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LOL ever heard of WoW? better yet, Cataclysm?


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Once upon a time not too long ago, there was a videa game named World of Warcraft and in this game there was an Exspansion and the name of this Exspansion boys and girls was called CATACLYSM in this cataclysm they released a new open world pvp area Does that sound similar to anything you guys hear and play about now? anyway in this pvp open world area there was an exploit to where all you had to do was be in the game and you could instantly get honor by gaining the honor you didnt even have to be in the zone but for a small fraction of a second!


What im trying to say boys and girls is that this isnt the first time this has happend because if you think about it and remember ( now i know this is hard ) at the beginning of cata people were getting free pvp gear and blizzard allowed it with no roll back this went on for weeks! giving 85's an upperhand on arena and honor gear which completely ruined the first season for alot of people be glad you worked for it and make it something you can brag about 1 day isnt the end of the wolrd because in wow it was like this for WEEKS the scale of overgeared scrubs compared to wow in early releases of cata is miniscule compared to this! grow up! quit whining! and most of all.... ENJOY THE GAME

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Once upon a time not too long ago, there was a videa game named World of Warcraft and in this game there was an Exspansion and the name of this Exspansion boys and girls was called CATACLYSM in this cataclysm they released a new open world pvp area Does that sound similar to anything you guys hear and play about now? anyway in this pvp open world area there was an exploit to where all you had to do was be in the game and you could instantly get honor by gaining the honor you didnt even have to be in the zone but for a small fraction of a second!


What im trying to say boys and girls is that this isnt the first time this has happend because if you think about it and remember ( now i know this is hard ) at the beginning of cata people were getting free pvp gear and blizzard allowed it with no roll back this went on for weeks! giving 85's an upperhand on arena and honor gear which completely ruined the first season for alot of people be glad you worked for it and make it something you can brag about 1 day isnt the end of the wolrd because in wow it was like this for WEEKS the scale of overgeared scrubs compared to wow in early releases of cata is miniscule compared to this! grow up! quit whining! and most of all.... ENJOY THE GAME


Way to fail "boy"


If you're referring to Tol'Barad it required that you constantly step in and step out of the zone before battle is over.


It was useless first-pass PvP gear that anyone could acquire anyway. You didn't gain Arena or RBG rating by exploiting the system unlike in this case where a Valor rank 60 grants you access to top tier PvP gear.


Furthermore, Blizzard weren't morons to allow 1000 horde into Tol'Barad with 100 alliance. They learned part of their lesson with Wintegrasp and Tanacity whining. Hell, even Wintergrasp shines in comparison to the abysmal failure Illum is. At least you had to fight in Wintergrasp and losing outnumbered side had some buff to help with winning.


I doubt Blizzard would wait hour and hours if Tol'Barad was giving out massive Conquest points and Arena/RBG rating giving people access to top tier PvP gear. I guarantee you servers would be down in a matter of minutes and a complete rollback would occur to pre-patch data.


I salute your valiant effort though

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Way to fail "boy"


If you're referring to Tol'Barad it required that you constantly step in and step out of the zone before battle is over.


It was useless first-pass PvP gear that anyone could acquire anyway. You didn't gain Arena or RBG rating by exploiting the system unlike in this case where a Valor rank 60 grants you access to top tier PvP gear.


Furthermore, Blizzard weren't morons to allow 1000 horde into Tol'Barad with 100 alliance. They learned part of their lesson with Wintegrasp and Tanacity whining. Hell, even Wintergrasp shines in comparison to the abysmal failure Illum is. At least you had to fight in Wintergrasp and losing outnumbered side had some buff to help with winning.


I doubt Blizzard would wait hour and hours if Tol'Barad was giving out massive Conquest points and Arena/RBG rating giving people access to top tier PvP gear. I guarantee you servers would be down in a matter of minutes and a complete rollback would occur to pre-patch data.


I salute your valiant effort though


What this guy said x1000.

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Way to fail "boy"


If you're referring to Tol'Barad it required that you constantly step in and step out of the zone before battle is over.


It was useless first-pass PvP gear that anyone could acquire anyway. You didn't gain Arena or RBG rating by exploiting the system unlike in this case where a Valor rank 60 grants you access to top tier PvP gear.


Furthermore, Blizzard weren't morons to allow 1000 horde into Tol'Barad with 100 alliance. They learned part of their lesson with Wintegrasp and Tanacity whining. Hell, even Wintergrasp shines in comparison to the abysmal failure Illum is. At least you had to fight in Wintergrasp and losing outnumbered side had some buff to help with winning.


I doubt Blizzard would wait hour and hours if Tol'Barad was giving out massive Conquest points and Arena/RBG rating giving people access to top tier PvP gear. I guarantee you servers would be down in a matter of minutes and a complete rollback would occur to pre-patch data.


