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Bioware I for one am no longer purchasing your products.


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I simply cannot believe how unfinished and untested this game is. Nearly every aspect of it has a bug attached to it in some form or another.


The vaunted modding of armor to keep the look you want for as long as you want! Oops if you put the original mods back in and zone you lose them! No bioware is not going to refund you those lost mods for their incompetence. Tough luck for you experimenting with those champion armor pieces you just got out of the bag!


Were you hoping for a polished, amazing end game? Sorry you aren't going to find it here! Bugs bugs galore once you hit 50, don't expect to be able to do even one HM dungeon or operation without experiencing at least one form of bugged boss encounter, no loot from bosses, bosses not appearing, bosses not being able to be killed, bosses doing far too much dmg for any heals to keep up with, boss mechanics simply not working right.




This was the one thing I was hoping to keep me playing, warzones were fun until I tried to play after 1.1 and had the worst delay since I started playing. Huzzah I hit cloaking screen and died 3 seconds after to dmg I had taken before I cloaked.




Bioware you messed up horribly with this. You have so many games to learn from to make an amazing pvp zone and yet you ignored the history of those games and went with the tried and true design that ALWAYS FAILS. Faction vs faction is NOT how you make a working pvp zone.


I'm going to explain it for you so that all of you with your degrees in game design can learn something. Faction vs faction does not work because one side always outnumbers the other. The only way to make a pvp zone work is to ELIMINATE FACTION RESTRICTIONS.


The best example I can think of for a pvp zone that will work is an updated design of Dark Age of Camelots battleground called Thidranki. The basis of this bg was 3 Opposing forces fighting for control of one castle. When one team controlled it the second team would attempt to siege while at the same time holding off the assaults of the 3rd team. It was the most fun I have ever had in a player vs player setting.




Faction vs faction is done, gone, its time to get rid of it. Instead let the players form into smaller groups of say 8 man teams for Star Wars. Then let them go into the pvp area to just FIGHT EACHOTHER. Create a simple objective such as taking the castle. Let the rewards be online weekly stats/statues of the leaders in the gathering area. This can easily be altered for larger scale battles. If you wanted to try and stay with the 3 teams fighting for one castle set up a queue in the grouping area so that once say 3 teams of 30 are filled the battle will start.


Many players also state they wished they could be on equal footing and let skill instead of gear be the main factors. SET BASELINE STATS FOR EVERYONE ONCE THEY ENTER THE GROUPING AREA. Let skill and group composition be the factors that determine success NOT gear. Farming for gear is also a done to death design and needs to be moved away from. After all these games are supposed to be designed for their engaging GAMEPLAY not running a dungeon 20 million times.


Anyways rant over. I'm done with you Bioware.

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Which is sad, because Bioware makes excellect single player games (if you ingore DA2. I enjoyed it but it didnt hold a candle to ME 1, 2, DAO, BG series...)


oh yeah, forgot about KOTOR. That rocked as well.

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I'll buy Bioware games again.


But I will be cautious in doing so. Instead of blindly rushing out to get my latest Bioware RPG, I'll be far more suspicious.


Dragon Age 2 and TOR have knocked them down to the middle of the ladder.


Rockstar and Bethesda are the ones I go to first now.

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Oh my god another entitled whining "I quit" post. Shut up.


Actually, the OP listed some faults he sees with the game and provided some possible solutions he sees as possible fixes. I think the person that needs to shut up... seriously. Is you.


Have a nice day. Cupcake.




p.s. I also think you smell funny, but then most trolls do.

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Difference is Bethesda's patches actually address the issues they're intended to patch.


It took them Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim to finally fix the 2gb limit.



The best example I can think of for a pvp zone that will work is an updated design of Dark Age of Camelots battleground called Thidranki. The basis of this bg was 3 Opposing forces fighting for control of one castle. When one team controlled it the second team would attempt to siege while at the same time holding off the assaults of the 3rd team. It was the most fun I have ever had in a player vs player setting.



Good times.

Edited by Chromiie
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Difference is Bethesda's patches actually address the issues they're intended to patch.


And yet even after the patches still an extremely buggy game since they had so many to start with


You sound like a skyrim fanboy


2 GB, how long did it take......

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And yet even after the patches still an extremely buggy game since they had so many to start with


You sound like a skyrim fanboy


Difference with Bethesda's game and ToR is the community can at least make their own patches not with TOR. I don't care for Bethesda's games btw.

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I simply cannot believe how unfinished and untested this game is. Nearly every aspect of it has a bug attached to it in some form or another.


