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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I for one am cancelling my subscription and voting with my wallet if there is going to be no rollback on this.


The people that didn't exploit are effectively being punished here which is completely wrong.


We are now forced to endure bg's against heavily geared players and put in a ton of extra time and effort to attain what a bunch of lets face it cheaters got in a few hours.


I'm afraid that does not sit well with me and completely ruins my Old Republic experience.


As of tomorrow say bye to another subscriber.

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Can we get a post from a developer on what they're planning on doing about faction imbalance, because that's the real problem in Ilum. If it wasn't for the faction imbalance, spawn camping wouldn't have been possible. Now we've succesfully moved the wholesale slaughter of republic players out of the base to... anywhere else they dare show their face. We formed up a full op group, tried to use hit and run tactics, got consistently wiped off the map by the 4 imperial op groups running together.... They've got more in each op group then we have players on the planet. No way to compete.


And let's not get started on the alternative.


The Armaments.


Nobody is talking about these!


on a server with about a 100:1 Imp:Rep imbalance, we may see a rep if out on ilum for a few hours. So your choice is to spawn camp these armaments, but they are only in the center and only about 8-10 spawn points.


With 50-60 players vying for the resource, its impossible to get 30. Something to make it a bit easier for the daily is to have either groups get credit for one loot/kill or put more crates out.

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As it stands, one of the big problems seems to be framerate- that is, the engine choking horribly on the number of people in one spot. This makes open world PvP painful, to say the least.


My suggestion? Put in an "artillery battery" in a no-touch portion of the Ilum map, and do similar things for any world PvP area from now on. Divide the PvP area into sectors, about 240 meters across.


Once every 60 seconds, the artillery of each faction will automatically fire at the most heavily populated enemy sector of the map, spraying it with anti-infantry munitions. Players will be warned that said artillery is incoming by the section in question being marked in some fashion, such as flares going off over the position from Imperial/Republic artillery spotters. Those remaining will then take a serious beating (I'd suggest 25% or so of max health per tic for 4 tics, don't stand in the fire!), a few random tics will also scatter near the sector targeted for good measure, and then the artillery will then find the next spot of congestion and repeat the process (including hitting the same spot if needed). Artillery kills will net no honor and cause minimal to no repair costs. Respawn points would be the only "safe zones", for obvious reasons.


People will stay loose and mobile or be dead and no longer contributing to clogging the frame rate. Win-win.

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I'm not really interested in punishing players. Bioware made this mess, not the players.


However, the integrity of the whole Valor system is now completely gone. How can this be allowed to go forward? Without a rollback this really reduces PvP to a joke. So much of it is based around ranks and gear, and those no longer have integrity because of what was allowed to happen yesterday, and appears to still be happening today.


You can't have any semblance of fair PvP competition even in Warzones now because of the gear advantage of one faction.

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Mythic? They did a lot of rollbacks, right? So, um, how are they doing? How did that policy work out for them? They must be as big as Blizzard now with all of their good choices, right? :tran_evil:


Yes, Mythic's games failed because of Rollbacks. :rolleyes: You can't seriously believe this? My post addresses those saying that it would be hard to rollback. No, it would not.

Edited by Torcer
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Mythic? They did a lot of rollbacks, right? So, um, how are they doing? How did that policy work out for them? They must be as big as Blizzard now with all of their good choices, right? :tran_evil:


Stop comparing it to WoW. WoW has a lot of variable features in it that allowed them to roll back individual stuff. WoW would definately be able to roll back, for example, honor gained in an exploit. GMs could even help you by refuding specific items you purchased in case you made a mistake.


They probably won't roll this back because it wasn't exploiting the game. The developers just created a gamestyle where it rewarded the larger faction for killing the smaller faction, which was incredibly unwise. That said, the damage is already done. A rollback would piss off a large part of the population and no rollback would piss off our part of the population (republic side players that like to PvP). It's unfair, but it happens. Rocking through 5 wintergrasps in a row as the server repeatedly crashed was cool, got honor capped in about 1 hour, but it wasn't rolled back.


