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Laugh out Loud BioWare


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I'm still in hysterics over the Ilium world PvP issue.


You have to be abso-freakin-lutly kidding me. Players have been warning you since beta invites FIRST began to institute some type of faction balance on servers. You never listened... Instead you thought, "oh well it will eventually work itself out as time goes on."


Now what exactly are you going to do? 15 Imps to each Repub. Your own implemented Defense system on Ilium can't withstand the imbalance. So people are caught in a neverending loop of death respawn death respawn.


But I digress...

What will be your solution to this? Probably some cockamimi implimentation that makes turrets invulnerable; just to put a band-aid on a heavy wound, or some other useless implementation that does nothing to remedy the problem.


LOL I can't wait for BioWare to make the turrets or defenses even stronger that way the republic can just sit in a safe area while the massive amounts of Imps wait on the outside... Might as well delete Ilium. This world pvp content was a terrible idea without faction balance.

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They're gonna make the bases instant death to the opposite faction........












































"hopefully" by tomorrow morning. :rolleyes: Time to roll that alt you've been meaning to.

Edited by Abanoth
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I don't quite understand your tactics, so I'm gonna keep acting tough until I do!



In all seriousness, wow! I don't understand how EA is just going to sit back and let this game with so much potential run into the ground. What makes it extremely humorous is that they have direct control over BioWare. The execs better get their heads outta their asses otherwise this won't even last 6 months. When the stock facepalms after this game keels over, EA can only blame themselves for letting the same idiots that f'd up Warhammer, ruin a Star Wars IP. GG, that's 2 MMOs backed by industry giant(s), both EA and BioWare/Mythic (who are generally known for putting out really good RPGs and MMOs). So something has gone wrong in the last 5 years with the BioWare/Mythic MMO dev team, because so far they are 0/2 in my eyes.


Bleh blah bla, game development is hard, give it time...Wahhh, working is hard, no matter what you do. They do this for a living. A paying customer expects quality. "Good morning folks this is your captain speaking. Well it looks like Boeing forgot to warn us pilots that the wings on this aircraft shear off after 30 minutes of flight, so it looks like we are going down. Later." Lolz.



TLDR; Listen to your PAYING CUSTOMER BASE, otherwise they will give you the finger like your last game.

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Well I thought if I was going to create a post that I would follow it up with maybe my idea for improvement. But, even this will only partially fix the problem and in the process create all new ones.


IDEA: Create a Que for Iliium... If there is only 20 Republics on Ilium then thee should only be 20 Imperials able to come in.


Well this will cause Imps to rage because now they can't join Ilium when they want, but at least it will keep some balance on the planet. Maybe it will cause some Imps to switch factions.


You need to at least start creating incentives for Republic players so that more Sith switch sides...

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Mythic dev team is on it!


In about 6 months, they will state, after many long discussions, that there may be a problem.


Their fix:


Paid game expansion.



LOL. Sad, but true. Everyone must be so desperate to come up with a competitor to WoW, that they look at a resume and say, "Oh, you worked on Warhammer Online? How is that game? It lasted 6 months, really? OK, good enough, here's 80 million dollars." MMO development is a risky business by nature, but jesus, still. It can't be that expendable.

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IDEA: Create a Que for Iliium... If there is only 20 Republics on Ilium then thee should only be 20 Imperials able to come in.


Well this will cause Imps to rage because now they can't join Ilium when they want, but at least it will keep some balance on the planet. Maybe it will cause some Imps to switch factions.


This would keep the bulk of Imps from completing their dailies. And it would allow the bulk of Repubs to complete their dailies. Which would lead to a lot of Imps quitting. Which, in theory, would solve the problem. And create another - ghost town servers.


Look, I'll make it simple. Someone who spent 10-14 days /played time leveling to 50 and getting geared isn't just going to reroll Republic and start at level 1. Though funnily enough, you CAN apparently mail money to opposing faction in this game. I haven't tried it myself, but I hear it's the case.


Anywho, if they want faction balance, they NEED to cap the creation of new chars until things balance out. It's not perfect, Aion did this and it didn't work, but it's better than doing nothing at all - which is what they've been doing up to now.


