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How fun are Sorcs in PvP?


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I'm kind of interested in them. Are the fun to play in PvP? Does it get frustrating being targeted, interrupted, and stunned all the time? I'm deciding what to roll next and Sorc is near the top of my list.


Also, when do you get your shield? Does PvP get exponentially better with it?


I've only tried it at 11, and I know it's going to suck being that low with barely any spells. It just sucked being interrupted non-stop. Felt like a sitting duck.

Edited by pawestman
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its great fun. i spend most of my time lingering on the outside of a melee fight , throwing instant chain lightning and dotting everything that moves. As soon as someone starts to fight me I run away and try get line of sight. Half the time they switch players and I find a new spot to throw out some damage.


The only bad side is getting 3-4 shot by certain classes. Its a fair trade off for the amount of havoc we can cause and we certainly are not weak in pvp. The sorcerer has a trick to get out of most situations and survivability in light armor is isn't much of an issue.


You will have bad games. Huttball can be difficult but you get Extrication which pulls a friendly player to you. This is satisfying when you know the ball handler isnt going to make it and you run ahead to drag him over the line. The other pvp zones give you plenty of space and opportunity to race up the damage tables (if thats what you like) or be enough of a nuisance to defend points.


The sorcerer is often overlooked in a fight for lack of big burst damage but left alone we can the turning point in many a game.

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I'm kind of interested in them. Are the fun to play in PvP? Does it get frustrating being targeted, interrupted, and stunned all the time? I'm deciding what to roll next and Sorc is near the top of my list.


Also, when do you get your shield? Does PvP get exponentially better with it?


I've only tried it at 11, and I know it's going to suck being that low with barely any spells. It just sucked being interrupted non-stop. Felt like a sitting duck.


Did you ever play WoW's shadow priest? If you were good with them, you'll dominate on a sorc.


Imho, sorcs are the single most powerful class in this game. Unbeatable 1 on 1 if properly played, and able to contribute superbly to group combat.

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