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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Every major MMO is the same at launch


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You have the disgruntled WoW players who claim to hate WoW now and flock to the new game by the thousands. They then get angry when the name game isn't WoW and point out all the things WoW does better and complain 24/7 on the forums for the first month. Then those supposed WoW haters end up leaving and going back to that game and talk about the next MMO they can't wait for so they can repeat the process all over again. Personally I think many of these players leaving is the reason these MMOs seem to get better after launch....
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I mean yeah some games suck at launch... but bioware were not even prepared to have enough moderators for server forums, it's been down hill since the early access mess.


Don't get me wrong I'm a huge KOTOR/Star Wars fan and really would love to see this game succeed but at moment they are failing hard.

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"That game released last year" Was near perfect as far as Stability and Bugs the at launch. People keep thinking the pressure is coming fro "That old but still pretty damn fun game". It's not. Some of us visited "That game released a year ago's" launch and have 50's. By, comparison this game's launch looks pretty bad. :(

The biggest issue was Mages nearly 1 shotting people. I think LFD was in their 1st major patch.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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I mean yeah some games suck at launch... but bioware were not even prepared to have enough moderators for server forums, it's been down hill since the early access mess.


Don't get me wrong I'm a huge KOTOR/Star Wars fan and really would love to see this game succeed but at moment they are failing hard.



So you're saying of all the things that was important to devote time, money, and attention to, you're faulting them for something that isn't even actually part of the game?

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I agree with you no game has a perfect launch but this game is missing some of the promises it made and has been in development for 6 years and over 100 million dollars. This is were the dissapointment.


I agree with you , but in 3 weeks they fix some issues that took blizzard 3 years to fix .

So I for one am interested if they can keep it up.


IF they can keep it up then maybe in 6 month this game will outdo anything on the market.

Am very impressed today with the technical aspect of this patch .

Showing they are improving a lot in the combat system , graphics and latency and fps problems .


Yes people finally realise the problems , but they were there before just hidden away .

And causing unnecessary questions on people failure .

Now if you do fail , atleast you know why !

Also by upping the graphics , might be time for new system .

But Bioware beter solve there issues first , well atleast in 3 weeks time there have been more progress then any other BIOWARE games .


So consider me impressed with 1.1 patch . not 100% happy offcourse .

But then again improvement is improvement .

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So you're saying of all the things that was important to devote time, money, and attention to, you're faulting them for something that isn't even actually part of the game?


No thats just one feature that they cannot handle considering TOR was meant to be the second coming of jesus christ.


I'd fault them on the bad choices, horrible communication, lack of testing, poor design etc.


Again I hope they fix it.

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I mean yeah some games suck at launch... but bioware were not even prepared to have enough moderators for server forums, it's been down hill since the early access mess.


Don't get me wrong I'm a huge KOTOR/Star Wars fan and really would love to see this game succeed but at moment they are failing hard.


^^^^ Exactly I've never played an MMO but this was BioWare and Star Wars so I gave it a shot, I don't wish it to fail but being a fairly avid gamer the Bioware as well as even the more powerful Star Wars is not even coming close to saving this for me.


Oh well just glad there's Mass Effect 3 round the corner, sure that'll make me forget this....game? entirely

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The trolls will be gone soon, trust me, even those brainless idiots eventually get tired of complaining, i've said it before and i will say it again, Guild Wars 2 is their next target, just watch the forums of that game when it comes, it will be even worse than this because it's free to play.


you keep paying for a beta buddy...we could care.

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I don't remember an mmo that come out without a combat log and whit a totally customizable UI in last years..


Add to this no hi res texture support and no AA support


Add ad first big patch that broke the UI more..


And I'm not talking about the combat or PvP queue....

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The trolls will be gone soon, trust me, even those brainless idiots eventually get tired of complaining, i've said it before and i will say it again, Guild Wars 2 is their next target, just watch the forums of that game when it comes, it will be even worse than this because it's free to play.


GW2 doesn't even have forums, because Anet doesn't even remotely care what their potential buyers think about their product. The game can't fail though- it's like Skyrim, it'll get enough hype the first few weeks for being pretty good at the start... then once people realize how awful it really is, it's too late- millions of copies have been sold, and since you can't quit a free game, it'll never seem like GW2 has failed to keep retention.



The gameplay so far makes GW2 look like WAR- their pvp looked the same, and their dynamic events are just PQs. Game will flop very fast.

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I've been playing MMO's since UA, but primarily EQ, and yeah, every MMO launches this way. The problem is BioWare isn't taking the correct approach to fix the problem.


They failed at fixing the early warzone glitches, and now they fail at fixing Ilum.


My sub is done, and it's unfortunate, because I really do enjoy the game. However, I can't support this business plan.

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"That game released last year" Was near perfect as far as Stability and Bugs the at launch. People keep thinking the pressure is coming fro "That old but still pretty damn fun game". It's not. Some of us visited "That game released a year ago's" launch and have 50's. By, comparison this game's launch looks pretty bad. :(

The biggest issue was Mages nearly 1 shotting people. I think LFD was in their 1st major patch.


another wrathbaby. The lfd did not come until years after vanilla, and it was Shamans one shotting people.

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You have the disgruntled WoW players who claim to hate WoW now and flock to the new game by the thousands. They then get angry when the name game isn't WoW and point out all the things WoW does better and complain 24/7 on the forums for the first month. Then those supposed WoW haters end up leaving and going back to that game and talk about the next MMO they can't wait for so they can repeat the process all over again. Personally I think many of these players leaving is the reason these MMOs seem to get better after launch....


You missed the point Beta was better than the released Alpha build.

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another wrathbaby. The lfd did not come until years after vanilla, and it was Shamans one shotting people.


I'm actually a vanilla baby. I was playing WOW before Druids had swiftmend(which at the time I thought was stupid) Sorry but you don't know me:P Way to jump to conclusions.


I'm well aware when LFD was released. That didn't stop Rift (where I have a 50) from having it about a month after launch:)


Tell me more about my eyes:cool:

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and the same thing happened in rift. Then Rift devs made all the changes requested to make it exactly like WoW just about.


My point wasn't that Rift was the epitome of greatness. My point was to call someone a wrathbaby when they aren't even talking about WoW makes you look like an idiot.

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