Then they need to give people an incentive to go Republic if they already have Empire chars. Look, I have a 36 Operative. There's no way in holy hell I would reroll a Scoundrel. But if they allowed me to trade in my 36 Operative for 36 Scoundrel, I might just do it.


And finally, they NEED to fix animation lengths and ability response. If you compare how spells look and feel between factions, all too often Republic versions are slower/clunkier. Which is one of many reasons why so many avoid Republic on PvP servers.


Problem with all this? TIME. All of these should have been done ages ago, when they were first reported, BACK IN BETA.

Edited by Sabbathius
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BioWare's thought Process...



Shmoe: "Hey Bob! what's the current average amount of Level 50 Imps on each server?"


Bob: "...About 752."


Shmoe: "How about Republics?"


Bob: "...12."


Shmoe: "Ok, lets put in two 10,000 health turrets for each side. that should help balance out the factions."


Bob: "Should killing the instant respawning turrets yield Valor?"


Shmoe: "Ya sure i Mean its going to take people forever to kill two 10,000 health turrets anyways..."


Bob: "We should really look into giving incentives to get more players to roll Republic."


Shmoe: "What?!?! The Jedi's get to wear dresses already what more incentive does there need to be?"

Edited by Etravex
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you know an easy fix to this would be to have a galaxy wide pvp mission. to make it fair, you wouldn't get credit if you killed someone 5 levels or more under you. I didn't mind the new change at first. that was before I looked at my valor level and after gaining 10 levels in an hour and a half. too fast, not much fun for me.


ahh well, bioware made a bori. my room mate owes me a keg. thanks BW i knew you wouldnt fail me. :D

Edited by -Sidac-
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This would keep the bulk of Imps from completing their dailies. And it would allow the bulk of Repubs to complete their dailies. Which would lead to a lot of Imps quitting. Which, in theory, would solve the problem. And create another - ghost town servers.


Look, I'll make it simple. Someone who spent 10-14 days /played time leveling to 50 and getting geared isn't just going to reroll Republic and start at level 1. Though funnily enough, you CAN apparently mail money to opposing faction in this game. I haven't tried it myself, but I hear it's the case.


Anywho, if they want faction balance, they NEED to cap the creation of new chars until things balance out. It's not perfect, Aion did this and it didn't work, but it's better than doing nothing at all - which is what they've been doing up to now.


Then they need to give people an incentive to go Republic if they already have Empire chars. Look, I have a 36 Operative. There's no way in holy hell I would reroll a Scoundrel. But if they allowed me to trade in my 36 Operative for 36 Scoundrel, I might just do it.


And finally, they NEED to fix animation lengths and ability response. If you compare how spells look and feel between factions, all too often Republic versions are slower/clunkier. Which is one of many reasons why so many avoid Republic on PvP servers.


Problem with all this? TIME. All of these should have been done ages ago, when they were first reported, BACK IN BETA.



Not to mention that our Jedi's wear blue and white dresses... Seriously where the hell is the incentive to be Republic?

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Well I thought if I was going to create a post that I would follow it up with maybe my idea for improvement. But, even this will only partially fix the problem and in the process create all new ones.


IDEA: Create a Que for Iliium... If there is only 20 Republics on Ilium then thee should only be 20 Imperials able to come in.


Well this will cause Imps to rage because now they can't join Ilium when they want, but at least it will keep some balance on the planet. Maybe it will cause some Imps to switch factions.


You need to at least start creating incentives for Republic players so that more Sith switch sides...


The zone is too big for 20 vs 20. As much as I hate WoW, I wish they would just go copy Wintergrasp already.

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They're gonna make the bases instant death to the opposite faction........


so just do it? Why wait until the problem happened?


Is it so hard to test it before rolling onto the live servers?


Intended my ***. The level of incompetence displayed by bioware really baffles me.

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so just do it? Why wait until the problem happened?


Is it so hard to test it before rolling onto the live servers?


Intended my ***. The level of incompetence displayed by bioware really baffles me.


Well it's a little hard to test level 50 pvp content when the testers are all running around as level 2's and 3's.

