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For those that are complaining...


Cancel your subscriptions and move along please. Just because they "might" be dangling a carrot in front of you doesn't mean you only have to eat carrots if you catch my drift.


lol..why do you think they are doing this? Because so many ARE canceling and they need to try to stem the tide.


The only games that have ever offered things like this are those that had a mass exodus.

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Why is that oh master of knowledge beyond measure? Of course its the good time to announce it, reward those who joined you from the get go and don't wait around forever to do so. What is wrong with that? Good lord you people complain about everything!


The ones that were around from the get go? You mean like me? I preordered on day 1, I was in the first day of early start. I handed them the money for the game before I even got to play it. Those are the people who should get this title. Based on your view they should add this for preorders only, and anyone after the first day of release is out of luck. As one who would qualify for that, I think it's crap.

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Yes because people that don't pay for a game they can't play aren't deserving enough. Eh, what more should I expect from people I guess.


Exactly, if u cant play beause the game is broken, or your machine is totally up to par but cant run it (which i think is total exagerration) then the in game item is pointless to you. unsub, live life, come back or dont.


If your playing the game (like i am, bugs n all) and subbed knowing (bugs get fixed over "TIME") then yes. This item is meant for you, even tho, any returning or newcomers before the deadline will be able to get it (which i think shouldnt be allowed)

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I want to say it's more than bad timing it's how this reward is even structured / geared toward. Because anyone can get this title, they didn't have to pre-order help with beta testing etc. So yes it does feel like this is an attempt to keep subscribers when they could have easily won be over with at least a mention of future fixes (for me).. or heck direct the reward at players that actually helped first populate it/ test.


That's my feeling on why I somewhat relate with you on that one and also what many other feel.. minus the rage, lol.


You are missing the point. Its a reward for people making it one of the most succesful mmo launches, in other words its a reward for people who bought the game with in the first few months of release. It would not be very fair to reward some one who beta tested and bought the game and not some one who only bought the game as many people couldn't beta test or were unaware. Plus i don't think they were getting paid for you beta testing if any thing that was a privelage that you should be greatful for not some thing you should be rewarded for.


I know Wow did some thing similar with Cata with the realm first achivements. I remeber playing on launch and seeing all the people who got them, was very exclusive and i'm glad bioware are doing some thing 1 step better! they are releasng this title!

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Exactly, if u cant play beause the game is broken, or your machine is totally up to par but cant run it (which i think is total exagerration) then the in game item is pointless to you. unsub, live life, come back or dont.


If your playing the game (like i am, bugs n all) and subbed knowing (bugs get fixed over "TIME") then yes. This item is meant for you, even tho, any returning or newcomers before the deadline will be able to get it (which i think shouldnt be allowed)


Really, you think it's an exaggeration that some people can't play even though their rig is well past the minimum specs?

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You are missing the point. Its a reward for people making it one of the most succesful mmo launches, in other words its a reward for people who bought the game with in the first few months of release.


Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.




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Really, you think it's an exaggeration that some people can't play even though their rig is well past the minimum specs?


I can play on a measley Dell Inspiron M5010 laptop... Well known ppl like Swifty can play and even live stream it... believing the inbetweens cant? yea i do think they are exagerrating, Just because you get low fps right now, or a mission gets bugged doesnt mean "Game Breaking"... You can still play, Now maybe there are the few who cant even launch the game period. But 9/10 times they have no clue what theyre specs are and how old it is. Horrid FPS, doesnt mean you cant play. I play comfortably with 20 - 30 FPS, i read ppl who complain like that is basically a slideshow which is BS.

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This is the dumbest thing I have herd all month!

And when you manage IT at state university, well lets just say people with a "phd" after their names can say some really dumb stuff.


>This is the dumbest thing I have herd all month!

>I have herd all month!

>herd all month!



Try again?

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Bioware is just scared because once they release the crap patch for Illum they realized they completely screwed the pooch. now the day after they are offering us a reason to keep playing. a reason to stay to see what they do to fix their problems... but the fact is, they are going to lose the REAL founding members because of their lack of skill in making this stuff work.


Bioware. you have potential, but you keep going down hill. kill the game for 4 more years, and release it again when you have all the kinks worked out, or simply stop catering to one side.

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Actually, Swifty had to buy a whole new computer to play the game.


Oic, still, im not gonna sit here and say i didnt expect the game to have flaws, to go out and buy a whole new rig now? thats kinda outrageous. But im sure Swifty could afford it. If you cant run the game, by all means unsub and dont pay for something u cant play, no ones forcing u, i feel for the ppl who honestly cant play at all. But the majority are just impatient ppl who have no idea that MMOs never come out perfect like say a console game.(and if u are familiar with MMOs and still expect flawlessness then your in the wrong) Its always a work in progress, the fps issue may or may not be fixed sooner, or later. Im just willing to stick it out. The sad thing is we are the minority and we wont get recognized (aside from the Founder title), and the nay sayers will be able to come back when the game is more optimized without putting in a dime towards the improvement.

