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Can you change your advanced class choice?


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in english?


Not sure what it is you don't understand. Let me put it a different way. A logical fallacy is a contention someone purports that is not logically sound if followed out. The slippery slope is a very common logical fallacy. The fact that you argued using a slippery slope fallacy, while actually using the phrase "slippery slope", is ironic and humorous.





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I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply given by Bramblerose a moment ago.


To suppose that I, as a player, cannot change advanced class is entirely true. I do not contend with that statement. I asked if it is known whether a GM has this ability at their disposal. Which is, in fact, a very different question.

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it would be nice if u could dual spec ur adv class or tal tree as well only time will tell if EA will do so


I disagree about Advanced Class. However, I recall reading at one point that they plan for dual specs for your current AC. I could be wrong, just what I think I recall reading.



(Was on the forums before the wipe, so not even sure if it could be found again)

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I know of a way but it will cost you 3-4 hours... :cool:


Yeah, that is what I am going to have to do. I played Sorc in Beta during a stress test and enjoyed it. I then got it in my head that having stealth would be so much better on a pvp server. I loathe the Assassin - time to reroll!

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I just accidentally choose the wrong advanced class on my BH. I don't know if i clicked too fast or just mis-read while i was going over the specs but that aside i think its utterly ridiculous to make people keep the same spec on their toon forever.


This is really a deal breaker for me specially because I messed up, although there wasn't any "are you sure" box come up to warn me or anything else of what I was clicking on which would AT LEAST be something considering its currently a choice you have to live with throughout your play on that class. However, I opened up a ticket to see what the GM's will say/do and if they can't or won't help I think i'm going to have to give up. honestly, i enjoyed the game so far but I don't care for any games that are so unforgiving. Its like playing games without a save feature. This seriously needs to be addressed, and soon.

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I just accidentally choose the wrong advanced class on my BH. I don't know if i clicked too fast or just mis-read while i was going over the specs but that aside i think its utterly ridiculous to make people keep the same spec on their toon forever.


This is really a deal breaker for me specially because I messed up, although there wasn't any "are you sure" box come up to warn me or anything else of what I was clicking on which would AT LEAST be something considering its currently a choice you have to live with throughout your play on that class. However, I opened up a ticket to see what the GM's will say/do and if they can't or won't help I think i'm going to have to give up. honestly, i enjoyed the game so far but I don't care for any games that are so unforgiving. Its like playing games without a save feature. This seriously needs to be addressed, and soon.


Did you ever get a resolution on your ticket? I'm in the same boat.

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This reminds me of any quality premise, unless you automate the entirety of any process there will always be a chance for user error. If there is a chance for user error people will find a way to make errors.


In this case there are multiple safe guards to stop you from randomly clicking the wrong class.


1- Two conversations prior to offering you the option to choose stating that your choice is permanent so you should be careful when making it.

2- When you actually choose a short summary of what you are picking, including group roles, gear able to be equipped, and description of play style.

3- If that isn't enough there is an extra option to view both available talent trees prior to choosing.


If you choose to not pay attention to all of that and somehow still make the mistake of picking a different ac than you meant to, yes you should be putting in a gm ticket and waiting patiently until they have time to address the problem you created.

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I think one major reason why it would be difficult to change your advanced class are all the scripted class quests. There could be some major bugs that can arise in the story if you make a major switch in the middle of things. Since I've just hit level 10 and still have to select mine, I'm tossing a question out to the masses. Are there any noticeable story differences for your character based on the advanced class you chose?


I think it is for this reason that Bioware made this selection as early in the character development - so that they can develop a more focused plot for all of us, and to make it not too much of a hindrance to roll a new character if you make a bad decision.

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The NPCs who offer your advanced class state that your choice is permanent.


However, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed that in the coming months due to overwhelming player requests for that feature.


Honestly, I feel like many of the requests for this feature are just people trolling the forums.


