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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Class - Very Long/Detailed/Thought Out


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What I do in my free time :D Enjoy the read:



Base Class:


-Imperial Trooper

Weapon: Vibrostaff

Armor: Medium

Prime Stat: Strength/Cunning

Resource: Up for Debate; Troopers Ammo system called "Maneuvers" and is red, not green.

Starting Zone: Dromund Kaas "Troop Training Facility" (a sub-section of Dromund Kaas that isn't connected to the current map)




Adv. Class:



-Imperial Riot Guard

Weapon: Vibrostaff, Electrostaff

Armor: Heavy

Prime Stat: Strength/End



-Imperial Technician

Weapon: Vibrostaff, Tech-Staff

Armor: Medium

Prime Stat: Cunning/Strength



Roles: Tank / Support




Imperial Trooper Description: Behind the lightning, light-sabers, and backstabbing are the dedicated men and woman of the Empire. Armed with years of hard military training and with a trust weapon in hand, they'll cut thru any enemy that stands in their way.



Riot Guard Description: The unsung heroes of the Imperial Troops. Armed with their mighty Electrostaffs and Generator, Riot Guards are the men and woman that don plated armor and sent in first to strike a definitive blow and take the brunt of the attack.



Technician Description: Few can boast as much know-how as the Imperial Technician. Armed with their Tech-Staff and powerful Generators, the Technician can bring forth the latest in technology to turn the tides on any opponent and empower their allies.




Trees: Riot Guard

- Grit (Tank)

- Confinement (DPS)

- Onslaught (Shared)



- Bioware (Support/Healing (AND PUN!))

- Cyberware (DPS)

- Onslaught (Shared)




The Idea - Trooper: Pretty much, the one thing we don't really see on the Imperial side are the Troopers; sure, they're great quest givers, but it's usually "Oh my men got killed!" or "Oh it'll take a whole platoon!" No. Look at the Commando on the Republic side. They're pretty gosh darn kick-*** aren't they? Why are our guys just cannon fodder? That doesn't sit well with me or the men and woman out there getting one shot by punks with lightsabers!




The Idea - Riot Guard: The thing I want to avoid doing here is copying some other class, take a bunch of it's abilities and label it "New". I want Riot Guards to be exactly what their name makes you imagine; they're the guys that go in with Riot Shields, Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, the works and hold off the foe. Obviously trading up to Heavy from Medium Armor and normal Vibrostaff to a Electro was obvious; these guys and gals will be face to face with some of the baddest baddies in the galaxy, and they plan to punch a hole in their chest ala Darth Maul to Qui-Gon.



Grit: Focus on the hard-skinned, tough SOB under the plate armor. Has more AoE related forms of attention grabbing then other classes (basic attack will Cleave, Spins around hitting all targets, etc)


Confinement: A class I'm starting to really like the vision off, because I think it's arguable at this point that this can be considered a DPS/Support in that it's like the Grit RT's back-up that's holding the taser. Compared to Onslaught, they won't have as high DPS, but they make up for it with more debuffs then the usual DPS Class (i.e. Damage reduction, non-CC Debuffs, Stat reduction abilities). Imagine the Prototype Powertech BH that got the Flame Burst 4% Damage Debuff; not quite as high as that (maybe 2-3%) but essentially that's the idea.


Onslaught: The shared, pure DPS tree for both AC. I don't think I need to really go into detail since it's just a tree that implements abilities of the base class.




The Idea - Technicians: I'm sure if you look at this at face value you'll say "WELL HEY NOW THAT'S AN OPERATIVE!" As much as I hate to say it, they do share similarities (Healer spec, Medium Armor) but beyond that they're nothing alike. First and foremost, Operatives are Melee Assassins where as Technicians are Ranged Casters with a few Melee "Go Away" abilities. Healing, while sharing the "Ranged" aspect, will work differently; Operatives work with Tactical Advantage where as Technicians will be working with HoTs (think WoW Druids) and more importantly buffs, filling the non-existent "Support" Role.


Example: Your doing Colocoids and your Healer runs out of Force/Energy against the the giant mantis thing. You would have an Innervate-like ability to help restore their Resource, while also throwing the tank an "Armor Buff" to help withstand the moments of less healing since your HoT you popped on him will keep him alive while your main healer recoups.


-Bioware: The Support AC, the one that I want to be a bit of a mold breaker. It will still have heals, but in the form of like one or two less-then-impressive HoT that you can pop for the sake of "supporting" your healer. The main focus of the class is to work as a team buffer; you would have access to buffs that can range from 10 seconds with a long cooldown (think how Adrenaline works) to re-applying buffs that increase damage/healing output.


