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50 pvp bracket with lvl 49 bolstering buff?!


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I played my first warzone after the 1.1 patch and I noticed that every player's stats and gear had the bolster buff at lvl 49! Why? Then what is the use in earning pvp gear if everyone is going to be equalized in the 50s bracket. Is this a bug? I'm I missing something here?


I'm honestly looking for a genuine answer.




PS: I also posted this in the pvp section, but I'm also a marauder.

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What? Are you saying the stats in the 50 bracket are being downscaled to level 49?


No, the stats from 10-49 are all scaled to 49. It SOUNDS like everyone is equalized in the 10-49 bracket REGARDLESS of gear. Not including, of course, skills gained by level.

Edited by Connecticut
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expertise is the only stat that matters in WZ.

that why it is so important to get..


everything else is normalized and equal.



so those with battlemaster are going to tear you apart.

if you have champ then you are going to still get hurt by BMs but will be able to resists fresh 50s and bottom tier PVP gear.

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I played my first warzone after the 1.1 patch and I noticed that every player's stats and gear had the bolster buff at lvl 49! Why? Then what is the use in earning pvp gear if everyone is going to be equalized in the 50s bracket. Is this a bug? I'm I missing something here?


I'm honestly looking for a genuine answer.




PS: I also posted this in the pvp section, but I'm also a marauder.


Im confused, you werent aware of the bolster buff?


Or are you saying that a lvl 49 should not need there stats bolstered as they are the max they can be within that bracketed warzone?


Only stats that are bolstered are primary stats, Strength, Endurance, Willpower, Cunning, Whatever else is out there, secondary stats are not effected(crit, surge, power) and where the real damage comes into play.


Expertise is why you need the pvp gear

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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Here is what I'm saying:


1. I'm level 50


2. In all of the warzones, all of the players have a bolster buff. It roughly says that "all of your stats and gear have been bolstered up to lvl 49." Mouse over it an read for yourself.


3. Why would anybody in the 50s bracket need any sort of bolstering what so ever?


4. some say it didn't change their stats and some say they do less damage. One guy said that pvp gear was supose to be 10% and the other 90% is supose to be pure skill.


5. If it is an equalizer, then what is the point of pvp gear? A massive grind fest for 10%....it's insane.


6. maybe it's just a bug and shouldn't be there and actually has no effect at all.


I'm just looking for an answer about this and nobody seems to know for sure because of all of the hub-bub about Ilum.

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Here is what I'm saying:


1. I'm level 50


2. In all of the warzones, all of the players have a bolster buff. It roughly says that "all of your stats and gear have been bolstered up to lvl 49." Mouse over it an read for yourself.


3. Why would anybody in the 50s bracket need any sort of bolstering what so ever?


4. some say it didn't change their stats and some say they do less damage. One guy said that pvp gear was supose to be 10% and the other 90% is supose to be pure skill.


5. If it is an equalizer, then what is the point of pvp gear? A massive grind fest for 10%....it's insane.


6. maybe it's just a bug and shouldn't be there and actually has no effect at all.


I'm just looking for an answer about this and nobody seems to know for sure because of all of the hub-bub about Ilum.


The besy answer i can give you is im a recent 50 and i go into WZ's with 12500hp.

People with battlemaster and full champion gear have 16500-18000.


That is not a 10% advantage. And that is only talking about the hp difference.

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Here is what I'm saying:


1. I'm level 50


2. In all of the warzones, all of the players have a bolster buff. It roughly says that "all of your stats and gear have been bolstered up to lvl 49." Mouse over it an read for yourself.


3. Why would anybody in the 50s bracket need any sort of bolstering what so ever?


4. some say it didn't change their stats and some say they do less damage. One guy said that pvp gear was supose to be 10% and the other 90% is supose to be pure skill.


5. If it is an equalizer, then what is the point of pvp gear? A massive grind fest for 10%....it's insane.


6. maybe it's just a bug and shouldn't be there and actually has no effect at all.


I'm just looking for an answer about this and nobody seems to know for sure because of all of the hub-bub about Ilum.


The bolster buff i dont beleive does anything at 50, Ever since the patch they added alot of endurance to the Relics(woot!) so I know where my HP is at before and during the WZ and it doesnt make any kind of change other than buffs ig et from other classes. Im sure the buff is just left over from before the patch. I bet it has no effect on players at lvl 50.


The reduced damage people are reporting is probably them not use to hitting targets that are actually the same level as them and have expertise.

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The bolster buff i dont beleive does anything at 50, Ever since the patch they added alot of endurance to the Relics(woot!) so I know where my HP is at before and during the WZ and it doesnt make any kind of change other than buffs ig et from other classes. Im sure the buff is just left over from before the patch. I bet it has no effect on players at lvl 50.


The reduced damage people are reporting is probably them not use to hitting targets that are actually the same level as them and have expertise.


It's probably just an oversight by BW....I hope.

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The reduced damage people are reporting is probably them not use to hitting targets that are actually the same level as them and have expertise.


I don't think so. I used to net more damage suiciding into full battlemaster premades before 1.1 than I net post-1.1 against pug 50s, by a very large margin.


And it's across the board, too -- in general it seems like everyone in the 50 bracket is pulling 15-25% less total damage than they did prior to 1.1, regardless of the team compositions or gear level.


Personally I wonder if they changed how they are calculating or tracking damage in a WZ (for example, from tracking damage unloaded to damage actually dealt after mitigation+absorbs).

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And it's across the board, too -- in general it seems like everyone in the 50 bracket is pulling 15-25% less total damage than they did prior to 1.1, regardless of the team compositions or gear level.


This sounds more accurate, but I've been PvPing quite a bit and I don't really see a big difference. It just so happens you'll get pugs in your group that suck balls while sometimes you get ones that own. Same goes for the opposing team.

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