I would prefer a system where you have to pick the advanced class at character generation, even though it affects nothing until level 10.


They already accelerated leveling for levels 1 through 10, I'm sure they'll speed it up again eventually, and the whole "I don't want to do those levels again" argument becomes less of an issue.


Dealing damage between two related advanced classes isn't that different. The big difference is in the specialized abilities for tanking and healing, and from the visual aesthetics of the weapons and possibly armor.

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This reminds me of any quality premise, unless you automate the entirety of any process there will always be a chance for user error. If there is a chance for user error people will find a way to make errors.


In this case there are multiple safe guards to stop you from randomly clicking the wrong class.


1- Two conversations prior to offering you the option to choose stating that your choice is permanent so you should be careful when making it.

2- When you actually choose a short summary of what you are picking, including group roles, gear able to be equipped, and description of play style.

3- If that isn't enough there is an extra option to view both available talent trees prior to choosing.


If you choose to not pay attention to all of that and somehow still make the mistake of picking a different ac than you meant to, yes you should be putting in a gm ticket and waiting patiently until they have time to address the problem you created.


Which I'm sure everyone of us are doing. I apologize for offending your overly-sensitive fan boy protector reflex by coming to the forums to find out if other people have had the same issue and whether or not that have gotten any feedback from customer support.


It was my mistake, I thought communication was what these boards were for.



Sometimes I get so tired of the internet's power to help people release their inner *********.

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I think one major reason why it would be difficult to change your advanced class are all the scripted class quests. There could be some major bugs that can arise in the story if you make a major switch in the middle of things. Since I've just hit level 10 and still have to select mine, I'm tossing a question out to the masses. Are there any noticeable story differences for your character based on the advanced class you chose?


I think it is for this reason that Bioware made this selection as early in the character development - so that they can develop a more focused plot for all of us, and to make it not too much of a hindrance to roll a new character if you make a bad decision.


I haven't played enough to know for sure, but so far it seems like the stories are the same for the two advanced classes in a group. So, theoretically, it should be possible to switch without upsetting class quest progression.


However, that doesn't stop them from creating unique stories for the advanced classes as part of new content later. Adding the ability to change advanced classes could affect BioWare's freedom in making new content later.

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This reminds me of any quality premise, unless you automate the entirety of any process there will always be a chance for user error. If there is a chance for user error people will find a way to make errors.


In this case there are multiple safe guards to stop you from randomly clicking the wrong class.


1- Two conversations prior to offering you the option to choose stating that your choice is permanent so you should be careful when making it.

2- When you actually choose a short summary of what you are picking, including group roles, gear able to be equipped, and description of play style.

3- If that isn't enough there is an extra option to view both available talent trees prior to choosing.


If you choose to not pay attention to all of that and somehow still make the mistake of picking a different ac than you meant to, yes you should be putting in a gm ticket and waiting patiently until they have time to address the problem you created.


My vote is with this guy. If you just click click click away anything that comes on screen without reading it first, then you get what you deserve. You'd have to be either careless or reckless to make this error.

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Did you ever get a resolution on your ticket? I'm in the same boat.


I'm in the same boat as well. Clicked "select" instead of "inspect" by mistake and there was NO "are you sure" warning of any kind -- only an AC I didn't wan't. I submitted a ticket but haven't heard anything and now I'm searching the forums for an answer.... nothing official yet that I can find.


I hope someone is able to get an answer to this soon! And I do wish the fanboy trolls who seem to enjoy throwing their opinions in your face rather than helping -- despite not having any actual knowledge one way or the other regarding an actual answer to the issue at hand -- would find something better to do with their time.

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I'm in the same boat as well. Clicked "select" instead of "inspect" by mistake and there was NO "are you sure" warning of any kind -- only an AC I didn't wan't.


Man...this almost happened to me as well! The two buttons are close and after reading, switching to the web browser and back to the game I almost clicked Select myself! I was busy reviewing powers and talent trees to try to divine whether I would want to play the class for 50 levels or not.


