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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Why is everyone QQ ing about no rollback?


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:



Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.




nuff said.


Yeah cause that will for sure happen. Like all the other previous times they did something against exploiters. Oh wait, They DIDN'T. The exploiters got a slap on the wrist and got to keep everything they got while exploiting.


Stop being such a naive believer in BW.

Edited by Ellvaan
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Tabula Rasa on so many levels.

This game needs a clear slate. All the crap happening right now, should have happend in the beta. But no, you guys only invited a very limited number of people. Most did not reach lvl 50 in all those "weekends" and no one did anything for extended amounts of time.


I just tried to do the daily on Ilum. No way. Had 15kills after 2h. And that is what pisses me of the most. Without a wounds mechanic it is almost impossible to bring people down in those piles of imps. They just stand there, get healed untill their cooldown for pulling you into their raid is ready.


I brought my entire guild into this game, conviced some to buy it despite the beta experience they had. I bought a CE for once in my lifetime.

After just one night even those who automaticly resubbed refuse to log on and play.


From the whole guild only two of us remain after this one patch. And the other one is only waiting for GW2.


The biggest problem AGAIN is not that something is foobar, nor that the reaction is in no way apropriate. The biggest problem is the lack of comunication. Those little pieces of very vague posts once every decade make most of us feel disrespected as customers. It is like hanging on hold on the phone, listening to celine dion for 12 straight hours only to be redirected to the same operator who put us there, afer he came back from home.

Edited by Karenai
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i cringe every time i see the words 'faction imbalance' and 'they should fix it' in one sentence. how would you 'fix' more people going to one faction? it's retarded to expect this.


how about the fact that The imperial agent has instant response to his/her skill while my Smuggler who is a mirrored class has animation delays on the same skills.. Up to 3 seconds on some of them.


I have both classes so I'm not talking out of my ***.


Or Sages Vs Inqs.. Same issue there


stop being a moron


Not only is the faction imbalance very true but many who rolled republic went empire cause of the issues with our classes.


I actually brought my guild from empire to republic so that we would be underdogs. What a mistake that was on my end now that republic is getting the short stick on every thing

Edited by Victrixz
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for all we know that means "we dont care", we'll never know if they ever did something about it


my guess is no.

That's exactly what it means. They were hoping for a big outpouring of supportive posts and threads saying, "It's okay everyone! They're going to do something about it. They've heard our pleas."


It pretty much backfired on them because we all realize that exploiters have not been punished adequately in the past (credit exploit, level 13's gold farmers on level 50 planets, etc) - and yes, this is an exploit per the TOS. It backfired because we all realize that BW's customer service is a slew of one-size-fits-all canned e-mail responses which never really address the problem and, more or less, buy time until the customer just goes away and stops complaining. It backfired because BW's repeatedly stated their policy on punishing people is to not disclose, hence we will never really know the level of retribution, if any at all.


Case history is really not on BW's side here when the matter at hand is satisfying the customer base.

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More cancelled accounts = no more QQ, this will be fun :)


I just want a rollback for the valor but I find the Ilum System quite nice the problem is the imbalacing between the sides, and that Bioware can't fix, is a community problem, you want to have a more balancing servers? Join Republic.

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Yes I'm up a bit to early, parenting is such a fun job. :-)

I do feel that things are being blown a bit out of proportion here. Yes this is a problem and needs to be addressed quickly. That is the real problem, that the response seems to be slow and indecisive. I have in fact canceled my subscription, but it's not some kinda ragequit thing.


Before this patch I was on the fence, on my server I've not had much luck doing anything at endgame. To few 50's running flashpoints, almost none it seems doing hardmodes that I can join. Do I need a different guild? Perhaps, but that's not the point. With my lack of endgame options, and my desire to have fun with my main character, I turned to pvp. Sadly most of the time I was in warzones with 1-3 50's on either side. Now with the bracket for 50 I can't do any warzones. It starts with 4 of us on my side 8 on imp, then stops because maybe one other 50 joined. So turn to Ilum for my pvp? Sure, in the evenings thats an option, my server rallied and stuck it to the imps, using gorilla tactics and being "smarter" we drove em out of our base, and backed em into a corner, we did not spawn camp, and stayed outside the base. And we were outnumbered. hehe It was fun, but the problem I have is I have more time on my hands then just evening, and during the day it is already hard to get anything done, this just sealed my fate to being forced to play alts if I want to play at all. Yes I'd like to play more story, but I don't want to have no other option.


