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Why I'm subscribing for a 6 month subscription.


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I really like the game, and enjoy the PvP, but what really makes me want to keep this game subscription is to grief people. I enjoy killing lowbies on Tatooine, and when I play Illum, I love destroying the bad republic players who refuse to organize into a militia of well armed civilians and overthrow the imperial government.



I enjoy the game, and whenever I see dialogue I promptly press space bar as to refrain from slowing my leveling. However I am sure the story line is very interesting & fun.


I look forward to the months of countless cry babies, and carebear tears. On these forums & in game, I have not had this much fun since Ultima Online pre-trammel.

Edited by Infamousgorn
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6 month sub here.

Love the story, gameplay is good (though some issues like ability delay exist), pvp is somewhat more tolerable than most games and operations are fun to play though.


Somewhat dissapointed about the usual "1 huge boss versus army of little dudes", which Bioware had said they did not think heroic (was hoping more fights that are less about one big boss and more about group cohesion dealing with mutiple things at the same time).


but all in all, awesome game, and can't wait for them to release more content.

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Same, just subbed for 6 months and loving the game so far.


My only problem atm is which class to stick with and level to 50 :)


So much to do in it yet, and I'll take my time doing it, so the 6 month sub will be great for that.


Oh yep on a slightly off-topic note, are there any casual guilds out there recruiting a older player on the empire side ?

I'm on the Peragus Mining Facility server.


If so my ingame char is Karson or just give me a reply here, thanks:))

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obviously you have no idea about the freaking unfair Valor farming that has been happening in the past 24 hours.


Bioware has stated that the Ilum pvp was broken, and they are working on it.

Also, not all of us give a **** about pvp or valor.

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Same here. I have had no major problems with the game at all. It is pretty much everything I expected at release. And it is only going to improve over time.


I'm going for the monthly plan - but I totally agree. I'm willing to stay in it at least (!) 12 months, just in order to let the game develop and become the great game it has the potential to be... Since I like it already, I can only like it more later one.


On a completely unrelated topic, the security keys are quite robust - just dropped mine in a cup of coffee trying to log in to post this - but thankfully, still working.

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Great work guys, I'll stay unsubbed, thank you for paying for my content, I'll be back in 6 months.


lol same here, but by then diablo 3, tera online, possibly gw2 will be out, so ill just come here to see the 6 month subbers' loyalty and make sure they dont forget their words.

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I love destroying the bad republic players who refuse to organize into a militia of well armed civilians and overthrow the imperial government.


Yeah, you can totally get a group together as republic with only 20 players on Ilum and fight the 80+ imps.








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