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In all seriousness, wow! I don't understand how EA is just going to sit back and let this game with so much potential run into the ground. What makes it extremely humorous is that they have direct control over BioWare.


No here is what is extremely humorous... EA are the ones who most likely pushed this game's launch to December. It was NOWHERE NEAR ready for launch. It needed until at least March for more beta testing. The amount of endgame testing was a total joke.


Not to say BW doesn't deserve the blame with the Ilum issues, I'm just saying the issues are probably traceable back to EA.

Edited by Sanctuss
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No here is what is extremely humorous... EA are the ones who most likely pushed this game's launch to December. It was NOWHERE NEAR ready for launch. It needed until at least March for more beta testing. The amount of endgame testing was a total joke.


Not to say BW doesn't deserve the blame with the Ilum issues, I'm just saying the issues are probably traceable back to EA.


100% Agreed.. EA is known for pushing half ***** games to launch. They don't care though. They just want their money back.

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The current version, and really any changes to it that requires the killing of other players is just bad design.


First it'll favor the faction with the most players. After dredging through an unquestable zone the weaker faction will just stop going there. From there the stronger faction will have no one to kill for their quests so they'll just stop going there. Ilum will become an empty world pvp zone.


It's bad design. Wintergrasp worked in wow for 2 reasons.


1- It was on a rotateing timed event where the battle took place, a faction won or lost and it was over.


2- Quests existed for both attacking and defending, so even if you lost you still walked out with something.


3- It limited player involvement for balance. Because of #1 people could gather for the battle and the battleground would balance the team numbers.


Without a working form of all 3 of these, Ilum is flawed. I'm glad they're putting a need to work into the system, but this isn't the way to do it.

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No here is what is extremely humorous... EA are the ones who most likely pushed this game's launch to December. It was NOWHERE NEAR ready for launch. It needed until at least March for more beta testing. The amount of endgame testing was a total joke.


Not to say BW doesn't deserve the blame with the Ilum issues, I'm just saying the issues are probably traceable back to EA.


I posted a little after that post. EA's business model is to recoup development costs from the start as fast as possible then pz. I bet it just needs to last 6 months and they are finished, maybe even with a little profit. They'll always hype the "fastest growing subscription based MMO ever" for any followup games BioMythic puts out as well. Success in their eyes. It's like saying Homefront from THQ was a huge success (It sold around 1 million copies, a lot for an "indie-ish" FPS game). Then THQ cans the studio a month later. LOLZ


I agree 100 percent. It's a money grab on the Star Wars IP, I fell for it. I say this every time too. I'll never buy another EA game, and then I do. :(

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I posted a little after that post. EA's business model is to recoup development costs from the start as fast as possible then pz. I bet it just needs to last 6 months and they are finished, maybe even with a little profit. They'll always hype the "fastest growing subscription based MMO ever" for any followup games BioMythic puts out as well. Success in their eyes. It's like saying Homefront from THQ was a huge success (It sold around 1 million copies, a lot for an "indie-ish" FPS game). Then THQ cans the studio a month later. LOLZ


I agree 100 percent. It's a money grab on the Star Wars IP, I fell for it. I say this every time too. I'll never buy another EA game, and then I do. :(


Battlefield is still good.

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Battlefield is still good.



Battlefield 3 still does remain unique, yes. That's one purchase I don't regret. I think DICE still has to the balls to say fu to EA on some things. But I can slowly see EA creeping up in DICE's creative juices. The series probably has 1-2 games left before it has been successfully Call of Dooty-ized.



A little OT, but the point remains the same. :rolleyes:

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Refering to WoW's wintergrasp. << they had a effort at fixing it and they didn't really sucessfuly do it at all. I do beleive it's still quite in shambles.


Let them have time to fix it. Server balance is one issue many many MMos suffer when there's something that requirs X to be here to do this against Y.


Give them ways to try and fix this.


E.g. Giving stats to the oppsite that is outnumbered

- making ILum a cross server ''instance/flashpoint'' like zone which only a certain ammount of pepole it's capped by. And every 5 players they;re outnumbered by they get a % increase in stats.


I don't know i'm just trying to float stuff out there.

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