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Let Bioware know how we feel..Boycott Ilum!


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I write this as a former DaoC, WAR, SWG, AO and many other MMOs over a 10 year+ period.


In all my years of gaming on the competitive mmo pvp and raiding scene I have seen a lot of mistakes, pop imbalances and so forth...the pop imbalance here rates as one of the major ones.


The issue here is the side with the most numbers will get ahead, they will get the gear and stay ahead thus this issue is highly damaging to the lasting health of the endgame pvp community.


So I ask all of you Republic and Empire alike! Let us help Bioware see where they are wrong! Join with me in a boycott of the Ilum pvp area until a time when Bioware hear our voice and take steps to improve the health of our endgame pvp.


Thanks for reading and I hope for your support for the good of us all!

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So how would you balance factions sir, or are you here just to complain?


Underdog faction bonus is one option as is 'instancing' the pvp area of Ilum itself.


But a more long term option is to add a forced factional lockdown, however to avoid uosetting players by making chars unavailible to them, free transfers to other servers would be a good option.


There is also the option of factional switch lockout to consider as well.

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Underdog faction bonus is one option as is 'instancing' the pvp area of Ilum itself.


But a more long term option is to add a forced factional lockdown, however to avoid uosetting players by making chars unavailible to them, free transfers to other servers would be a good option.


There is also the option of factional switch lockout to consider as well.




forced faction lockdown ... yeah, thats a brilliant idea and will not create a major outcry because you are forcing people to roll on a faction they dont want to roll on ...

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There are three things I can think of to actually help the faction imbalance, and I don't feel that any of them are likely to happen honestly:


1. Double XP on Republic characters up to the maximum level character that the player already has on that server, with quadruple XP for rest XP. If you have a level 40 Empire character, you can roll a Republic character and get double XP all the way up to 40. Rest XP is 4x instead of 2x. People who want to roll a different class or who want to play the other faction without spending as much time on the grind would have incentive to switch.


2. Lock out Empire character creation for new players unless they get an invite code from a friend on the server who plays Empire. People would get a limited amount of invites per month. Otherwise you would have to contact an admin to get special permission. Do this until factions are balanced out.


3. Enable players to switch their character's faction to the Republic mirror class for a limited time, until factions balance out. A Marauder could switch to a Sentinel, a Juggernaut could switch to a Guardian, etc. No changing of ACs, and LS/DS points could be chosen but only on an equal scale. If you are Dark 4 on Empire and you switch to Republic, you can either stay Dark 4 or switch to Light 4. Do this only for a limited time and make people "apply" to be able to do it rather than just opening up the option for everyone... just to make sure things don't get switched too far to the other side.





I think if you did any, or all of these three things, it would really help to balance out the factions. But who knows what they'll do. I know these sound extreme but I think if they did that, it would really go a long way towards balancing out the factions right now.

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forced faction lockdown ... yeah, thats a brilliant idea and will not create a major outcry because you are forcing people to roll on a faction they dont want to roll on ...


Despite the fact that it existed in DaoC, WAR and even WoW?


What would you prefer the pvp to continue as it is? For it to get to the stage where pvp consists of 24/7 empire vs empire huttball with the only time youll ever see a republic player is outside a flashpoint entrance?


Yes its not ideal but its better than what we have now!

Edited by Zarthorn
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