Add that with the random load screens, and a framerate drop and I'm not a happy player. As for the AA thing being the cause, I had mine enabled before headstart was over. And disabling it gained me nothing. I don't know whats going on with the fps, but I'm super scrubbing my system to see if it's my side, though it seems only to be ToR and not any other game.


And yes, I have been at the forefront of other major mmo releases, so I know all to well of the problems most have. I accept problems this early in a game, though as a consumer we should only accept to much, broken products should not be sold and just "taken as is" so much. I can get past a few things, but it's how it is being handled by the company that finally pushed me away.


I will not dump the game forever, I'm sure Bioware will get it's act together, and I look forward to coming back and having fun again. But as the current situation stands I am going to go enjoy my free time playing other games.

I hope now that most have had a nice rest, people can calm down and stop jumping off the rooftops.


Yes a pvp gear imbalance can effect future gameplay, and should be addressed. But really, skill trumps gear. A rollback is not a good option here, for every 1 person who abused the system (and should be punished for not only exploiting, but greefing) there are what, 500 who didn't? What about all the work other people put into questing, crafting, warzones, flashpoints and perhaps even ops? Everyone should not be so selfish, there are solutions other then rollbacks, that would not hurt the many others that this will not even effect.


So, everyone try and have a good day today. Remember, the support staff on the forums here are not responsible for this problem, and they have their hands tied as far as how much they can say/do for us. Take it easy and don't rage out just because you can. Take it easy galaxy, hope to visit again once the endgame community on my server grows to an acceptable level.

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More cancelled accounts = no more QQ, this will be fun :)


I just want a rollback for the valor but I find the Ilum System quite nice the problem is the imbalacing between the sides, and that Bioware can't fix, is a community problem, you want to have a more balancing servers? Join Republic.


with all the BS the republic has to go through, you think anyone would want to roll a republic..


Why dont you roll a republic!

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So i guess they need to make a new title, real battlemaster.


yes because the only reason people are playing is because they want to show success in the game towards others so that their future wives will pick them instead of the guy with only gladiator title?

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how about the fact that The imperial agent has instant response to his/her skill while my Smuggler who is a mirrored class has animation delays on the same skills.. Up to 3 seconds on some of them.


I have both classes so I'm not talking out of my ***.


Or Sages Vs Inqs.. Same issue there


stop being a moron


Not only is the faction imbalance very true but many who rolled republic went empire cause of the issues with our classes.


I actually brought my guild from empire to republic so that we would be underdogs. What a mistake that was on my end now that republic is getting the short stick on every thing


I wonder how many shrills BW hired to troll actual customers on these forums.

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Wow Victrixz


Angry much?


I'm just saying that BW have said they are going to do the very thing that people are crying for.


What more do you want? I mean, they can't actually do any more than meet people's demands.


I suppose it's up to you if you believe them or not, but there's really nothing they can do for you if they don't.


PS - I notice you've 'unsubbed'. If so, why do you care? Why post on the forums of a game you don't play? Why are you here, man? It''s over. Go enjoy life. You've quit. Finito. End of, etc etc.

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This game is becoming really hard to love. I have gone from being unable to imagine not playing to seriously considering cancelling my subscription. This thing on Ilum has not helped the situation.


Not only is this bad for whatever faction had less population yesterday, it is bad for the population that got the most valor gains. We have same faction Warfronts in SWTOR. This means that when (most servers are Imp heavy so I will go that route) Repub's stop queing for WF's Imp's are going to playing each other even more than we do now. And as someone who didn't gain excessive valor today I will still be getting rolled by people that have attained BM gear way before I have. Although it is yet to be seen exactly how much extra valor people earned today for the most part.


