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Might resub...nothing else to play lol


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I got every good game thats out for PC and $ isn't an object, so what's a guy to do


Game has major flaws and I don't want to pay to Beta test, but c'mon, my lunch here in NYC is $15 a day. For food. One meal. So .50 a day for SWTOR, maybe it doesn't need to immediately be aaa perfect. /shrug /confused


At least emergency patch will be out tomorrow, it's not like they are partying it up at Dorsia.



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In all honestly. There is no better mmo on the market, but to each his own. Its a problem with the genre as a whole.


And wow is terrible. Its been reduced to a single gear grind with progression based on a single raid filled with few bosses, which they will expect us to raid at different difficulties, only separated by bigger numbers, for 6+ months.


AOC has gotten better, but still not as engaging.

Aion has gotten better, but still cannot justify the small NA + EU presence it has


Rift is basically the only game left with actual raiding that is not a joke.

Edited by Amandeep
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play WoW.


It's SWTOR on crack , with many more features + an actual end game / smooth combat


Yea I loved wow pvp I have an 85 Worgen in pvp blues I haven't played in a year


But it's old now


Still I remember fighting back to back at tol barad while our enemies fell before us...

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