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Game time compensation for patch times?


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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.

Edited by Crowleyz
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Quite a good point.


It seems I've been unable to get online for almost 3 days at a convenient time now; I first heard that the patch was scheduled for the 17th, then on the 18th the entire system was down until 4PM (GMT) for scheduled maintenance apparently for the same patch... And now the day after we find out another surprise patch coming along?

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I'm sure that the Bioware Defense Force is going to jump on you for this, but you have a very legitimate point. Especially if you work odd hours or live in a more distant time zone. Comp time is something that Blizzard readily handed out during WoW's early days. I think I racked up more than 20 days of time from Blizzard because of emergency patches and extended maintenance windows. Edited by Arcoril
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Hi, will you be giving us any more game as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


I think blizzard did this if I'm not mistaken.. and I don't see anything wrong with a credit on the bill, especially if its during your "prime play time"


Might be worth making a call to customer support.

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have you honestly added up the ammount of time you havent gotten to play the game due to downtimes? it isnt that much.. if you have any sort of life you can simply find something to do in the meantime. any downtime they have is to improve the game, I dont see how you can justify demanding free time for something that only makes the game better.



it would be like demanding money off of your ice cream cone becuase they put sprinkles on it...really it doesnt make sense.


Must I remind you that this game isnt WoW. and that EA/LA/BW isnt Blizzard. their business practices are/can be differnet, and thats ok. If they dont feel like we deserve free time (something that I wouldnt say no to, nor am I demanding in any way) we shouldnt complain.


I think someone worked the cost out to be like 50-70 cents a day for downtime. Are you really petty enough to demand that much back from a company?

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EA would stop this in it's tracks, saying it cuts into their profits.


You guys really don't understand how EA works. You will not be seeing ANY customer support with this game. You've got to learn to like this game for other reasons.

Edited by Auxili
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it would be like demanding money off of your ice cream cone becuase they put sprinkles on it...really it doesnt make sense.



No, it's more like demanding money off of your ice cream cone because they only let you eat it when you're asleep.


I'm EU, and while I find these patches necessary, I also find them an annoyance. I work nights though, so I've always had to put up with this sort of thing. Still doesn't make it any better. I'd much rather the US lot beta-tested the patches the day before anyway.

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I'm sure that the Bioware Defense Force is going to jump on you for this, but you have a very legitimate point. Especially if you work odd hours or live in a more distant time zone. Comp time is something that Blizzard readily handed out during WoW's early days. I think I racked up more than 20 days of time from Blizzard because of emergency patches and extended maintenance windows.


I seem to remember getting a whole month credited in late 06

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I'd much rather the US lot beta-tested the patches the day before anyway.


You don't get it. at ALL.

The community has been CONSTANTLY testing the game on the PTR. The PTR forum is CHOCK FULL of constructive feedback on the patches.


But Bioware chooses to ignore all feedback. *** is the community supposed to do?

Don't put this on the community. It's not the community's freaking fault that Bioware/EA ignores PTR feedback.

Edited by Auxili
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Why should they?

The monthly fee is less than pocket change anyway, so I dont really get what the big deal is?

You've accepted the user agreement, in which they write quite clearly that the service might be unavailable for various reasons.

Edited by Propanelgen
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Signed, it's gonna end up being about 6 or 7 days this month that my playtime has been heavily effected.


The downtime hours are the hours that I get to play the game. So you don't get to say "You should be at work" or "do somehing else till its up" I wish people would stop judging others playtimes according to their own schedule.


If my cable television goes down in the middle of the night for the whole night, if I call them up and ask for compensation for a missed night of service, I get it. They don't tell me "Well everybody else watched just fine during the day" or "You should have just done something else"

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You will receive no game time, its not like if your train is running late you get free travel..


I would never say no to free game time but I see little point, servers have been widely very stable and up for most of the time.


Europe does get a mild shafting with patch times, but then I dont care as I have to earn my money 9-5

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You don't get it. at ALL.

The community has been CONSTANTLY testing the game on the PTR. The PTR forum is CHOCK FULL of constructive feedback on the patches.


But Bioware chooses to ignore all feedback. *** is the community supposed to do?

Don't put this on the community. It's not the community's freaking fault that Bioware/EA ignores PTR feedback.



lol. Aren't you all excited over nothing.


I don't get it at all? All I said was that I'd rather the patches were deployed to the US before they were deployed to the EU - meaning better downtimes for both regions, and less people will be messed up by the bugs in the patch.


I don't get it at all. lol. Get over yourself and your colours.

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Patches are good, i also support fixing the issues but 6 to 8 hours every time for patching is just insane. I have played other MMOS too but never had such long maintenance down times unless there was a very major issue with the game.


I don't know if it is Bioware or hero engine..but maintenance times are just abnormal.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Did anyone read the TOS and EULA around here?


No they wont give any thing for compensation because you already agreed not to get any compensation for downtimes.


its the first month I am sure the patches will decrease in time/frequency when the game comes out of infantcy.. give it time.

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Signed, it's gonna end up being about 6 or 7 days this month that my playtime has been heavily effected.


The downtime hours are the hours that I get to play the game. So you don't get to say "You should be at work" or "do somehing else till its up" I wish people would stop judging others playtimes according to their own schedule.


If my cable television goes down in the middle of the night for the whole night, if I call them up and ask for compensation for a missed night of service, I get it. They don't tell me "Well everybody else watched just fine during the day" or "You should have just done something else"


i do not know what cable company you have but mine wont give me **** for a night of downed time. Ive lost cable for an entire week due to THEIR error in my billing and the best i got was my reciever wasnt charged for that time. but the rest of my bill was.. that was for a week. of their mistake.. Maybe EU has nicer business practices when giving people free ****.. but NA doesnt. we are used to it. if you want to play an american based game, get used to it too.

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