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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

3 PM PST; 6PM EST; not a single heavy server.


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I really wish I had more time to play this game I enjoy the heck out of it, more than any other MMO I've played. I work 50-60+ hours per week, I'm very dedicated to my work, usually not home until 8-9PM, get to log on around 10pm, play until 12:30AM at the latest then it's lights out. On the weekends I actually get to put in some actual playing time and really enjoy it. I know there are a lot of other folks out there just like me that play this game.


This game isn't going to die and I'm exceptionally pleased by the patch that they put out today (kira bug being the most important for me since my JK took a seat at the curb for a while which I started out with) and the speed at which they are doing everything, from the patches to the new content that they will be rolling out. LOL I still don't have a 50 yet but will hopefully in the next couple weeks. A lot of my friends have long work weeks and families too. One of them is even a bigger star wars fan then me and won't buy this game simply because he knows he'd be addicted to it, lose his job get a divorce and lose his kids. Regardless I'm going to buy it for his bday because playing with him would be a blast, and I'll get it for a couple of my other friends too who badly want to play it but don't want to put up the money yet. Nice bday gifts huh?


Then TOR will have even more dedicated fans of this game. Many will drop off but many others will get this game as it improves and gets better. Eve Online was a TERRIBLE game when it came out, but due to CCP's dedication it grew and got much better. TOR is in a far better state than any other MMOs at this stage in the game including WoW after it launched, and the dedication BW has put in so far since launch tells me this game has a long life ahead of it.

Edited by Yowfatto
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All of Europe is light now! Get out before you're the only one left!


p.s even though I /canceled and have posted in every thread on the forums to tell people, I will still spend hours on the forums every day until my account expires!

Edited by khaoimon
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All of Europe is light now! Get out before you're the only one left!


p.s even though I /canceled and have posted in every thread on the forums to tell people, I will still spend hours on the forums every day until my account expires!


What's the point of that?

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I love how the more obvious the level of discontent on the forums, the more you guys try to marginalize it. Two weeks ago it was "complainers are 5% of the population." A week ago it was "complainers are 1%!" Now its .05%. That's just incredible.


I think I've seen you around in just about any negative or positive thread around. In fact, I see the same names over and over all the time and I rarely visit these threads. I can't even begin to count how many times I've seen yours posting negative stuff constantly. That doesn't equal more obvious discontent, that = the same people over and over.

Edited by Yowfatto
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Funny if you take a look at the current WoW server population most are medium to low. Guess that game is fail too. They seriously need to merge servers......


Seriously its ok some people are leaving the game. It happens in every mmo. Chill, there is no mass exodus. The game is not shutting down or going F2P. I am in a large guild and not a single member has left. Much to the dislike of some this game will be around for quite some time.

Edited by Caboth
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What's the point of that?


It was pointless. Just like arbitrarily deciding servers are empty by looking off peak times in an mmo that is barely out of its first month-which echos the many this is broken I quit/game is dying threads.


Games like wow may be able to claim they have 8 million subs, but in the course of the games life, many, many, more than that many people have bought and quit the game.


I apologize for my lack of point but after a boring day at work of reading endless 'the sky is falling threads' I felt like releasing my frustration with a little sarcasm.


The sky is not falling...yet. And hopefully it wont.

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It was pointless. Just like arbitrarily deciding servers are empty by looking off peak times in an mmo that is barely out of its first month-which echos the many this is broken I quit/game is dying threads.


Games like wow may be able to claim they have 8 million subs, but in the course of the games life, many, many, more than that many people have bought and quit the game.


I apologize for my lack of point but after a boring day at work of reading endless 'the sky is falling threads' I felt like releasing my frustration with a little sarcasm.


The sky is not falling...yet. And hopefully it wont.


Ah, I was trying to figure out if it was sarcasm or not, ya no worries here mate, the sky certainly isn't falling, in fact I made a new character recently and was very surprised at the number of peeps on the first planets and didn't see any complaints about anything, more people enjoying the heck out of this game. That's what the majority of people are doing, enjoying the game.