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I can play on a measley Dell Inspiron M5010 laptop... Well known ppl like Swifty can play and even live stream it... believing the inbetweens cant? yea i do think they are exagerrating, Just because you get low fps right now, or a mission gets bugged doesnt mean "Game Breaking"... You can still play, Now maybe there are the few who cant even launch the game period. But 9/10 times they have no clue what theyre specs are and how old it is. Horrid FPS, doesnt mean you cant play. I play comfortably with 20 - 30 FPS, i read ppl who complain like that is basically a slideshow which is BS.


Then please, let me enlighten you some.




Or perhaps you want links to the nvidia site where users give far more technical information on the problems? I can provide that also.


Maybe you think I'm one of those that have no clue what my "specs" are? Or perhaps you think I simply don't know enough about computers to properly analyze the problem? Perhaps you would like to see some logs, you might be able to make more sense of them than me? I will include some if you would prefer.


I think before you start talking about other people exaggerating you should first get a crash course on many of the problems. Perhaps even read some of the issues where nvidia has hinted that the actual game is causing many of the problems. Hell even the devs admitted they were having issues with ati.



This is just me personally, but I can't stand it when someone uses "u" in place of you. Are those two extra keystrokes really so much? Consider the price of perception. By simply applying two more keystrokes you gain the benefit of not looking like someone that has had more than a 5th grade education.

Edited by Tenetke
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You are missing the point. Its a reward for people making it one of the most succesful mmo launches, in other words its a reward for people who bought the game with in the first few months of release. It would not be very fair to reward some one who beta tested and bought the game and not some one who only bought the game as many people couldn't beta test or were unaware. Plus i don't think they were getting paid for you beta testing if any thing that was a privelage that you should be greatful for not some thing you should be rewarded for.


I know Wow did some thing similar with Cata with the realm first achivements. I remeber playing on launch and seeing all the people who got them, was very exclusive and i'm glad bioware are doing some thing 1 step better! they are releasng this title!


Not offended nor did I say that you are implying so pls dont take offense..


But you are the one missing the point look past beta... that was (one) part of what i said the main part should have been ( you have to subscribe ) you don't have to do anything else nor even heard about this game up until this point.. not even a pre-order.. so don't tell me pre-orders are/ were not important. Make sure you don't just focus on one word to not confuse what I was saying entirely... OR all the others that share my feelings about this.. thanks. (see previous pages) It seems you don't believe that it should be given but again I ask you WHY shouldn't be if it's out of that respect?... You still planned on subbing anyway right?....so why couldn't they w/o us having to do that?

Edited by Alpha-to-Omega
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What exactly did u see advertised? The graphics look exactly as they did when BioWare showed off the game at conventions... are you expecting Skyrim like graphics or something? In fact the games graphics are superior to say WoW. So i dont get your Sig... Just one of the many excuses with no weight for the haters to hate imo.


Name another launch that the highest settings were taken out after Beta and did not have AA.


I don't play WoW, BTW Rift has 5 graphics options and AA, F2P Champions Online has 4-5 graphics options and AA.


If you think our graphics are as good as mode 3 then I'm sorry for your low end PC.



/back on topic

Edited by Zezel
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Then please, let me enlighten you some.




Or perhaps you want links to the nvidia site where users give far more technical information on the problems? I can provide that also.


Maybe you think I'm one of those that have no clue what my "specs" are? Or perhaps you think I simply don't know enough about computers to properly analyze the problem? Perhaps you would like to see some logs, you might be able to make more sense of them than me? I will include some if you would prefer.


I think before you start talking about other people exaggerating you should first get a crash course on many of the problems. Perhaps even read some of the issues where nvidia has hinted that the actual game is causing many of the problems. Hell even the devs admitted they were having issues with ati.



This is just me personally, but I can't stand it when someone uses "u" in place of you. Are those two extra keystrokes really so much? Consider the price of perception. By simply applying two more keystrokes you gain the benefit of not looking like someone that has had more than a 5th grade education.


I apologize... you or i mean u are part of the 5% who truly have problems. Actually i dont apologize, if youre or i mean ur going to... err i mean gonna take shots at me for not caring about grammar on an internet forum like its a college essay being graded or something... I text like that too, my phone agrees with my lingo. I guess i dont judge by the cover, an important lesson in life. Anyways, im done trolling the trolls, gotta a game to get back to bugs n all :D

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I apologize... you or i mean u are part of the 5% who truly have problems. Actually i dont apologize, if youre or i mean ur going to... err i mean gonna take shots at me for not caring about grammar on an internet forum like its a college essay being graded or something... I text like that too, my phone agrees with my lingo. I guess i dont judge by the cover, an important lesson in life. Anyways, im done trolling the trolls, gotta a game to get back to bugs n all :D


Did you know the link in your signature doesn't work anymore?

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Looks cool to me. I like "veteran rewards" :D. We had them in SWG and I thought they were cool then too.


It's a subscription based game folks... it's never been anything different than that. Nobody's ever tried to say otherwise. A simple in game "Thank You" is just that. A simple thanks.


It's not a trick... and I don't believe that anyone at BioWare intended to save or boost subscription numbers. If you see it as anything but a simple thank you then you obviously see the world differently than they do.


The Development Team at BioWare is massive compared to other products. The people providing this simple gesture are not the people fixing bugs or developing content. Giving a simple, "Thank You" has not derailed any other project plans or deliverables.

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