I salute your valiant effort though


This* and best of all, is propperly written

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Im sorry that my grammar offends you but my point being is top tier pvp gear? this gear only takes a matter of time to obtain much like the PvP gear did in WoW its the same *********** thing the thing about wow was the fact that people used the gear to get better gear and geta higher rating that actually mattered!


in this game valor rank means nothing so id quit acting like you are good because you sat behind your computer for a week grinding valor wait til arenas come out then you can talk like you are a good pvper and if you say im an empire player i am but im rolling repbulic to help the pvp effort yes it flawed but its no where near as bad as wow quit being so dramatic and get over it they are fixing it

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Mostly true. But omits a few things though. Like gear obtained from it being trivial - it was honor pieces. Considering that Cata introduced crafting patterns for gear with PvP stats on it that made grinding those honor pieces pointless. Also if memory serves, some folks got banned for it.


Most importantly though, when people were exploiting Tol Barad, nobody was being spawn-camped with 20:1 odds. And telling people on the forum how to get out of Tol Barad while being spawn camped didn't get you a warning.


And finally, Tol Barad only did this every 4 hrs or so. It wasn't a 24/7 wholesale slaughter. And on many servers the Alliance refused to play ball, and left it in Horde hands, and without the win there was no huge honor bonus for anyone! That is, if it was Horde controlled, and Horde kept it, no huge payout!


There's no comparison between TB and Ilum. None at all. You are comparing a firecracker to a 200 megaton nuke.

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Actually, he's kinda right...


Now that I recall, I do remember this. The great Tol Barad swap that went on for 2-3 days, netting 1800 honor each 1:30 if you were lucky enough to partake.


The one thing I'll say, the honor gained could only be used to buy the entry level PvP gear. The valor gained here allowed people to buy the best PvP gear in the game. That's a huge difference and a big problem.

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I doubt Blizzard would wait hour and hours if Tol'Barad was giving out massive Conquest points and Arena/RBG rating giving people access to top tier PvP gear. I guarantee you servers would be down in a matter of minutes and a complete rollback would occur to pre-patch data.

Not really. Blizzard's never done anything to address spawn camping because it was never considered a problematic affair in that game. Ever. You were told to go log off or to keep trying to run away somewhere safe.


Only in TOR have I seen people (at least threaten) to mass unsub over the issue.

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LOL THE GAME JUST CAME OUT they are already talking about adding in Competitive play such as arena and rated warzones so if you say im comparing it to something small to something big you are wrong give the game and its developers time to breathe this gear probably isnt going to bet the best for long, they are waiting to add in new gear with better stats which will be happening at a later date this is to ensure things like this from getting out of control so if youd sitdown and think about the big picture this is no where near as bad as you peopler make it out to be, lol best pvp gear in the game i agree RIGHT NOW it is within a month i doubt it
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Not really. Blizzard's never done anything to address spawn camping because it was never considered a problematic affair in that game. Ever. You were told to go log off or to keep trying to run away somewhere safe.


Only in TOR have I seen people (at least threaten) to mass unsub over the issue.


The point is not the spawn camping. I've been camped countless times and would never complain about such a game mechanic as I would do it myself.


The point is that the valor gains from player kills allows side that far outnumbers the other to reap the benefits at zero to minimal risk. On almost all servers Empire outnumbers Republic players. Without faction caps and player limits in place to equalize the zone, it is only natural that the faction who far outnumbers the other will reap the benefits.


Additionally, Blizzard made sure you get no rewards for grief tactics. If you kill the same player over and over again the amount of honor you gain diminishes drastically to the point where you are not getting anything out of it. This also ensured that friends playing on opposing factions cannot exploit the system by trading kills with one another over and over again.


In the most unforgiving PvP implementations out there, such as EVE online, there is still a "failsafe" system that disallows one group or any one individual to benefit on continual basis from killing the same group or individual. In EVE you get podded and you are moved into medical facility in the station. Your loss is never returned to you, but you can still recover due to other game mechanics. In the case of patch, people are being spawn killed without ever getting a chance to get out of the spawn. The only options they had are:

1. ALT + F4

2. Disconnect internet and get booted

3. Queue for warzone and hope you get booted to your fleet


In 2 of the 3 options players were faced to "sit it out" offline and prevented from playing the game.


This game blatantly favors the side that has superior numbers and has no mechanics in place to create an equilibrium of some kind in population. It was like that before the patch, it is now even more obvious after the patch.

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Good luck winning rated wz games as republic when you fight full battlemaster imperial teams every game.


By the time they implement rated warzones, every team worth anything will have battlemaster anyway just from playing the game. It's not that much of a grind if you actually go and pvp. Though I know most just want the gear to have it rather than wanting to pvp.