-Cyberware: This is the "Tech Caster" tree, in that your literally a spell caster that scales off Tech Power. Don't think that means you won't still be in the nitty gritty melee, because while firing a space laser on an area would be nifty, Cyberware Technicians would benefit more from being in melee range (though they could be farther away). They will gain a percentage buff named "Perception" that increases the closer you get to the target, since they would be able to see "...the Flaw in the Design". This would also give incentive to use Melee-Ranged abilities that are common to the base class.






Hanger Bay

In-Game Locations

Voice Acting











If you've got any comments by all means leave me one and tell me what you think. As an aspiring Game Design Student I want all the feedback I can get ^_^

Edited by kdebones
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A class like this would sound pretty awesome. One issue though is that there would have to be a Republic mirror. Every class is mirrored after all.


Jedi Knight = Sith Warrior

Jedi Consular = Sith Inquisitor

Smuggler = Imperial Agent

Trooper = Bounty Hunter

Edited by Ardim
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A class like this would sound pretty awesome. One issue though is that there would have to be a Republic mirror. Every class is mirrored after all.


Jedi Knight = Sith Warrior

Jedi Consular = Sith Inquisitor

Smuggler = Imperial Agent

Trooper = Bounty Hunter


True, I got some work to do IRL but i'll post a Counter-Class when I get the chance. Thinking up some ideas . . . though now that I think of it, if the Republic does come out with another class, it doesn't exactly HAVE to be a counter to something . . . just brainstorming a smidge.

Edited by kdebones
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A good proposal.


While the SIS Spy is a good equivalent, it's not quite the same. I would suggest a republic aligned bounty hunter equivalent perhaps. Call it the enforcer or something.


Box of tricks tanking tree that resembles the BH, but uses more cryo rather than pyro. Make the medium armored version an out right spy design. All james bond gadgets and what not.

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Bioware left 0 room for additional ship docks in both the imperial and republic fleets. This game won't ever see additional classes added. AC's maybe, but not brand new classes.

That ship dock has been changed three times since I started testing beta 6-7 months ago.


It is not difficult for the devs to change entire areas of the game, it just takes time. Given the proper resources and tools, it probably wouldnt even take that long - I've been doing 3d modelling for years now and it'd probably take me a few hours to turn the current 4-way docking area into a 5 way docking area to fit an extra ship.




Anyways, I do not think imperial troopers will be added. If you're really wanting to play something akin to a soldier on the imperial side, I suggest rolling a Sniper. At level 29, if you have a VIP pass, you can get a set of imperial soldier's armor from the VIP section of vaiken spacedock.

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The biggest issue is having to write new story content complete with VA, while adding in new VA to old content, while also adding in new content for all the classes. This amount of work will only grow with each new class added. Much more likely they will add new ACs before new classes.
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To the points of Docking; realistically it's not that hard of a job, it just takes time and effort. For the Fleet, as said before that's gone thru many changes already. As for space ports, you could overlay elevators (aka, make one elevator for Operatives and Troopers) since each classes hanger is a separate instance and not connected like with the Fleet.


As for the VA portion, if a new class were implemented chances are it would only be for expansions (since it would involve so much work).



Update Log:


- Added in potential starting zone

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A good proposal.


While the SIS Spy is a good equivalent, it's not quite the same. I would suggest a republic aligned bounty hunter equivalent perhaps. Call it the enforcer or something.


Box of tricks tanking tree that resembles the BH, but uses more cryo rather than pyro. Make the medium armored version an out right spy design. All james bond gadgets and what not.


To lazy to copy/paste this into previous comment; your idea is VEEEERY good! For BH, most light-side choices involved putting a target on cryo, so this would be an easy fit. In addition, it can easily fill both the Medium Armor start, Medium Armor Tech Power Caster and Heavy Armor Tank. When I get some free time, I'll do a write up similar to the one I did for the Trooper above.

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Playable Mandalorians could fill this role for both sides. They're mercenaries, so they don't have genuine loyalties.


In fact, it would be awesome if you could "unlock" a Mando (a la Death Knight from WoW), but instead of being minimum 30, 40, etc....


1) One unique backstory reduces dev time


2) Make it Faction Neutral. Bolster either faction on a whim with your "you can't kill me" attitude, skills, and gear.


3) In WZs, you could "choose" which side to queue with (Mercenary style).


4) In open-world PvP, you can attack either faction, which means you can be attacked by either faction.


3) Don't violate your Rep/Imp sensibilities and role an "enemy" char just to explore the other faction's areas. Go Merc.


