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Star Wars: Underworld. What are your thoughts?


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Good to see they gave it a title, I was beginning to think it wasn't happening.


I'm looking forward to it. With so many different writers working on it there's bound to be at least some good episodes. I just hope it doesn't invalidate too much existing canon.

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Is this even still happening? From the sound of it this project has been dropped, picked up again, and dropped again so many times that I'm not holding my breath.


It could be interesting, though, I must admit. But I would much prefer a series set during the Galactic Civil War... I want to see some more movies and shows set during that time, I'm getting rather tired of all the prequels and Clone Wars stuff.

Edited by Blue_Leader
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Last I heard they were going for a darker more adult tone. Last interview sounded like they are interested in FX or AMC. The reasoning was the FOX and ABC are more likely to drop a show after a few episodes if the ratings drop even a little bit. FX and AMC are more willing to let an audience develop over several seasons.


Show is atleast 3 years away. They want CGI on par with Episode 3 for 5 million an episode. Not possible as of right now.

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