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10 Good
  1. a game for adults .... its not for you so ...
  2. There is no medal .... learn to read its only the title ... the medal its a consumable item that give you the title ...
  3. When you impact the swtor story? At least in wow (starting wtlk) the world change around you while progressing (as in icecrown siege) In swtor it's even the same......
  4. Thx enjoy you new UI whit better cd and your chunky combat...enjoy even illium rep side ..
  5. 100 bucks are not enough to be consider a founder... just subscribe and give another 15 bucks to get your title!! How sad...
  6. It's not even a medal It's just a founder title...... why I have to use it instead of the Darth one?!!
  7. This its no wow? Lol even the class have the same skill like wow..... End game same as wow... just wait for op time or for wz in the fleet They failed hard in combat system..... so unresponsive..
  8. I don't remember an mmo that come out without a combat log and whit a totally customizable UI in last years.. Add to this no hi res texture support and no AA support Add ad first big patch that broke the UI more.. And I'm not talking about the combat or PvP queue....
  9. Lol so fun this guy.. He use rotation.....so you use med and long cooldown as part of rotation? I really like to see you in PvP.. Pls stop t being bad... or so funboy
  10. no fix for 1.1 and no new news from EA so just unsub and wait if something change .... Uff i like the class and the settings and im very sorry that they choose the more greedy way ... another SW game Screwed up ... I continue to support this post as long as i can...
  11. When BW wiil say that the issue its resolved we have not much to discuss
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