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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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While these changes are needed, there are two specific issues that you need to address in addition to the changes you have made:


  1. Turn off the announcements that say so and so player has been spotted near a certain area. As a stealther this ruins my ability to pick and choose fights and actually brings out a zerg of imperials looking for me. Visible classes are even more vulnerable to this as they cannot hide at all from the zerg.
  2. Spread the armaments around the zone so people can complete their daily/weekly quests while avoiding the zerg vs zerg fights. Your engine cannot handle more than 20 people on screen at once without reducing the game to a slideshow, so spreading out the fights is actually helping the player experience.


I am going to give you the benefit of doubt for the first month but my faith in Bioware as a developer has been shaken. Hire some people on your team who have actual large scale pvp experience to help you if you must. It does not feel good to say that even the Warhammer end-game pvp+pve experience felt better than what Ilum has to offer.

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They would never just massively rollback game progress. All they need to do, and have stated they will do, is either recapture valor from or temporarily ban players who excessively exploited the opposing faction.

Source please i couldn't find anything saying they are doing anything about the valor.

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Remove valor ranks and rewards gained yesterday or most of the top PvP'ers on the republic side will quit. My brother being hte first republic to gain the "War Hero" title is a peson you're pissing on.


The incompetence displayed by you, Bioware, is astonishing. I'm a BW fanboy, I've played NWN up to Dragon Age - your gameplay and your games is what promised me a great experience. You have now ruined the balance even more on PvP servers - PvE'rs are not affect but *********** us over like this. How stupid.


Since we all know you are imperial biased, were you getting tired of being facerolled by republic players in wz and wanted to give yourself an advantage? That's what this shows off as.



As said. Remove the valo ranks gained yesterday and their rewards or you're losing players. Its a point of principle, him having worked so hard for War Hero and then you do this, an abuseable system only abuseable by one faction because of faction imbalance. Your lack of foresight is nothing short of pathetic.

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As someone who plays Empire and personally watched as the screen filled up with valor amounts similar to this poster I must be dumb enough to believe the truth.


You're apparently too dumb to fraps it, but don't let that stop you from stating it as fact.

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They would never just massively rollback game progress. All they need to do, and have stated they will do, is either recapture valor from or temporarily ban players who excessively exploited the opposing faction.




This won't happen. It was never stated. If you don't like that I'm sorry and agree it sucks. Never been a rollback in beta, and the people who were banned for credit duping (not as many as actually pulled it off trust me) got a 7 day "warning" and to keep the credits.


If the won't punish "fair exploiting" from players on both sides...They won't punish us Empire players because we already outnumber you so bad anyway.


PS:We also weren't exploiting. I know we are bad guys in game but not IRL. We were testing broken Bioware content. Most players didn't check the forums who played Empire and general chat isn't a way to inform players of a broken system....server messages are.

Edited by mrjoemama
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Remove valor ranks and rewards gained yesterday or most of the top PvP'ers on the republic side will quit. My brother being hte first republic to gain the "War Hero" title is a peson you're pissing on.


The incompetence displayed by you, Bioware, is astonishing. I'm a BW fanboy, I've played NWN up to Dragon Age - your gameplay and your games is what promised me a great experience. You have now ruined the balance even more on PvP servers - PvE'rs are not affect but *********** us over like this. How stupid.


Since we all know you are imperial biased, were you getting tired of being facerolled by republic players in wz and wanted to give yourself an advantage? That's what this shows off as.



As said. Remove the valo ranks gained yesterday and their rewards or you're losing players. Its a point of principle, him having worked so hard for War Hero and then you do this, an abuseable system only abuseable by one faction because of faction imbalance. Your lack of foresight is nothing short of pathetic.


Heh.. if I was a War Hero I would be flipping *********** desks LOL.

and I thought I had a right to be irritated.. wow.

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You clearly don't know what you're talking about so you couldn't have possibly verified the information but here you are... tossing it around because you're so sure it's true.


I wasn't sure what you were talking about when you asked lv 14. Thats all you said, which didn't make sense. Therefore I tried to figure out what you are talking about with the addition of the 50 bracket. Because if I was talking about BM they can't be 14 valor or lv 14. I was trying to see if you were legitimatley asking, now I see you were trolling. I know how the system works, I just wasn't sure if you didn't know about the 50 bracket.


Instead of calling you a noob or a troll, I wanted to find out what you meant. My apoligies for not jumping to a conclusion and being nice.

Edited by Toochbag
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They would never just massively rollback game progress. All they need to do, and have stated they will do, is either recapture valor from or temporarily ban players who excessively exploited the opposing faction.


I doubt they'll issue bans for players who decided to actually engage in what the patches intentions were: fighting each other in Ilum instead of watching each other shoot rockets.


