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[POLL] Do you think a Rollback is necessary?


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every server had republic pinned down getting farmed at respawn so imps spent the whole day farming honor that the dev's intended to have turrets that one shot people like they do in wgz if they go that far into the base...nothing is fine with that sorry brah but i know ur imp and u need to be carried to gear/ranks.


Nice assumption, but I was at work for most of the day. I made it out to Ilum at around 6:30 cst, and managed to get roughly 15k or so in 1.5 hours. I was already valor rank 51 before today, and I'm going to bed 70% through valor rank 52. We were not killing the turret, or camping the drop point - we were at Republic Base though, having a stand off just outside the turret range. By around 8 cst, 90% of the Republic left and after an hour or so of running around Ilum looking for what small groups of Republic remained, we went back to running WZs.


Again, farming requires opposing faction members to continuously taxi in to be killed. It is not BioWare's fault is hundreds of Republic sat there dieing for 8 hours to allow the Imperials to farm this Valor. Furthermore, even if they did, the valor would come in bunches. Due to DRs, if the same players were dieing over and over again, they wouldn't even aware valor to the imperials camping them.


You are whining about population imbalance, not the pvp system.

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I'm I the only one who notices all the bugs are favorable to imps?


The bug where in Alderaan civil war the imps turret ticks first even if republic is holding 2 turrets and controlling them before the imps. Or that imps sorc/assassin has insta cast that does damage and doesn't wait on delay of animation. That republic +10 datacron is bugged for specific body types (bugs character through wall).


Then this broken Illum system comes out, and it just so happens that on 80% of the servers Imps population is much larger than Republic. So now they all get free battlemaster.


Btw I play both Imp and Republic.

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needed is a strong word.


Complete database rollback is definitely not fair though. You can't punish everyone who did not participate in the exploit at the same time.


A valor reset would be the right thing to do but it will not happen. PvP is just a side dish in this game unfortunately. I have accepted that now and it makes it easier to stomach things like this and the hard pills we will most definitely have to swallow in the months to come.

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Nice assumption, but I was at work for most of the day. I made it out to Ilum at around 6:30 cst, and managed to get roughly 15k or so in 1.5 hours. I was already valor rank 51 before today, and I'm going to bed 70% through valor rank 52. We were not killing the turret, or camping the drop point - we were at Republic Base though, having a stand off just outside the turret range. By around 8 cst, 90% of the Republic left and after an hour or so of running around Ilum looking for what small groups of Republic remained, we went back to running WZs.


Again, farming requires opposing faction members to continuously taxi in to be killed. It is not BioWare's fault is hundreds of Republic sat there dieing for 8 hours to allow the Imperials to farm this Valor. Furthermore, even if they did, the valor would come in bunches. Due to DRs, if the same players were dieing over and over again, they wouldn't even aware valor to the imperials camping them.


You are whining about population imbalance, not the pvp system.


I am a battlemaster sage healer on Death Wind Corridor. Let me tell you about my experience. Unlike some of the horror stories from republic (available on screen shots and youtube videos), Death Wind Corridor was not as bad. Sith didn't spawn camp us. We had a group of 25 or so players. Sounds pretty good right? Solid ops group, organization. Except we could not move away from our base. Meaning, we didn't have control of points, our valor farm was far worse than the valor farm available to Sith (having greater bonuses). This wasn't because we weren't as good players, it was because we were just outnumbered.


But okay, everyone was able to do their dailies get some valor. Great. Not the worst situation. My only concern with this is, it took me about 60 hours from 50-60, I had not problem with that, I had a goal and I grinded it out. From streams and friends on Sith side, we learned that Sith was able to reach battlemaster far far faster than was available than day before. Instead of being measured in days, the ability to rank up valor was now measured in hours.


The gear available to battlemasters is well, better than champion. This has further impacts on future pvp, warzones and Ilum. The reason I want a rollback is so that no one group gained an unfair advantage over another. Something that happened not because of skill, but because of numbers.


Please not that by the time you logged on, much of the damage had already been done, and soon afterwards Bioware released a comment disabling taxiing. Btw, 15k per hour is insane. My valor per hour when grinding to battlemaster was about 4-5k. I hope there's a rollback to make the grind at least a bit more similar and the future pvp on an equal footing.


Cinn, Jedi Sage Healer, Death Wind Corridor

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Roll Back or perma ban.


Simple, it was an exploit. The people doing it knew it, and they did it anyway.

If it was my game, I would ban the billing info and cc's so they couldn't open another account easily.


But maybe that just a sign that i'm getting too old for crap, what ever happened to actions having consequences. If you don't harshly punish exploiters, then what deterrence is there to people doing it again? And again?


And don't even try that "It's a broken game mechanic", or "If wasn't allowed then it wouldn't work...", or even "It's Bioware's fault for putting it in the game broken." It's BS, I know it, you know it, and the devs know it.


EA/Bioware, grow a pair, and ban them all. Population problem solved anyway... One less thing right?

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definitely need to do a rollback. I don't know about anyone else but exploiters shouldn't be rewarded for exploiting, but hey in real life cheaters always prosper so I guess Bioware wants to follow the trends :cool:


all feelings aside love the game

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Is this suppose to be an option ?



first we have low lvl ganging as legit pvp.


now we have acceptable exploits - a day to battlemaster - and is ok somehow.



