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swtor is nothing more then....


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I can see how people do feel it's a bit lonely out there. I don't run into many other players while levelling. It's not got that busy MMO feel.


That could be down to the way the game is set up with the sharding/phasing etc.

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Typically MMORPGs (WoW or LOTRO for example) have huge interconnected worlds you can freely explore without constantly being confined by corridors and map borders. This seems excessive on SWTOR, to the point it makes the game feel less like it's own world and more like you are just traversing through a level design.


I'm sorry, what? Have you actually played wow? I'd love to see you try going from SW to Exodar without a loading screen. Actually before Cata you couldn't get from SW to IF for the first time without a loading screen. The only difference is that wow's zones are bigger than swtor's. But you were still forced to follow a certain path. There were only a few ways to get from one sub-zone to the next. Actually most sub-zones had only a couple entry/exit points.


Of course all that was before flying mounts, when you still had to travel and explore a zone and not just mount and go straight to your next objective.

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Yeah I just hit Vosh today.


Then we must just have differing opinions on size/scale and design because the zones in this game are easily the size of ones in other games, which also use terrain to "funnel you around". I mean, my last MMO was Rift and as much as I enjoyed it they had a very small number of tiny zones and you were about as limited by terrain as you are here.


I can see how people do feel it's a bit lonely out there. I don't run into many other players while levelling. It's not got that busy MMO feel.


That could be down to the way the game is set up with the sharding/phasing etc.


Yeah the phasing is one of my bigger gripes about SW:TOR, but I think it's a stretch to say phasing prevents in from being an MMORPG at all as some people seem to be doing. Other MMORPGs have used it, after all.


That's not to say I wouldn't like to see it gone.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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and you have to come in and flame his post. He/she is entitled to post whatever they want. They pay just like you and me. So relax. you also did not have to click it and reply did you. You know what happens when you dont reply it gets sent down to the bottom and goes away.


The do it out of frustration, they know he is right and can't stand it so they have to flame.

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I hope English is not your first language !

The game is like most others.

You can level as a solo player and I bet you can level hardly doing any solo content.

Not all of us can log on with a bunch of friends.

If the game was just waiting to find a group it would die very quickly.


Edited by Mephismo
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I'm sorry, what? Have you actually played wow? I'd love to see you try going from SW to Exodar without a loading screen. Actually before Cata you couldn't get from SW to IF for the first time without a loading screen. The only difference is that wow's zones are bigger than swtor's. But you were still forced to follow a certain path. There were only a few ways to get from one sub-zone to the next. Actually most sub-zones had only a couple entry/exit points.


Of course all that was before flying mounts, when you still had to travel and explore a zone and not just mount and go straight to your next objective.


I'm sorry but just the fact you compared WoW's vast and open-ended world to SWTOR's just made you lost all crediblility with me, and I don't even like WoW lol


My point stands. SWTOR is designed to be a collection of relatively small zones connected by corridors and pathways. It doesn't feel "massive" and players have very little freedom on where they can go in the game world.

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Then we must just have differing opinions on size/scale and design because the zones in this game are easily the size of ones in other games, which also use terrain to "funnel you around". I mean, my last MMO was Rift and as much as I enjoyed it they had a very small number of tiny zones and you were about as limited by terrain as you are here.



It's not so much the size of the "zones", it's how they are all seperated and confined. You are almost always "boxed in" while playing SWTOR, and the freedom to explore where you want just isn't there, and I feel that is or at least should be a staple of MMORPG gameplay.

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Another one of these threads eh. "shrug". Use the search feature, there are plenty of threads saying the same thing you could have just bumped one of those.


While I would normally agree with you, there hasn't been a search function since they closed down the beta forums.

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WoW's vast and open-ended world


What are you talking about? The "zone" areas in this game are easily as big as WoW zones once you get off the tiny planets, and WoW zones funnel you around just the same way unless you're using a flying mount.


I played WoW myself and I'm struggling to think of a single zone that didn't dictate to you how you get around or where the entry/exit points are in to other zones. Yeah, you don't see a load screen in Arathi, but you're not getting in and out of it without following the paths unless you use a flying mount.


This is just how MMO world design is done now. I've not played an MMO with truly wide-open spaces since Star Wars Galaxies with its 12000x12000 maps of worldgen terrain (and frankly a lot of that terrain was godawful and completely unrealistic).


It's not so much the size of the "zones", it's how they are all seperated and confined. You are almost always "boxed in" while playing SWTOR, and the freedom to explore where you want just isn't there, and I feel that is or at least should be a staple of MMORPG gameplay.


Seriously how are you any more restricted on Tatooine than, say, Arathi?


If you try to get out of Arathi by mountain climbing you're not going to get out. If you try to get out by swimming you're going to fatigue and become a corpse. The only way you're getting out other than following the set world design is by flying mount, and you couldn't even fly over the full distance of that water until Cata without dying due to the % speeds.


Before mounts were easy to get, and I'm even talking about epic ground mounts here, travelling around WoW was a massive chore due to the world design. It's easier now but we've been spoiled by flying 150% speed mounts or whatever speed it's on now.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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While I would normally agree with you, there hasn't been a search function since they closed down the beta forums.



Not true, actually. It's been there for a little while; they just shut it off again today, presumably because of the forums going nuts after the patch.

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I'm sorry but just the fact you compared WoW's vast and open-ended world to SWTOR's just made you lost all crediblility with me, and I don't even like WoW lol


My point stands. SWTOR is designed to be a collection of relatively small zones connected by corridors and pathways. It doesn't feel "massive" and players have very little freedom on where they can go in the game world.


The world in wow is not vast and open-ended. It is divided in 4 big zones to which you can't travel seamlessly and each zone is divided in small zones that you need to explore in a certain order and to get to each zone you have a very limited amount of routes. For example to get from Westfall has only two connections to other zones - Elwynn Forest and Duskwood. When you're leveling you can't go from Elwynn to Duskwood because you'll die. Plain and simple. You first need to finish the quests in Elwynn, then you need to follow the road which is the only way to go to Westfall and do the quests there before you go back to Elwynn and follow the other road that leads to Redridge mountains, which is again the only way to get to that sub-zone. Yes, you don't have loading screens during each sub-zone transition but what you have is a huge difference between the visuals in each zone that slap you in the face.


No, the world in wow is not vast or open-ended. If you want a world like that you need to go see Lineage 2. That's the only game I've seen where you actually have a world and not just some zones sewn together.

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