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Most servers heavy to medium.


You fail. Hard.


Actually most servers are medium. The servers are heavy right now because a lot of subscriptions are about to expire and people want to squeeze the last bit out of their 60 dollars.


Come tomorrow it will be very interesting

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Bumping this thread because it shows server information for this time exactly 1 week ago.


At 7:05 PST, 10:05 EST, 9:05 CST, counting:


Full with queue: 0

Very full or full: 0

Heavy: 54

Standard: 66 standard

Light: 4


Looks like we've reached the peak or close to it.


Last Wednesday at this time, the game reached a peak of 58 heavy or better servers in NA with only 1 light.


Tonight, 22 heavy (or better) servers and six light.




Server merges are needed. There are now over 100 servers that are not getting past standard population on a week night in prime time in NA.

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Server merges are needed. There are now over 100 servers that are not getting past standard population on a week night in prime time in NA.


In every MMO I've ever played that had server statuses, "Standard" was... well, standard. Though sometimes they call it medium. In any case, sounds perfectly normal to me.


I mean, if everyone's heavy, nobody's heavy, y'know?

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So took me 1 hour and half to find a group for a flashpoint and I can't do any heroic quests on any planets since the average pop is 20 or less.... Yeah I didn't sign up for an Action RPG with the occassional coop. Where's the MMO?
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In every MMO I've ever played that had server statuses, "Standard" was... well, standard. Though sometimes they call it medium. In any case, sounds perfectly normal to me.


I mean, if everyone's heavy, nobody's heavy, y'know?


Prime time. Peak hours. It shouldn't be pretty much "standard" across-the-board at peak barely a month after release. I'm not even saying the general population sucks or the game is dying or anything like that. I'm simply saying they opened way too many launch day servers, many of them have never filled up and have only even reached "heavy" a handful of times in their existance, and it's time to rectify the issue since the game obviously isn't growing at a faster rate than people are leaving.

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So took me 1 hour and half to find a group for a flashpoint and I can't do any heroic quests on any planets since the average pop is 20 or less.... Yeah I didn't sign up for an Action RPG with the occassional coop. Where's the MMO?


I am not going to browse your other posts to find this.. but what is your class, build and what FP were you doing?


also, you are saying that the average population on the server (what server?) is honestly 20 or less? Really?

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...the rest of us have a job and log in during the evening.


And for you, Mr. "I only read the thread title and post away," I will repeat:


Last Wednesday at this time (7 PST), the game reached a peak of 58 heavy or better servers in NA with only 1 light.


Tonight, 22 heavy (or better) servers and six light.




Server merges are needed. There are now over 100 servers that are not getting past standard population on a week night in prime time in NA.

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merges needed


There are a few light server right now. Maybe Bioware should find out what the majority of the players on those servers think.


Personally I like playing on a small server. Feels more community oriented, plus less people = less toolbags

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It doesn't matter.


Right now this is like every other MMO other then WoW and EQ.


The largest loads are at release due to initial purchases. Then population drops.


EQ and WoW peaked will after release.


WAR went from OMGZ they killed WoW to HOLY CRAP THIS THING IS DEAD in like 3 weeks.


SWTOR has no hooks.

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First- I agree that BW probably increased the population caps on the servers after they'd established that their 'resources' could handle it and the inital rush was over.



But keep in mind... what is considered Light/Standard/Heavy/Full is not a static value. It could change anytime BW feels like it. The value is completely illusionary.


You are really taking a chance... trusting that value.

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umm... do you know what the caps are?


if you are going based on heavy standard light, whatever... then that is a poor gauge. A poor one indeed.


This^. Nobody knows what the server cap is. Launch week's heavy or full could be today's medium for all anybody knows because all we know is the caps were artificial while Bioware monitored performance and implemented queues to try and keep performance as optimal as possible.

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umm... do you know what the caps are?


if you are going based on heavy standard light, whatever... then that is a poor gauge. A poor one indeed.


Are you arguing that they've increased the caps since last week, when the servers already weren't going above heavy?

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