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WoW, SWTOR, DAOC and the integration of mixed game mechanics


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actually, after reading your summary, i can say my response roughly hit it. I may have read too much in depth, but it seems liek it rolls with yours a little.


Basically, I'm not knocking anything about WoW as far as it's great features, I'm knocking the fact that people keep trying to provide these fantastic solutions to bioware of " Oh, well just do it like this game ", when the whole point of people moving to a new game is just that.... New. If we wanted World of Warcraft exactly, we would play it. If we wanted Dark Age of Camelot exactly, we would play it. The entire thrill of a new game is its new mechanics ( which is perfectly acceptable if they worked in another game ). But the gear grind from WoW, in a poll taken by survey, is the majority reason most players left WoW.

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My point exactly. Your post is a giant wall of yellow text that derp derp derp WoW this WoW that in first few sentences. If you bothered to organize it a bit better and attempt to capture the audience I wouldn't ask for TLDR version.


Now please make a point so I don't have to read your yellow whinage about how this game is godsend and how WoW sucks.


Be a man and admit you didn't read the post and made an idiotic one in return.

Edited by Quesa
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1a. This game is more like WoW than it is different. You can't expect to even come close to having an intelligent debate if you don't admit that. Furthermore, those features you stated are wanted in all MMO's, not just the WoW genre of MMO's.


1b. People who have always wanted the DAoC PvP mechanics will look for those in any game, it's not exclusive to SWTOR. Nobody knows how far they'll take it in this game but one thing is for sure, the population imbalance will make open world PvP nearly impossible to balance, thus not even worth the time to discuss until that is addressed fully.


2a. Like it or not, as stated in 1a, this game is more like WoW than it is different. It wasn't a half-hearted attempt to snag people, they knew exactly the demographic they were targeting and guess what - it was the WoW demographic.


2b. The game is developed, it's not going to evolve into a 2012 Corvette. You paid for this game knowing what it was going to be like. You couldn't turn a corner at any gaming site and not read or watch some review by either gaming reviewers or beta testers. To come in here expecting one thing when you were clearly sold a very specific product reviewed by everyone and their frakkin sister is naive, to say it as softly as possible.

Very well said, you stated my exact opinion in a more FACT like statement. I agree with you completely, but the reason of this post was a plea / awareness arousal for the player base to know exactly what they are up against.

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So those SWG commercials I recall seeing oh so long ago never actually happened?


World of Warcraft was advertised when MMO's were new. Therefore, it was the big thing. WoW had already been around when SWG tried it's pathetic attempts to advertise, thus failing. Did this clarify?

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I already said I didn't read the post, past the first few sentences. So I am an idiot for not reading?




Nice one, haha ...


Yes, yes you are. The TLDR is the "SUMMARY", and it is preceded by the "Great wall of text" for a reason, read it, and figure it out, or go troll somewhere else.

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The reality is this: WoW is a decently built game, and has become so through trial and error.


8+ years of development has gotten them to some of the best solutions in the MMO industry. The very reasons that SWTOR is struggling right this very minute is because they went off the beaten path when Blizzard had already done their homework for them:


Look at Wintersgrasp:


Blizz knew the population imbalance would ruin gameplay for underpopulated factions so they created Tenacity. Tenacity wasn't really doing what they needed it to do so they capped the populations 1:1 and carried it into Cataclysm with Tol Barad.


50's are suffering from PVP queue times:

Blizzard developed cross realm PVP, which Trion even had the brains to use in Rift.


Look at all this wonky gameplay which could be solved by macros and addons: SWTOR wants none of it.


Look at the AH: Blizzard has a great system, this one is total garbage.


Everyone claims they don't want to play a WoW clone, but the reality is that trying not to be WoW is going to make the game subpar because Blizzard has perfected nearly everything.


Reinventing the wheel is a really, really bad idea and I am shocked that with examples such as Wintergrasp and Tol Barad that the BW Devs somehow decided against doing ANYTHING right as far as Ilum goes.


It's not even like they sat down and said "WG and TB were done like 'this', how can we improve upon it?" - they went straight to the drawing board and screwed the pooch.

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World of Warcraft was advertised when MMO's were new. Therefore, it was the big thing. WoW had already been around when SWG tried it's pathetic attempts to advertise, thus failing. Did this clarify?


WoW targeted that audience which was completely different from those of games like Eve Online or other, older and what people may call harder-core games. Back then if you were a gamer, you knew about games. WoW targeted non-gamers or people who played a game now and then but never thought of searching for an MMO. If any other MMO would have advertised on TV, it would have just been a waste of $.

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I agree, no rollback sucks, but people are severely overreacting (what else would you expect from an MMO community I suppose?).


People need to realize that in the grand scheme of things, the number of people who benefited from this exploit today is miniscule. In a month or two the number of lvl fifties will more than double. In even more time, the percentage of ppl who actually took advantage of this will grow even more tiny.


No rollback sucks, but the world is not ending... Calm down, take deep breaths, everything will be okay.

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World of Warcraft was advertised when MMO's were new. Therefore, it was the big thing. WoW had already been around when SWG tried it's pathetic attempts to advertise, thus failing. Did this clarify?


When MMO's were new? What? SWG was out and advertising before WoW ever hit the ground.

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That game the OP mentioned was fun a few years ago, probebly still is. I left because of the players. Mean and nasty bunch. called each other names, made new players feel bad, complained about every detail of the game. Rotten community that.


Yes, same as I did. However I stuck it out until SWTOR release. The game is still alive and very fun to pvp in, the players are all just idiots by this point, gone mad at having played it for 11 years.

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The reality is this: WoW is a decently built game, and has become so through trial and error.


8+ years of development has gotten them to some of the best solutions in the MMO industry. The very reasons that SWTOR is struggling right this very minute is because they went off the beaten path when Blizzard had already done their homework for them:


Look at Wintersgrasp:


Blizz knew the population imbalance would ruin gameplay for underpopulated factions so they created Tenacity. Tenacity wasn't really doing what they needed it to do so they capped the populations 1:1 and carried it into Cataclysm with Tol Barad.


50's are suffering from PVP queue times:

Blizzard developed cross realm PVP, which Trion even had the brains to use in Rift.


Look at all this wonky gameplay which could be solved by macros and addons: SWTOR wants none of it.


Look at the AH: Blizzard has a great system, this one is total garbage.


Everyone claims they don't want to play a WoW clone, but the reality is that trying not to be WoW is going to make the game subpar because Blizzard has perfected nearly everything.


Reinventing the wheel is a really, really bad idea and I am shocked that with examples such as Wintergrasp and Tol Barad that the BW Devs somehow decided against doing ANYTHING right as far as Ilum goes.


It's not even like they sat down and said "WG and TB were done like 'this', how can we improve upon it?" - they went straight to the drawing board and screwed the pooch.



In accorance with my post, this is correct. Yet you left out a major part of the problem, we are posting on a pvp forum about the broken pvp, not the auction house. Bioware needs to keep WoW infrastructure ( or rather implement it ) but stay as far away from the warzone / gear grind fest as they can.

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As a long term wow player I think I'm probably one of swtors

Best customers like any one who has played any mmO long term

I have patience and I know that fixes and Bugs take time to work out and I'm willing to work with and discuss these issues with the devs and community

No game is perfect if you think otherwise you haven't played pc games for very long


This game does have issues and there are aspects that I cannot participate in like wz

I can pvp in the world just fine but in wz I can barely move or use abilities

I can wait though because like all games this stuuf gets worked out eventually

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