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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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Thanks for ruining the game for me.... Hotbar is bass ackwards in design.. Shows in full color while in cooldown, instead of "greyed out" with a stupid line moving in it before its ready.... As a warrior who has been trained to see color, this game is now unplayable. In PvP, constantly we monitor the hotbar for color so I know its ready, only to cast nothing because it is not.... Do the people changing this **** even play games?


I have now logged off and simply can't return until fixed back to normal or the way it was... Its a game breaker and one that can't be trained around.


Its a 100% game breaker for me.. Hopefully, I can cancel my subscription in time because I simply can't play at all like this.. Not trying to whine like a nine year old.. I am simply stating the fact, that this is so incredibly bad and mentally unplayable.. I simply am forced to quit...


Is this a bug? Please tell me its a bug

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Thanks for ruining the game for me.... Hotbar is bass ackwards in design.. Shows in full color while in cooldown, instead of "greyed out" with a stupid line moving in it before its ready.... As a warrior who has been trained to see color, this game is now unplayable. In PvP, constantly we monitor the hotbar for color so I know its ready, only to cast nothing because it is not.... Do the people changing this **** even play games?


I have now logged off and simply can't return until fixed back to normal or the way it was... Its a game breaker and one that can't be trained around.


Its a 100% game breaker for me.. Hopefully, I can cancel my subscription in time because I simply can't play at all like this.. Not trying to whine like a nine year old.. I am simply stating the fact, that this is so incredibly bad and mentally unplayable.. I simply am forced to quit...


Is this a bug? Please tell me its a bug


I believe it is a bug. I'm experiencing it too. Despite this, I don't know how it makes the game unplayable. It would be nice to have it fixed, but I adjusted to it in a matter of minutes. The little bar still goes down the icon so that's what I follow.

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I believe it is a bug. I'm experiencing it too. Despite this, I don't know how it makes the game unplayable. It would be nice to have it fixed, but I adjusted to it in a matter of minutes. The little bar still goes down the icon so that's what I follow.


Yep that is what i do. Its no big deal.

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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.

Edited by mattdell
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Yeah, well i play pvp, you have ms in time for decisions, and make snap decisions in the thousands per round that could effect your play and game bigtime... A mere glance below at the hotbar and seeing a 95% icon that is in full color and not ready means death. Time and time again, death... It can't be trained around because its color to look at... I can lose 20 critical attacks per confrontation with this poor design, and losing just 1 attack is enough to die to another good player... I simply am forced to quit because I hate to lose
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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.


Your opinion, nothing more...

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Because when an ability has a 1 minute cooldown it's hard to tell if it is up or 4 seconds away?


Worse with 3 minute CD abilities.


That's exactly the problem. And that well beyond the fact that it still displays abilities as being on CD when they aren't.


"Riiight, I didn't remember using THAT ability in the last 15 seconds. *click* *goes off*"


Tanking in SWTOR..

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They need something new to use now to let us know when abilities are ready. Even if uninteded the "greyed out" hotkeys were a great visual que for seeing exactly when your abilites were off cooldown.


The minimalist "line" that we have now is just too subtle and similar to the rest of the UI, if you aren't paying enough attention it's too easy to misjudge the timing.


This is something you need to work on, Bioware. Make them flash when they come off cooldown, make the grey fade out. Make the 'line' darker. Put the actual time in numbers on the ability - something that is easier to spot without having to look for it.

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They need something new to use now to let us know when abilities are ready. Even if uninteded the "greyed out" hotkeys were a great visual que for seeing exactly when your abilites were off cooldown.


The minimalist "line" that we have now is just too subtle and similar to the rest of the UI, if you aren't paying enough attention it's too easy to misjudge the timing.


This is something you need to work on, Bioware. Make them flash when they come off cooldown, make the grey fade out. Make the 'line' darker. Put the actual time in numbers on the ability - something that is easier to spot without having to look for it.


They simply need to reverse the color effect, an unusable attack has no reason to be in color.. <--- note the PERIOD

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I believe it is a bug. I'm experiencing it too. Despite this, I don't know how it makes the game unplayable. It would be nice to have it fixed, but I adjusted to it in a matter of minutes. The little bar still goes down the icon so that's what I follow.


I regularly waste 1-2 key presses spamming buttons that are sitll on CD because this stupid system makes abilities appear ready for recast 1-2 seconds before they are.


This is a major issue in PvP.


A game with responsiveness problems just got even LESS responsive, LOL

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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.


So basicaly you are saying you are better then me... if you feel the need its your problem mate not mine.

And there is nowhere in the pacth notes that this is intended.

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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.



I'm a competitive gamer and have been for a number of years...

In no way is this a game breaker, its called adjusting, if you can't do that over something as simple as this, you need to get a new hobby.

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Yeah, seriosuly its bad. I got home from work.. I got into a PvP match.. it took me only 5 seconds of play to notice the big mistake of a change, and I hit alt-f4 faster than Bruce Jenner in the 70's.. I have not booted since, and will not ever again if not fixed.. Unfortunately I have now went out and bought Choplifter HD, hopefully it will get me past a week of time when they anounce this is fixed...
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I'm a competitive gamer and have been for a number of years...

In no way is this a game breaker, its called adjusting, if you can't do that over something as simple as this, you need to get a new hobby.


Yup Choplifter is my new hobby.. thanks for your feedback... We are giving ours

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So basicaly you are saying you are better then me... if you feel the need its your problem mate not mine.

And there is nowhere in the pacth notes that this is intended.


Read the extended patch notes, will you?


And he is not saying he is better than you. He is saying that 4 second tapping of a key when ability is still on cooldown is a waste of precious seconds for competitive players.


If you are not competitive this issue may not be affecting you. For me - it's a gamebreaker

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I'm a competitive gamer and have been for a number of years...

In no way is this a game breaker, its called adjusting, if you can't do that over something as simple as this, you need to get a new hobby.


There is no point in adjusting just for the sake of adjusting. if you need to check tooltip during combat to see if your ability is off cooldown there is clearly something wrong with the UI. Being a competitive player you should know that.

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