4) Land in an orbital station, pick up a planetary Merc mission that keeps the NPCs off your back.


5) Replay only the fun missions from your previous roles.


6) Have a price put on your head for killing an extremely unbalanced number of members from one faction (i.e., no griefing Repubs with your Mando army). Killing you not only brings high valor, it's a Bonus Mission that rewards credits. Turn in at terminal...



No Rep/Imp balancing issues, because Mandos hate everybody.

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would prefer a melee non-force non stealth tank/dps class


names like warrior/fighter/berserker etc would be awesome


Isn't that essentially Powertech's Tanking Tree? I.E. Rocket Punch (to proc Ion), Flameburst (for damage debuff), Oil Slick (self aoe debuff), etc? Sure they has some ranged abilities but their core ones are Melee.



As to the Mando idea

After a bit of progression on the BH story, you basically become a Mandalorian. Mando's arn't a race or class really, it's just a banner for powerful warriors to fall under. That's why you can see Zabraks, Rodians, and even that Renigin Devaronian guy at the Mando Enclave in their ranks.


Not to mention the majority of them fall under the reign of the current Mandalore who is working hand-in-hand with Empire, meaning a Neutral faction probably won't work.

Edited by kdebones
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Isn't that essentially Powertech's Tanking Tree? I.E. Rocket Punch (to proc Ion), Flameburst (for damage debuff), Oil Slick (self aoe debuff), etc? Sure they has some ranged abilities but their core ones are Melee.




class that use tech or vibro staves/swords etc.


atm the force users get proficiencies in those weapons but cant/dont use becuase there abilities require light saber

Edited by Fonzdude
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As to the Mando idea

After a bit of progression on the BH story, you basically become a Mandalorian. Mando's arn't a race or class really, it's just a banner for powerful warriors to fall under. That's why you can see Zabraks, Rodians, and even that Renigin Devaronian guy at the Mando Enclave in their ranks.


Not to mention the majority of them fall under the reign of the current Mandalore who is working hand-in-hand with Empire, meaning a Neutral faction probably won't work.


A backstory of Clan Ordo allows a little wiggle-room in allegiances. Mandalore the Lesser is a tool of the Empire, but they're still pretty fragmented compared to pre-Revan (I don't think that's a spoiler).

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-Imperial Technician

Armor: Medium

Prime Stat: Cunning



Roles: Tank / Support




Imperial Trooper Description: Behind the lightning, light-sabers, and backstabbing are the dedicated men and woman of the Empire. Armed with years of hard military training and with a blaster in hand, they'll cut thru any enemy that stands in their way.


Technician Description: Few can boast as much know-how as the Imperial Technician. Armed with their Modified Blasters and powerful Generators, the Technician can bring forth the latest in technology to turn the tides on any opponent.




- Bioware (Support/Healing (AND PUN!))

- Cyberware (DPS)

- Onslaught (Shared)



The Idea - Technicians: I'm sure if you look at this at face value you'll say "WELL HEY NOW THAT'S AN OPERATIVE!" As much as I hate to say it, they do share similarities (Healer spec, Medium Armor) but beyond that they're nothing alike. First and foremost, Operatives are Melee Assassins where as Technicians are Ranged Casters. Healing, while sharing the "Ranged" aspect, will work differently; Operatives work with Tactical Advantage where as Technicians will be working with HoTs (think WoW Druids) and more importantly buffs, filling the non-existent "Support" Role.


Example: Your doing Colocoids and your Healer runs out of Force/Energy against the the giant mantis thing. You would have an Innervate-like ability to help restore their Resource, while also throwing the tank an "Armor Buff" to help withstand the moments of less healing since you would also pop a HoT on him as well.


Trees again should be rather obvious. Though the name might sound like a joke "Bioware" should best describe it since it's tech that deals with "bio" or organics. Cyberware should also be pretty obvious since your using cybernetics and technological weaponry to fight. Onslaught is the shared tree.




Issues: Troopers don't really suit Mandalorian Armor now do they?




If you've got any comments by all means leave me one and tell me what you think. As an aspiring Game Design Student I want all the feedback I can get ^_^


To start off with I love the idea of a pure support class in any game - i.e. they aren't specifically heals, tank, or dps but they support in any way necessary from the group. But, it has to be done right. I've only seen a true support role done in two games I've played (I know it's been done in others but I haven't played those games). That's Aion and RIFT. Aion got it right with the Chanter, RIFT's classes were just bad. That's the TL; DR.


Additional thought: I wonder how a pure support class would work in the 4/8/16 person group makeup we have??