All the while thinking how silly it all was that I had to make such a decision with practically no idea how it would turn out...or face another 4 hour stint in the starter zone.

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My vote is with this guy. If you just click click click away anything that comes on screen without reading it first, then you get what you deserve. You'd have to be either careless or reckless to make this error.


Well what if you took the time to carefully pick and still made the mistake. I spent 25-30 minutes thinking about my AC (longer if you count the time I spent before the game launched), and hated the gameplay 5 levels in. I was neither careless or reckless, and now im being punished for that?

Edited by Urthadar
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Have to say I'd like the ability to spend a good amount of credits to switch. Have it setup like this:



Before level 20, you can reset your AC and switch for a sum of 5000cR. You must wait 24 hours to change back again.


Before level 30, you can reset your AC and switch for a sum of 10,000cR. You must wait 2 weeks to change back again.




That would keep people from chaning their characters on teh fly, and would cost them a pretty penny for doing it. It'd keep people in the PVP areas from switching just to spite people, but would allow those who genuinely want to change, the ability to do so.






I've gotten an Agent going, and I'm liking him a lot. However, I went sniper, and I'm finding it a bit boring and at times, difficult to play. The need to get into cover continuously slows down game play and makes for a clunky experience. I'd like to reroll into an Operative for the (hopefully) more enjoyable gameplay. But I can't because I was forced to choose before knowing how it played.





You could consider the above a 'training period' where the players would be able to feel out their characters and make sure it's right for them.

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I think you should be able to change it if you just picked it and A. Try it and dont like it or B. Picked the wrong one on accident


See I agree but this is the idea that I came up with. You should get 2 Free resets that way you can try both AC's. Then after your 2nd reset it should cost something over the top like 1mil credits or something and double or even triple or more each next one you do. That way you get to try both AC's but after that it will really hurt if you want to change again so people can't change it every day or what ever.

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agreed and support. id like to be able to switch from a sith warrior to a sith inquisitor with my ingame collector items i paid for-intact. we really have earned that right just by buying the game in the first place- not to mention by paying for the companys housebills. give us the option to reset for a credit price in the game please. Edited by ekosdarid
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See I agree but this is the idea that I came up with. You should get 2 Free resets that way you can try both AC's. Then after your 2nd reset it should cost something over the top like 1mil credits or something and double or even triple or more each next one you do. That way you get to try both AC's but after that it will really hurt if you want to change again so people can't change it every day or what ever.


I think similarly. Given the choice of relatively easy re-doing or not at all I incline towards not at all. That said, I wouldn't be adverse to a single-shot mulligan where they can swap advanced classes once. I don't think having two to try and then swap back is necessary because I feel the focus for it should be


1."I hit the wrong button/didn't intend to choose that one"


2."A couple levels in and I really don't like this playstyle, I want to go the other route"



Those can be solved with a single-time use of it. If you get one advanced class, decide to swap over, then realize you really did like the first advanced class better then that's life, the compassion only extends so far.



As has been mentioned your advanced class is your 'real' class. This is not a trait tree but a character-defining choice, having the capacity to swap back and forth multiple times just undermines the nature of making the decision in the first place, had they wanted that they would have just made 5 talent trees.

Edited by paul_preib
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ive only started mate. its so not fair how they limit the sith warriors force abilites to basic push and shove and maniacal choking compared to inquisitor(but thats a little beside the point) plez plez plez give us this option to reset, and not through the 5 hour phone thing either, but in game. (and with the collector game items intact)




..in fact.. i dont see why you cant have those items automatically moved to another character of yours when you reach a certain level, and mebey decide to play again as a differetn class. you paid real money for those items. x[) you should be able to carry over. its not like your going to be able to sell them to someone else if you do switch/start a new game)



support for this e. thread again.

Edited by ekosdarid
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