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Everything posted by sicknaztee

  1. Maybe you should all put 2 and 2 together, Read other class forums you people complain more on the forums than you actually play the game, learn the class if you really want to get good complaining only makes you worse. I absolutely love my juggernaut tank and we are considered the worse tanks in the game yet i come to this thread and you guys are complaining? lol you guys should try playing your class instead of complaining just because it doesnt fit EXACTLY like you want it this isn't wow and it isnt a paladin where all you have to do is spam consecrate and grab threat, go read a guide about the correct modding, and the right rotation! And also not good in pvp? lol you have cc you have amazing utility a variety of ranged attacks decent burst and can still be tanky not to mention your movement speed increase that is instant? lol Sentinel has to work for it you dont be happy you arent playing one of the classes that are flawed due to buggy game mechanics. right now you have better uh oh buttons than the other classes yet you still complain. please stop talking and play the game, have a nice day
  2. Maybe op should quit complaining, your on nar shadda? lol i have a 50 jugg and a 37 sentinel maybe you should play the game before you start judging it. your no where near any of the class' good stuff yet, it really blossoms around 35 - 40 so id quit posting on the forums and play the game bro.
  3. I support this thread i want arenas, ty! and btw arenas didnt ruin wow
  4. I feel special you actually took the time to count my characters and give me a grade on my forum thread so noble of you bro, but yes people are retarded on these forums and i dont have the best grammar and i do not care to correct myself over the internet i have but one question for you good sir, You Mad?
  5. Illgotten gains? good sir i have not even touched ilum today and as far as empire pvp goes its a joke thats why ive been leveling my Jedi sentinel but im glad you know what i have been doing better than i do what should i level my shadow or my sentinel oh great and mighty internet sage WHAT SHOULD I DO?
  6. All i can say is to the people that complained for it, becareful what you wish for, and if that doesnt tell you anything maybe you should roll republic like alot of us are doing, i have a 50 juggernaut i use for pve and im currently trying to pick a republic class for pvp
  7. Spark im pretty sure you should go read the forums before talking about then purposely allowing the more populated side win they added in a "failsafe" that isnt working becasue its bugged they are patching it tonight so if its not the fact that people are getting free gear and what you are saying is incorrect why are you still complaining again? you should look into things and read up on whats going on before you blatantly pointthe finger at the dev team
  8. Also if you want to make pvp better i suggest you get off this thread and go level a republic character to balance the game's pvp (its what im doing right now)
  9. LOL THE GAME JUST CAME OUT they are already talking about adding in Competitive play such as arena and rated warzones so if you say im comparing it to something small to something big you are wrong give the game and its developers time to breathe this gear probably isnt going to bet the best for long, they are waiting to add in new gear with better stats which will be happening at a later date this is to ensure things like this from getting out of control so if youd sitdown and think about the big picture this is no where near as bad as you peopler make it out to be, lol best pvp gear in the game i agree RIGHT NOW it is within a month i doubt it
  10. Im sorry that my grammar offends you but my point being is top tier pvp gear? this gear only takes a matter of time to obtain much like the PvP gear did in WoW its the same *********** thing the thing about wow was the fact that people used the gear to get better gear and geta higher rating that actually mattered! in this game valor rank means nothing so id quit acting like you are good because you sat behind your computer for a week grinding valor wait til arenas come out then you can talk like you are a good pvper and if you say im an empire player i am but im rolling repbulic to help the pvp effort yes it flawed but its no where near as bad as wow quit being so dramatic and get over it they are fixing it
  11. Once upon a time not too long ago, there was a videa game named World of Warcraft and in this game there was an Exspansion and the name of this Exspansion boys and girls was called CATACLYSM in this cataclysm they released a new open world pvp area Does that sound similar to anything you guys hear and play about now? anyway in this pvp open world area there was an exploit to where all you had to do was be in the game and you could instantly get honor by gaining the honor you didnt even have to be in the zone but for a small fraction of a second! What im trying to say boys and girls is that this isnt the first time this has happend because if you think about it and remember ( now i know this is hard ) at the beginning of cata people were getting free pvp gear and blizzard allowed it with no roll back this went on for weeks! giving 85's an upperhand on arena and honor gear which completely ruined the first season for alot of people be glad you worked for it and make it something you can brag about 1 day isnt the end of the wolrd because in wow it was like this for WEEKS the scale of overgeared scrubs compared to wow in early releases of cata is miniscule compared to this! grow up! quit whining! and most of all.... ENJOY THE GAME
  12. I Feel like Bioware wanted to do alot more with the companions they had because to be honest every bioware game ive ever palyed ive loved it seems they ran out of time for the due date so im asking perhaps you guys could finis what you started and just reset the romance options when you are done that way we can see what we missed and see it how you guys wanted to portray because any Bioware story is a good one
  13. Anyone that thinks add ons are a bad idea is stupid yes i agree we shouldnt grow dependant on them but lets face it bioware would just make the community alot happier and their job alot easier that way they could focus on content and bug fixes so please, let us have add ons it will help the game! Sorry but if you think the ui we have now is worth playing with for the next year you can go kill yourself because it isnt. We just need minor add ons here and there add ons dont win people the game players do!
  14. Um first off huttball isnt the devs fault its everyone playing empire, dont like it? go play republic. I do agree that they have alot of bugs to work on game just launched im playing a Sith juggernaut now im 50 and i die frequently becuase of bad response time! this is a great game it just needs to be polished!
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