The vaunted modding of armor to keep the look you want for as long as you want! Oops if you put the original mods back in and zone you lose them! No bioware is not going to refund you those lost mods for their incompetence. Tough luck for you experimenting with those champion armor pieces you just got out of the bag!


Were you hoping for a polished, amazing end game? Sorry you aren't going to find it here! Bugs bugs galore once you hit 50, don't expect to be able to do even one HM dungeon or operation without experiencing at least one form of bugged boss encounter, no loot from bosses, bosses not appearing, bosses not being able to be killed, bosses doing far too much dmg for any heals to keep up with, boss mechanics simply not working right.




This was the one thing I was hoping to keep me playing, warzones were fun until I tried to play after 1.1 and had the worst delay since I started playing. Huzzah I hit cloaking screen and died 3 seconds after to dmg I had taken before I cloaked.




Bioware you messed up horribly with this. You have so many games to learn from to make an amazing pvp zone and yet you ignored the history of those games and went with the tried and true design that ALWAYS FAILS. Faction vs faction is NOT how you make a working pvp zone.


I'm going to explain it for you so that all of you with your degrees in game design can learn something. Faction vs faction does not work because one side always outnumbers the other. The only way to make a pvp zone work is to ELIMINATE FACTION RESTRICTIONS.


The best example I can think of for a pvp zone that will work is an updated design of Dark Age of Camelots battleground called Thidranki. The basis of this bg was 3 Opposing forces fighting for control of one castle. When one team controlled it the second team would attempt to siege while at the same time holding off the assaults of the 3rd team. It was the most fun I have ever had in a player vs player setting.




Faction vs faction is done, gone, its time to get rid of it. Instead let the players form into smaller groups of say 8 man teams for Star Wars. Then let them go into the pvp area to just FIGHT EACHOTHER. Create a simple objective such as taking the castle. Let the rewards be online weekly stats/statues of the leaders in the gathering area. This can easily be altered for larger scale battles. If you wanted to try and stay with the 3 teams fighting for one castle set up a queue in the grouping area so that once say 3 teams of 30 are filled the battle will start.


Many players also state they wished they could be on equal footing and let skill instead of gear be the main factors. SET BASELINE STATS FOR EVERYONE ONCE THEY ENTER THE GROUPING AREA. Let skill and group composition be the factors that determine success NOT gear. Farming for gear is also a done to death design and needs to be moved away from. After all these games are supposed to be designed for their engaging GAMEPLAY not running a dungeon 20 million times.


Anyways rant over. I'm done with you Bioware.




Have fun NOT playing Mass Effect 3, and Dragon Age 3, and... yeah, you get the message. :)

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You will or will not buy a product solely because of the name of the creator?

Truly, the worst kind of fanboy.


I actually refused to buy any Intel branded product for years after the BS they pulled in Washington State. Other than NVidia products, I try not to use any electronics I find out are using Intel processors, chips, semi-conductors etc in them. I've gone so far as check the computers on my car to find who the chip maker was, replaced a cell phone because it had intel chips.. and then eventually quit using cell phones at all (other reasons than intel chips, but they were a contributing factor).


To this day, if I find out a product I am using or want to use is using Intel I look for alternatives if I can find them before purchasing the product.


The only reason I don't use ATI graphics cards is because I am a Gamer, and most games run better on NVidia GPU's. If ATI cards ran as good and had as few problems in games as NVidia cards.. then I'd switch back to ATI in a heartbeat.



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I actually refused to buy any Intel branded product for years after the BS they pulled in Washington State. Other than NVidia products, I try not to use any electronics I find out are using Intel processors, chips, semi-conductors etc in them. I've gone so far as check the computers on my car to find who the chip maker was, replaced a cell phone because it had intel chips.. and then eventually quit using cell phones at all (other reasons than intel chips, but they were a contributing factor).


To this day, if I find out a product I am using or want to use is using Intel I look for alternatives if I can find them before purchasing the product.




I refuse to recognise the "Thuder" as anything but the Seattle Sonics if that falls into that line of thinking. That was a freaking fiasco of epic proportions in Seattle...

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I refuse to recognise the "Thuder" as anything but the Seattle Sonics if that falls into that line of thinking. That was a freaking fiasco of epic proportions in Seattle...


Seattle Super Sonics! FTW!


You might take a Washingtonian out of Washington, but you will never take the Washington out of a Washingtonian. However.... Hawaii is so much warmer.. and sunnier... and there are so many Wahini's in Bikini's year round.... an old perv like me just can't seem to miss Washington quite as much now as I did 3 years ago....

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