RIFT did a pretty bad job with the Bard and Archon classes. They had some buffs and debuffs (and the Bard also had heals), but none stood out above the rest and none were really situational or special. You were able to put them all up at the same time for the most part and you just spammed your rotation mindlessly and that was it. Boring and useless out of endgame raids.


Aion did it right with the Chanter class. Lots of awesome buffs that were great in certain circumstance so most of these had CDs of some sort, there were a few buffs you'd have up all the time (but couldn't use all of them at the same time, had to choose) and then you had your regular attack skills which also provided debuffs, (albeit not enough of a debuff IMO). You had a few heals as well, but not enough to be a primary healer, so it was used mostly in a situational, support capacity. Also wore chain armor and could spec to be pretty durable if you wanted to also play that role.


But you were forced to make choices about what skills to use when and there was such a wide variety of good skills that there was actually room for the player to make a difference with his/her choices. The class was very active when played right so not boring at all. Skilled players made more of a difference but anyone could still play the class effectively. They were viable and their presence was noticed in all modes of play - PvE and PvP. These are some of the things that make for a good support class for me. So I really like your idea but if Bioware were to do that, they'd have to get it right. Or if you were to expand further the above is what would have to be done.



Edit: The below idea I really like. We have enough gun classes in the game as well as Lightsaber classes. There's nothing more fun than beating on someone in melee with a staff. WTB a class that uses Electrostaffs and Vibrostaves with some really hard hitting wacking sounds to go with it as you beat the heck out of them and knock them down every other hit lol. And cool staff swinging animations kinda like the double bladed lightsaber has.


class that use tech or vibro staves/swords etc.


atm the force users get proficiencies in those weapons but cant/dont use becuase there abilities require light saber

Edited by Leiloni
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To start off with I love the idea of a pure support class in any game - i.e. they aren't specifically heals, tank, or dps but they support in any way necessary from the group. But, it has to be done right. I've only seen a true support role done in two games I've played (I know it's been done in others but I haven't played those games). That's Aion and RIFT. Aion got it right with the Chanter, RIFT's classes were just bad. That's the TL; DR.


Additional thought: I wonder how a pure support class would work in the 4/8/16 person group makeup we have??


RIFT did a pretty bad job with the Bard and Archon classes. They had some buffs and debuffs (and the Bard also had heals), but none stood out above the rest and none were really situational or special. You were able to put them all up at the same time for the most part and you just spammed your rotation mindlessly and that was it. Boring and useless out of endgame raids.


Aion did it right with the Chanter class. Lots of awesome buffs that were great in certain circumstance so most of these had CDs of some sort, there were a few buffs you'd have up all the time (but couldn't use all of them at the same time, had to choose) and then you had your regular attack skills which also provided debuffs, (albeit not enough of a debuff IMO). You had a few heals as well, but not enough to be a primary healer, so it was used mostly in a situational, support capacity. Also wore chain armor and could spec to be pretty durable if you wanted to also play that role.


But you were forced to make choices about what skills to use when and there was such a wide variety of good skills that there was actually room for the player to make a difference with his/her choices. The class was very active when played right so not boring at all. Skilled players made more of a difference but anyone could still play the class effectively. They were viable and their presence was noticed in all modes of play - PvE and PvP. These are some of the things that make for a good support class for me. So I really like your idea but if Bioware were to do that, they'd have to get it right. Or if you were to expand further the above is what would have to be done.



Edit: The below idea I really like. We have enough gun classes in the game as well as Lightsaber classes. There's nothing more fun than beating on someone in melee with a staff. WTB a class that uses Electrostaffs and Vibrostaves with some really hard hitting wacking sounds to go with it as you beat the heck out of them and knock them down every other hit lol. And cool staff swinging animations kinda like the double bladed lightsaber has.



I'm sad to say i've never played Aion before but I have played Rift (before I was randomly banned and never went back). I did get to play around with the Bard, not so much the Archon because it was pretty bad. The Bard had a few good things, but like the Archon is wasn't all that good.


As for the 4/8/16 make up, the general ideal would be to have 1/2/3. Your abilities would reach out to around 3-5 other members, so ideally you would want your abilities to reach everyone in the party. As for single target buffs, they would probably be exclusive (think how Stims/Adrenaline work).


As for your comment on the Electrostaff/Vibrostaff... yes, I want them in-game so much too >.< That's partially the reason I want to see the Scattergun in for Riot Guards; Blasters keep to the back of the crowd where as Scatterguns come up and blow your face-in (let me state now I have not played the Smuggler Class so I don't really know if the range on Scattergun is shorter then Blaster... logic dictates it should but... you know). I'll try to think of a justification for having Trooper use Staves over Blasters, but don't get your hopes to far up.