I do however agree with rollbacks. I partook enough to do my daily only, gaining about 1 valor rank (1 1/2 tops).


If they choose to wipe the day's efforts then I'm OK with it.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Here it is. Just check the dev tracker section for updates.

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You PVPers don't concider PVErs do you? My guild just had MAJOR progress last night, loads of hardmodes and we cleared all the new content on normal. If we get a rollback, this would be much more damaging to PVEers than it would be a gain for PVPers. So no. NO rollback. Stop whining and farm your way to the valor rank you want without using any kind of exploit. That would be much more satisfactory for yourself wouldn't it? And the noobs that are valor 100 with the ilum bug, wow they get some pieces of gear but they have not acquired any kind of skill during this exploit. So actually, it doesen't matter.


So, how does rollbacking valor affect your pve progress/gear? Besides you make it sound like hard modes were actually hard :rolleyes:..

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Remove valor ranks and rewards gained yesterday or most of the top PvP'ers on the republic side will quit. My brother being hte first republic to gain the "War Hero" title is a peson you're pissing on.


The incompetence displayed by you, Bioware, is astonishing. I'm a BW fanboy, I've played NWN up to Dragon Age - your gameplay and your games is what promised me a great experience. You have now ruined the balance even more on PvP servers - PvE'rs are not affect but *********** us over like this. How stupid.


Since we all know you are imperial biased, were you getting tired of being facerolled by republic players in wz and wanted to give yourself an advantage? That's what this shows off as.



As said. Remove the valo ranks gained yesterday and their rewards or you're losing players. Its a point of principle, him having worked so hard for War Hero and then you do this, an abuseable system only abuseable by one faction because of faction imbalance. Your lack of foresight is nothing short of pathetic.


I doubt the bias toward Empire is really intentional, but they really need to address it.


Gratz to your brother, hope you guys stick around, and stick with the Republic!

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Bioware has said they're taking action against the people who earned too much valor. Why would anyone fraps it?


I hope they either ban them all or remove all their valor. Else they lose plenty of subs, me included. I worked hard for my valor 60.

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While these changes are needed, there are two specific issues that you need to address in addition to the changes you have made:


[*]Turn off the announcements that say so and so player has been spotted near a certain area. As a stealther this ruins my ability to pick and choose fights and actually brings out a zerg of imperials looking for me. Visible classes are even more vulnerable to this as they cannot hide at all from the zerg.



I completely agree with this. I was a bit flabbergasted when I went into an area (with no one around), saw this on my screen & was instantly greeted with 10 (no exaggeration) imperials who were more than willing to give me a Deliverance moment. This basically forced me to go back to the zerg/spawn camp back at my base so I could do the daily.

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Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Makes me even mader. why? Its not individuals who got the advantage from this - ALL imperials on our server was camping our spawn using AoE heals and AoE damage to instantly kill us upon revival.



There is no way that:


1. Bioware can have any idea who exactly those people were.

2. You can count this huge ****up as a player to player problem. It all needs to be reversed.






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Bioware has said they're taking action against the people who earned too much valor. Why would anyone fraps it?


I'm typing this while flying my personal jet to Italy to pickup my new Lamborghini which I'll be driving to meet the Pope to get his blessing on my plan for world peace. What, you don't believe me? Guess that's you're problem.

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This won't happen. It was never stated. If you don't like that I'm sorry and agree it sucks. Never been a rollback in beta, and the people who were banned for credit duping (not as many as actually pulled it off trust me) got a 7 day "warning" and to keep the credits.


If the won't punish "fair exploiting" from players on both sides...They won't punish us Empire players because we already outnumber you so bad anyway.


PS:We also weren't exploiting. I know we are bad guys in game but not IRL. We were testing broken Bioware content. Most players didn't check the forums who played Empire and general chat isn't a way to inform players of a broken system....server messages are.


I agree most were not "exploiting", but the dev post does state they are aware of some individuals who abused the system and will take action. I doubt they lose their valor, but will get a temp ban.


I also agree that playing the game is not exploiting. An exploit would be the speed hack in WZs. The real problem is faction imbalance. They need to solve it pronto.

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People must think by rollback, we mean everything.



You can roll back the Valor without touching anything else.


Glad you have that much knowledge of the BW system, but if this was the case it would have been done hours and hours ago i promise, if BW could avoid all this with a rollback that simple rest assured it would be done.

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Makes me even mader. why? Its not individuals who got the advantage from this - ALL imperials on our server was camping our spawn using AoE heals and AoE damage to instantly kill us upon revival.



There is no way that:


1. Bioware can have any idea who exactly those people were.

2. You can count this huge ****up as a player to player problem. It all needs to be reversed.







My guess is that they will look at players who gained an obscene amount of valor in a short time. Those people are clearly identifiable in the database.

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