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Spark im pretty sure you should go read the forums before talking about then purposely allowing the more populated side win they added in a "failsafe" that isnt working becasue its bugged they are patching it tonight so if its not the fact that people are getting free gear and what you are saying is incorrect why are you still complaining again? you should look into things and read up on whats going on before you blatantly pointthe finger at the dev team :)
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Once upon a time not too long ago, there was a videa game named World of Warcraft and in this game there was an Exspansion and the name of this Exspansion boys and girls was called CATACLYSM in this cataclysm they released a new open world pvp area Does that sound similar to anything you guys hear and play about now? anyway in this pvp open world area there was an exploit to where all you had to do was be in the game and you could instantly get honor by gaining the honor you didnt even have to be in the zone but for a small fraction of a second!


What im trying to say boys and girls is that this isnt the first time this has happend because if you think about it and remember ( now i know this is hard ) at the beginning of cata people were getting free pvp gear and blizzard allowed it with no roll back this went on for weeks! giving 85's an upperhand on arena and honor gear which completely ruined the first season for alot of people be glad you worked for it and make it something you can brag about 1 day isnt the end of the wolrd because in wow it was like this for WEEKS the scale of overgeared scrubs compared to wow in early releases of cata is miniscule compared to this! grow up! quit whining! and most of all.... ENJOY THE GAME


Another fail who wants to keep his illgotten gains. Blizzard understands how important pvp is and responds appropriately to situations.


Bioware claiming they can't rollback and the lack of cross server pvp from the start makes me think whoever designed the server infrastructure is as silly as their pvp team and senior management.

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Once upon a time not too long ago, there was a videa game named World of Warcraft and in this game there was an Exspansion and the name of this Exspansion boys and girls was called CATACLYSM in this cataclysm they released a new open world pvp area Does that sound similar to anything you guys hear and play about now? anyway in this pvp open world area there was an exploit to where all you had to do was be in the game and you could instantly get honor by gaining the honor you didnt even have to be in the zone but for a small fraction of a second!


What im trying to say boys and girls is that this isnt the first time this has happend because if you think about it and remember ( now i know this is hard ) at the beginning of cata people were getting free pvp gear and blizzard allowed it with no roll back this went on for weeks! giving 85's an upperhand on arena and honor gear which completely ruined the first season for alot of people be glad you worked for it and make it something you can brag about 1 day isnt the end of the wolrd because in wow it was like this for WEEKS the scale of overgeared scrubs compared to wow in early releases of cata is miniscule compared to this! grow up! quit whining! and most of all.... ENJOY THE GAME


Congratulations... you just typed 248 characters without properly using a period (though you used an ellipsis, albeit improperly) or a comma even a single time. I salute you for your refusal to adhere to the most absolutely fundamental elements of the English language.


Seriously dude, if you were to read this message aloud it would sound like something a rambling fourth grader might say! Get with it, man! Now really though, you realize not everyone played World of Warcraft, nor does everyone actually care about it. It also, contrary to popular belief, was not the first MMO ever. Your comparison can be drawn between SWTOR and any other MMO to have launched just as easily.t I agree that people need to get real and quit whining, but it'll be hard to convince kids that played World of Warcraft for the last few years as that game has had years to become more refined and it's being stacked up against an MMO in its first month of launch. People are really out of hand on these forums.

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Another fail who wants to keep his illgotten gains. Blizzard understands how important pvp is and responds appropriately to situations.


Bioware claiming they can't rollback and the lack of cross server pvp from the start makes me think whoever designed the server infrastructure is as silly as their pvp team and senior management.


Illgotten gains? good sir i have not even touched ilum today and as far as empire pvp goes its a joke thats why ive been leveling my Jedi sentinel but im glad you know what i have been doing better than i do what should i level my shadow or my sentinel oh great and mighty internet sage WHAT SHOULD I DO?

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Congratulations... you just typed 248 characters without properly using a period (though you used an ellipsis, albeit improperly) or a comma even a single time. I salute you for your refusal to adhere to the most absolutely fundamental elements of the English language.


Seriously dude, if you were to read this message aloud it would sound like something a rambling fourth grader might say! Get with it, man! Now really though, you realize not everyone played World of Warcraft, nor does everyone actually care about it. It also, contrary to popular belief, was not the first MMO ever. Your comparison can be drawn between SWTOR and any other MMO to have launched just as easily.t I agree that people need to get real and quit whining, but it'll be hard to convince kids that played World of Warcraft for the last few years as that game has had years to become more refined and it's being stacked up against an MMO in its first month of launch. People are really out of hand on these forums.


I feel special you actually took the time to count my characters and give me a grade on my forum thread so noble of you bro, but yes people are retarded on these forums and i dont have the best grammar and i do not care to correct myself over the internet i have but one question for you good sir, You Mad?

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