Not to mention that I am having trouble getting Champion gear. 20+ bags opened so far and all I've gotten so far is 3 pairs of gloves and Cent tokens. 3 pairs! Nothing else! My friend however has opened close to the same and has got 6 unique pieces of gear. What the hell is that ****? Why they thought RNG was a good idea for gear is beyond me.


And lets not even start with the severe frame rate drops people are getting in WF's. I have not seen anything like that before. 10-15 frames makes it very hard to play competitively. And these new random load screens are redonk.


I know MMO's usually have a lot of issues right off the bat but this 1.1 patch seems really untested and embarrassing so far.


God Bioware why couldn't you have just made a KotOR 3? I would have loved that so much more. Let us all stop and have a drink for the game that could have been.

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Yes a pvp gear imbalance can effect future gameplay, and should be addressed. But really, skill trumps gear. A rollback is not a good option here, for every 1 person who abused the system (and should be punished for not only exploiting, but greefing) there are what, 500 who didn't? What about all the work other people put into questing, crafting, warzones, flashpoints and perhaps even ops? Everyone should not be so selfish, there are solutions other then rollbacks, that would not hurt the many others that this will not even effect.



You sure about that?


I have full Champion gear and I have gone 1v1 against full Battlemaster gear.

They have about 3000 more HP than me, hit MUCH harder and take much less dmg.


Please tell me how should I rotate my skills to be able to increase my skill..

Should I press the buttons harder in hope that my character will hit harder?



From the looks of it you are a casual PvPer so you would not grasp how this would affect the people who actually just PVP once they reach 50

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Does Bioware test their content before releasing it?


1.1 should have never went live as it is, the only explanation for missing such a broken mechanic is that they never tested it. The damage is already done.


That's what happens when a game sidelines PvP development for PvE.

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^ abused the valor gains on Ilum.


nope. level 42 here. nothing abused, haven't been able to play the last 2 days since i'm in europe. thanks for showing how stupid this community is in one sentence.

Edited by DarthBoga
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why do a rollback when you can just ban the people who exploited. give everyone who exploited a 7 day ban and roll-back their valor points. =problem solved.


people understand that they are not supposed to do stuff like that and they deserve to take the consequences.

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To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


What about republic healers healing the turret and getting valor for the people turret kills?

I heard about they got insane amount of valor for this like going from valor rank 40-60+

Edited by _Melle_
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To be honest, I have sat and watched the forum meltdowns and have come to the conclusion that we have a lot of silly hysterical chicken littles playing this game. Honestly, if you people acted like this in real life, your mothers, I would hope, would paddle your behinds and send you to your rooms.


That being said. I know this is a novel concept, but this is my idea for pvp.


Leave it alone. Don't fall into the trap that WoW fell into by constantly poking here and tweaking there to appease a very small minority of the game population which is the hard core pvp-ers. Which, at the end of the day left a vast majority of the game player in WoW unhappy that their toons were nye near carbon copies of the other 10 classes. It wasn't Raids/Operations or Instances/Flashpoints that did that, it was pvp and is readily admitted to by their devs. Please Bioware, don't fall into that trap.


Give some maps for us to bang on each other and let the players figure out how to solve the problem, they are really quite resourceful if given the chance. They will figure out how to make the pvp work. Fix the exploits (like yesterdays problem) and let the players figure out how to use the pve mechanics to deal with pvp.


Which brings me to my last point. The sheer hatred and vitriol shown on these forums over the last 24 hrs is mind blowing. You should be ashamed of yourselves AND should quit the game never to return. This MMO is not WoW. Return there if you think it's so much better and let the people who enjoy this game for what it is AND will be get on with our gaming lives. And, if you do not have the moral courage to quit and unsub, then I dearly hope Bioware rings your bells with the banhammer for your offensive behavior.


Cheers and have a Good Day!

Edited by Totemcutter
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