suck lets go sith.

Me: Shorter queue times if we go Jedi.

Friends: YAY JEDI!!!


True story, should always do your research before selecting a faction.


So now you shift the blame to the player for this screw up? I blame BW... nobody else. BW gave the option to choose a side.


Nobody invited me to the table to discuss game mechanics at BW.


Point your finger at the real issue or ****.

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You know what time it is imps?






Uh, that's for both sides cos if it was just faction imbalance, then you'd get huttball, so your comment isn't even relevant here.


It may be ok for high pop servers but low pops are screwed, the big shame is I was still having fun and winning pre 50 with the mixed queues, we even won one where it was me and a few guildeys on alts vs another IMp side, I was the only 50 my team (all lv 40 gear except with the champion pvp belt, having hit 50 on Tuesday) te team we were haunts had 3 50s, two of whom were well geared.


We still won through teamwork, and our queues were instant, yes we lost occasionally but we had fun, now it's an almost impossible job to get into anything at all, and when I do I'm destroyed by a team of well geared 50s, as opposed to having a few that will destroy me and the rest of the team that I'm on par with.


I can't even play with friends sub 50 now and I don't want them to get to my level as pvp just sucks now, premise with fresh 50s will still get steamrolled by already geared guys, whereas before we had a chance regardless of level, my only option? Roll an alt just so I can keep playing pvp? Yeah, no.


The class story was a blast and the levelling experience was fun but customer service stinks in comparison to blizzards for the issues I've had with in game bugs and glitches ( including a lost item from an auction mail, blizz would replace it there and then, here I'm stuck with a loss meaninibg I've wasted all the effort in acquiring it), poor pvp decisions and a basic lack of player base just means the game isn't worth it anymore, which is a shame because I had a great time up till now, specially in huttball.


Might come back in 4 months or so I the situation improves, but otherwise I'll go elsewhere for my pvp fix, they've completely badgered low pop servers with this change.

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If you don't gank I really see no diffrence in a pvp and a non pvp server.


People who like to focus on PVP tend to choose PVP servers. If more people on your server like to PVP then chances are the que will be much shorter for instanced pvp.


I could be wrong, happens to me far more often than I like to admit ;).


I for one am happy they bracketed and look forward to future bracketing. I was getting pretty tired of being qued up with half a group of very low level players with access to limited skills, and no spec points. At least now win or lose the fights are good.

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People who like to focus on PVP tend to choose PVP servers. If more people on your server like to PVP then chances are the que will be much shorter for instanced pvp.


I could be wrong, happens to me far more often than I like to admit ;).


I for one am happy they bracketed and look forward to future bracketing. I was getting pretty tired of being qued up with half a group of very low level players with access to limited skills, and no spec points. At least now win or lose the fights are good.


Exactly, the brackets are better overall for the game. In the 1 to 49 last night for the first time since EA people seemed to be having fun. thats one of the reasons I dont mind releveling

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So now you shift the blame to the player for this screw up? I blame BW... nobody else. BW gave the option to choose a side.


Nobody invited me to the table to discuss game mechanics at BW.


Point your finger at the real issue or ****.



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You MAD bro? :mad:


I thought I made it clear enough?


This game is too awesome for the devs to be making such blatantly terrible design choices.


It's not even 50s that need their own bracket, it is 50s in full expertise gear that need their own bracket.

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