Its unbielevable , they would have done that already


5 star

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I am a battlemaster sage healer on Death Wind Corridor. Let me tell you about my experience. Unlike some of the horror stories from republic (available on screen shots and youtube videos), Death Wind Corridor was not as bad. Sith didn't spawn camp us. We had a group of 25 or so players. Sounds pretty good right? Solid ops group, organization. Except we could not move away from our base. Meaning, we didn't have control of points, our valor farm was far worse than the valor farm available to Sith (having greater bonuses). This wasn't because we weren't as good players, it was because we were just outnumbered.


But okay, everyone was able to do their dailies get some valor. Great. Not the worst situation. My only concern with this is, it took me about 60 hours from 50-60, I had not problem with that, I had a goal and I grinded it out. From streams and friends on Sith side, we learned that Sith was able to reach battlemaster far far faster than was available than day before. Instead of being measured in days, the ability to rank up valor was now measured in hours.


The gear available to battlemasters is well, better than champion. This has further impacts on future pvp, warzones and Ilum. The reason I want a rollback is so that no one group gained an unfair advantage over another. Something that happened not because of skill, but because of numbers.


Please not that by the time you logged on, much of the damage had already been done, and soon afterwards Bioware released a comment disabling taxiing. Btw, 15k per hour is insane. My valor per hour when grinding to battlemaster was about 4-5k. I hope there's a rollback to make the grind at least a bit more similar and the future pvp on an equal footing.


Cinn, Jedi Sage Healer, Death Wind Corridor


First of all, you cannot be trapped inside your base, unless the imperial's camping the spawn. I know this happened on some server, but you've already admitted it wasn't happening on your server and I know it wasn't happening on many other as well.


There are 3 ways out of your base; 2 entrances on opposite sides and a taxi out into the battle area. It's entirely possible that there were enough Imperials camping both entrances that you would not be able to back door out of the base like the Republic raids could do on my server, but there's no way the imperials can stop you from taking a taxi out into the battlefield. From there you can run around taking objectives behind the imperial lines. Ultimately, the imperial horde will assuredly hunt you down and defeat you with overwhelming numbers, but the kicker? You will have taken AT LEAST 1 objective from them meaning they would lose the 300% bonus from controlling Ilum along with another 75% for missing an objective. On top of that, they would lose, AND YOU WOULD GAIN the 200% defender bonus when they come to attack you and take the objective back. If you take 2 objectives and fight at one of them as a defender, you actually gain MORE VALOR per kill than the attacking side that has 3 objectives!


The system is fine, and even has nuances like that I described above to deal with the (sometimes extremely) severe faction imbalances. If you sat in the base and let them 5 cap the whole day, it's your own fault (even if you're taxi was getting camped, you could have gone there manually on your speeder to avoid it).

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5 star.


If you have people exploit like this, and not only don't punish them but let them keep the rewards- that says to everyone else in the game 'please, exploit, you will not be punished for it so do it while it's still possible to before we catch it and fix it!'.


That would be an awful example to set.



If instead, you hand out temp bans and roll back valour/gear gained for exploiters- that sends a very strong message about what you get if you exploit.

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First of all, you cannot be trapped inside your base, unless the imperial's camping the spawn. I know this happened on some server, but you've already admitted it wasn't happening on your server and I know it wasn't happening on many other as well.


There are 3 ways out of your base; 2 entrances on opposite sides and a taxi out into the battle area. It's entirely possible that there were enough Imperials camping both entrances that you would not be able to back door out of the base like the Republic raids could do on my server, but there's no way the imperials can stop you from taking a taxi out into the battlefield. From there you can run around taking objectives behind the imperial lines. Ultimately, the imperial horde will assuredly hunt you down and defeat you with overwhelming numbers, but the kicker? You will have taken AT LEAST 1 objective from them meaning they would lose the 300% bonus from controlling Ilum along with another 75% for missing an objective. On top of that, they would lose, AND YOU WOULD GAIN the 200% defender bonus when they come to attack you and take the objective back. If you take 2 objectives and fight at one of them as a defender, you actually gain MORE VALOR per kill than the attacking side that has 3 objectives!


The system is fine, and even has nuances like that I described above to deal with the (sometimes extremely) severe faction imbalances. If you sat in the base and let them 5 cap the whole day, it's your own fault (even if you're taxi was getting camped, you could have gone there manually on your speeder to avoid it).


We couldn't leave base well because we'd get zerged down quite quickly being outnumbered badly. Sith couldn't enter base because w/ turrets it probably would go Republics ways. So the entire time, it was 40 (or however many they had) people sit outside the base, 25 sit inside base, every now and then someone gets pulled and zerged down.


You are right that we could have done different things. We did backdoor cap, can't hold it for any period of time. As you noted, they took it back quickly.We did move out, but got zerged down by bigger imperial balls. We did get some bonuses, but minimal. Comparatively, our gains were smaller than the gains gotten by Sith. Talking with their top PvPers, they were easily hitting warhero+, none of our battlemasters got close. The reason I want rollbacks is I'd like to see some balance restored to the relative pvp ranks of people.

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