At this point, we deal with their screwup and since they admitted they were wrong, there's not much that can be done. We either unsub or stay.

Edited by adrenalinee
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Everything that E.A. touches...




Maybe this isn't Bioware's fault. The game was launched before ready, maybe its the E.A. deadline and they launched at Xmas because of the sales.



If Bioware dont get this on track, they will loose a lot of subs for Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2.



I can get banned by posting this?


nice, i'll just save 15€ Month, wich is 180 by year.

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That's what it looked like last night. I think the devs mentioned setting instances for Ilum with a population cap. I can guarantee if it's 100, the imperials will still roll us. On my "Heavy populated" server (full at night) we have around 40-50 combined players in ilum in instance 1 and 2. The imperials will be bawling if they can't get in. It needs to be instances of 30-40 for Republics to even be able to have a chance.

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... However, the integrity of the whole Valor system is now completely gone. How can this be allowed to go forward?...


BW has the data and I implore them to SPEAK to the community openly and honestly about this issue.


Anyone with experience in PVP could have told BW that these changes would just turn Ilum into a zerg-gank-fest -- IIRC there were threads about it in the test forum. Add the well known faction imbalance and it's a recipe for a huge PR disaster. Much less the bug/exploit that occurred.


Puck-ups do happen and no one is perfect. BW needs to streamline their emergency response action time. They need to get in-front of these issues instead of giving the impression of damage control multiple hours later.


Doesn't matter if the "wall of death" was really damage control or a real intended mechanic. The impression in the public realm now is it was damage control. BW took to long to publicly admit the issue and too long to address it. The fact the patch took more than 24-hours to get implemented and delayed for 6 of those hours just adds more "evidence" that it was an emergency coding project and not intended mechanic.


BW, your response to this issue has been horrible thus far with statements that sound like they are committee written and stink of bureaucracy.


All that said, I'm NOT going to unsub from TOR. BW's reputation has taken a big hit in my mind and it'll take them time to rebuild my trust. I do hope they've learned from this. Their response time to this issue was just as slow as the credit exploit.

Edited by Kunari
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This mess on top of the horrid fps issues on mid-range rigs and constant crashing issues on high-end rigs has turned SWTOR into a complete fail. BW needs to do something to level the playing field for rebs and make this game playable. It can start by offering at least 1 extra month of free gameplay due to this horrible first month... maybe then you will salvage some of these players who are bailing left and right. Edited by Wootie
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Can we get a post from a developer on what they're planning on doing about faction imbalance, because that's the real problem in Ilum. If it wasn't for the faction imbalance, spawn camping wouldn't have been possible. Now we've succesfully moved the wholesale slaughter of republic players out of the base to... anywhere else they dare show their face. We formed up a full op group, tried to use hit and run tactics, got consistently wiped off the map by the 4 imperial op groups running together.... They've got more in each op group then we have players on the planet. No way to compete.


This is exactly the problem....


I used the taxi to get an aerial view outside of the base (Since I can not step out of the base because it is surrounded by these 4 ops groups) and I see more red letters than I see snow..


This is pathetic and quite frankly the most disturbing thing Iv ever seen before.


So until you fix this problem I am:


1) Totally ****ed at having a chance to get 1 champ bag a day

2) Totally ****ed at having a chance to get 3 champ bags a week.

3) Completely unable to enjoy an aspect of the game that I have truly found interesting and enjoy...





Sarcasim in case you didnt notice

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Bioware the real PvPers implore you to rollback the Valor, for the love of God come to your senses. I badly want to play this game but it will not be a viable option for Republic PvPers without a rollback.


And what about the Republic players that outnumbered Empire and got their valor?

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As I stated before. Fixing Ilum is easy and can be done without hassle.





The issue is that there was so much valor farming last night that alot of ppl got ALOT of pvp-ranks. So the ppl who chose not to participate in the farming/could not be there, are way behind now. That is the issue. Not Ilum. That's why ppl want ROLLBACK.

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