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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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More than that, imagine if there was an exploit that allowed all raid bosses to be 1-shot, allowing groups to farm bosses in record time and gain all the raid gear available to them in one day.


Imagine if there was a bug that allowed players to level from level 1 to 50 in a matter of hours.


That's the scope, here. It took players a month to get battlemaster. Other players did it in a day. It's a slap in the face to those players who spent time leveling legitimately if BioWare allows even one person to keep the valor gained through this exploit.





Amen to that

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Originally Posted by Macheath

More than that, imagine if there was an exploit that allowed all raid bosses to be 1-shot, allowing groups to farm bosses in record time and gain all the raid gear available to them in one day.


Imagine if there was a bug that allowed players to level from level 1 to 50 in a matter of hours.


That's the scope, here. It took players a month to get battlemaster. Other players did it in a day. It's a slap in the face to those players who spent time leveling legitimately if BioWare allows even one person to keep the valor gained through this exploit.




My brother, War Hero rank, unsubbed. If he wont play I wont either, hopefully they fix it. Otherwise they lose us.

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More than that, imagine if there was an exploit that allowed all raid bosses to be 1-shot, allowing groups to farm bosses in record time and gain all the raid gear available to them in one day.


Imagine if there was a bug that allowed players to level from level 1 to 50 in a matter of hours.


That's the scope, here. It took players a month to get battlemaster. Other players did it in a day. It's a slap in the face to those players who spent time leveling legitimately if BioWare allows even one person to keep the valor gained through this exploit.




That's a pretty good comparison i approve, anyone who did gain stupid amounts of valor should be reset before the patch if result of a base camp. i feel bad for the people who got it legit and feel a little disrespected, either way you will annoy a group of people but a reset from what ive been reading would be fairest.

Edited by Qdraw
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More than that, imagine if there was an exploit that allowed all raid bosses to be 1-shot, allowing groups to farm bosses in record time and gain all the raid gear available to them in one day.


Imagine if there was a bug that allowed players to level from level 1 to 50 in a matter of hours.


That's the scope, here. It took players a month to get battlemaster. Other players did it in a day. It's a slap in the face to those players who spent time leveling legitimately if BioWare allows even one person to keep the valor gained through this exploit.





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Seems silly to not do a roll back in such a situation. I've been unable to get the playtime in I want but if I were capped and working on PvP I'd be furious if there was no rollback, can't blame anyone for wanting to quit in that scenario


And yes, this game has HORRIBLE performance. What the heck kind of engine is this thing on?

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More than that, imagine if there was an exploit that allowed all raid bosses to be 1-shot, allowing groups to farm bosses in record time and gain all the raid gear available to them in one day.


Imagine if there was a bug that allowed players to level from level 1 to 50 in a matter of hours.


That's the scope, here. It took players a month to get battlemaster. Other players did it in a day. It's a slap in the face to those players who spent time leveling legitimately if BioWare allows even one person to keep the valor gained through this exploit.




You are 100% rigth :)

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I'm amazed that ppl that holds the battlemaster or higher rank is jealous and feeling cheated cause a majority of noobs grinding rank gets it faster, that doesnt make them better in any way. They will still suck and you will humiliate them in WZ, still suck when u face them 1v1, 3v5 or whatever in ilum PLUS they got their rank by exploit. That makes me feel good. Good enuff to not care how they got thier "rank". Rank means **** all.
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Whole night I had Fking nightmares that this wonderful game is over and mainly our guild is over. When you put people together, buy voice comm, domain, webhosting, create forum, setup accounts, start working on website and then... people just start stopping their subscription. It's like a bad feeling trough day already, now in the night too. This isnt a game its a torture, now Im not surprised why so many people stopped their subscription, its a game and you need to have fun, when you are constantly annoyed and hear only negativism, your psychical condition suffers :(
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I went from 6 months recurring to canceling...


I think the people that say they will resign need to actually do it...


i did almost the exact same thing, but i went from 6 month sub to a 1 month sub the day before 1.1 came out. yesterday i cancelled my sub completely. the devs have my email if they want to know why. not going to get flamed in this thread for my opinions.

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The TORtanic is sinking fast.


Cancelled, and staying cancelled.


I hate to say it but World of Warcraft pulled me back to playing it after playing this buggy, incomplete game - at least Blizzard has some semblance of what the hell they're doing - if this had happened in WoW, there would have been a sever shutdown right away + rollback.

Edited by Quirnheim
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What I don't get is that the game really isn't that bad, but Bioware just absolutely refuses to do anything about the obvious.


Imagine if the top end PvE loot started dropping in newbie zone in any game. Would you just put a sign of 'please don't go to newbie game while we figure out why epic loots are dropping there?' Would you just leave that gear around? No, you should at least shut down that zone immediately while you figure out what's going on. There's actually nothing very hard about getting BM gear except the time it takes, so getting Valor is essentially the top PvP endgame. Yes, Ilum PvP is pretty much messed up, and I don't think it can be easily fixed. But it is easy to control the problem. Ilum should have been shut down the moment it was obvious that it won't work, and just shut down until a better solution can come in. Heck, right now it looks like Ilum is effectively shut down since no sane Republic would go there, and people now resort to rolling alts to get killed on purpose or just trade wins. So, I'd say you're not going to lose much in terms of gameplay if Ilum was shut down.

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Haven't logged on since 1.1 patch. Between opening up 20 champion bags on Tuesday getting nothing but duplicates and the failures of 1.1 I lack the motivation to log on any more.


(P.S. I only have about 5 pieces of champion gear so it's not so hard to get a piece I need)

Edited by Tzanthisc
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Patch 1.1 was garbage; try again. Here is a simple process you can follow:


3 step process to immediate success:


1. Let us complete our kill daily from warzones.


2. Throttle the amount of Imperials on Ilum based on how many republic players are in the zone.


3. Make Ilum into a wintergrasp/baradin hold zone where we can queue up and complete "The Objective" every hour or so.

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