Final Note: Coming up with an idea for a base/AC counterpart to this. It would start as a SIS-type of character, and it would eventually branch off into an "Field Enforcer/Neutralizer" class and "Engineer" class. Details are still foggy but it's something to work with. Comments?

Edited by kdebones
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As for your comment on the Electrostaff/Vibrostaff... yes, I want them in-game so much too >.< That's partially the reason I want to see the Scattergun in for Riot Guards; Blasters keep to the back of the crowd where as Scatterguns come up and blow your face-in (let me state now I have not played the Smuggler Class so I don't really know if the range on Scattergun is shorter then Blaster... logic dictates it should but... you know). I'll try to think of a justification for having Trooper use Staves over Blasters, but don't get your hopes to far up.



Final Note: Coming up with an idea for a base/AC counterpart to this. It would start as a SIS-type of character, and it would eventually branch off into an "Field Enforcer/Neutralizer" class and "Engineer" class. Details are still foggy but it's something to work with. Comments?


Regarding the staffs, what about this? Not sure what the Republic mirror would be but it's a start for the Imperials at least:




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Regarding the staffs, what about this? Not sure what the Republic mirror would be but it's a start for the Imperials at least:






Yeah, I was aware of the Royal Guard, the only issue is... well, usually you get directed by a Darth (Baras, Zash, Zhorrid/Jadus, Tormen, etc.). The Royal Guard are directed specifically by the Emperor . . . I just don't really know if that would work. I mean the class idea is solid, but the implications are what's getting me here . . .

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Yeah, I was aware of the Royal Guard, the only issue is... well, usually you get directed by a Darth (Baras, Zash, Zhorrid/Jadus, Tormen, etc.). The Royal Guard are directed specifically by the Emperor . . . I just don't really know if that would work. I mean the class idea is solid, but the implications are what's getting me here . . .


As soon as you said riot guard I was thinking this :D also, the idea of a scattergun using true melee character wading in with pepper spray and shield bashing sounds really cool, but I think without a 'proper' melee weapon people would assume this is a vanguard/pyrotech copy.


Also as to the imperial guard idea and being directed by the Emperor, maybe that could be part of the story? You start off as a rookie, and then attract the eyes of someone 'very important' (having no clue who they are.) It would be pretty BA if I played a melee royal guardsman who's final/very late (start of act 3?) class quests involved finding out who he had been serving all this time, then stemming from there. I suppose however that a royal guard would be less military and more secrecy, but I guess Bioware would have to integrate the two somehow. Being a military leader who even the sith bow to is, again, pretty BA.

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As soon as you said riot guard I was thinking this :D also, the idea of a scattergun using true melee character wading in with pepper spray and shield bashing sounds really cool, but I think without a 'proper' melee weapon people would assume this is a vanguard/pyrotech copy.


Also as to the imperial guard idea and being directed by the Emperor, maybe that could be part of the story? You start off as a rookie, and then attract the eyes of someone 'very important' (having no clue who they are.) It would be pretty BA if I played a melee royal guardsman who's final/very late (start of act 3?) class quests involved finding out who he had been serving all this time, then stemming from there. I suppose however that a royal guard would be less military and more secrecy, but I guess Bioware would have to integrate the two somehow. Being a military leader who even the sith bow to is, again, pretty BA.


Duuuuuuude I have never seen that thing before!!!!!!! THAT IS SUCH A EPIC FIND!

And yeah, you hit one of the problems with the Commie Guards. There are others but it's to painful for me to go into detail withought brain failure. But that image you found gives me SOOOO MUCH TO GO ON! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!


http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_riot_trooper FOUND IT'S WIKI PAGE!

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Change Log:


- Added in Weapon Set for Base and Advance Classes

- Modified Recommended Stats





SOOOOO happy with the change to the weapon because now this creates a non-existant armor category that can be specially created for this class, aka armor that has Strength and Cunning on it. Stupid mad props to Bankingclan for the image of the Riot Trooper which I think is from the Force Unleashed games (I never played them, or, tried and couldn't get past Level 2 >.<)

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Duuuuuuude I have never seen that thing before!!!!!!! THAT IS SUCH A EPIC FIND!

And yeah, you hit one of the problems with the Commie Guards. There are others but it's to painful for me to go into detail withought brain failure. But that image you found gives me SOOOO MUCH TO GO ON! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!


http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_riot_trooper FOUND IT'S WIKI PAGE!


Glad to help :D It gives me a warm, fuzzy satisfaction with life :p

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