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Patch 1.1 Thoughts


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So patch 1.1 got released today and for me personally it was uneeded and only made the game worse overall.


To start the game lags significantly more in warzones - not FPS lag but server lag.


The 50 bracket was implemently too early since on some servers there arn't many level 50's and now it takes a long time to queue for a warzone.


The Marauder class was not changed at all, but just about every other was. Sad because Marauder is the worst class in the game and the one that needs the most work.


The last point is this specifically from the patch notes:


•The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.


Does anyone really want this? It just makes using your skills on quickbars more confusing since some skills look ready even though there still on Cooldown. I don't think Bioware had to change this, they should of just left it alone.


So those are my thoughts on the 1.1 patch. Its not everything, but from what I've played for a little while after updating and what I noticed.

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i do prefer my abilities grayed out whilst on cooldown


its very confusing for the longer cd abilities when they get close to ready.. u cant tell if they are still on cd or not



also im lagging about twice as much in huttball as usual..

Edited by wwkingms
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The lag has increased substantially. I didn't lag at all before, now i jump around in warzones.


Also, I liked the cooldowns before, this *fix* for the hotbars should be optional. Now I have to pay attention to what actually is and isnt on timers and I miss what is going on in combat.

Edited by Crepuscule
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I think the 50 bracket was needed...and shoulda been there since launch.


So what...it takes longer to get into a warzone. Thankfully there is TONS of other content in the game.



I agree the lag increase is bad. VERY bad. With my new rig i never lagged. I MAYBE got a few seconds of choppy-ness when i got to the imperial fleet during peak hours. but it was just a few seconds tops.


Now it lags hardcore in the fleet or in warzones. and i know its not the PC...




i think all the changes they made are overall a good step.

I dont think they needed new content. there is so many bugs and annoying things that need to be fixed. Even simple UI things.


-items in inventory should stack coming from your cargo or going into it.

-campanions coming back from missions shouldnt close out GTN or other merchants windows. it should go to pending and wait till your ready to see it.

-better search filters on the GTN

-sold items shouldnt be emailed to you with no attachment an hour before. just send it when the mail is there.


There are just simple things. easy fixes.

Not to mention a huge list of game breaking problems, exploits etc.


So while i commend what they have done...i dont think new content is needed till you fix whats broken....

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Today was the first time to get in game after 1.1 hit. Gotta say it is wacked. Why now do I keep getting put into the map? I take any damage and then I am knocked into in the map and watch my health just vanish away. Edited by Sabmin
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I'm exceptionally glad to be part of, not only this community, but of the launch of this game...I realize that the game is in its infancy as it were and many things will change in the future, both for better and for worse.


With that said I would honestly not like to be anywhere else than here, helping with my input and playing the game...I played SWG for 6 years, and I have played EVE online for quite some time as well...I let my EVE account lapse in order to focus on this game and I can't say I am disappointed. There are certainly some things that need fixed, but over all it has started strong for me...


This patch like many other in this game, and other games all over the internet will no doubt have some issues...but it will all work out, BW just needs some time to get a grove...they have only been on this path for a short while...


I recall so many people, myself included, saying...I wish KOTOR was online....well now it is, they will fix up the UI, bugs, and glitches, and hopefully build a stronger PVP system and ideology...but its a damn fine start!!

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So, aside from WZs, other people are seeing a general worsening of their Frame rates post-patch, right?


My frame rates were acceptable to good in most zones, even fleet more often than not. However, since the patch, I'm having major issues and I've not bothered to stutter-step my character out of his present location on Balmorra to test other zones yet.

Edited by DNA_Cowboy
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i think its good.



but because this is the community forum i should cry like a child about what wasn't done or be sad that the game has to go down for the patch.


The idea that constructive criticism is 'crying" is really missing the point of having customer feedback for your product. If you don't get feedback from customers, they are either NOT using your product, or don't care about the quality. In-house testing and even Beta testing with users is not going to find all the bugs... that's a fact. It's only 'real-world' users who are fully exploiting the software that will tell you what works and what doesn't. That's the value of having feedback, and the best kind of feedback - from your users.


So feedback...


I am also seeing problems with server lag, and hope they fix the cooldown indication on the toolbars, because that seriously inhibits the gameplay (in both PvP and PvE). I enjoy the game and want to continue playing - and it's only because the developers keep working to make it better that I find continuing my subscription a worthwhile investment. No complaints means no problems - and show me a software package that is flawless - not going to happen.

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So patch 1.1 got released today and for me personally it was uneeded and only made the game worse overall.


To start the game lags significantly more in warzones - not FPS lag but server lag.


The 50 bracket was implemently too early since on some servers there arn't many level 50's and now it takes a long time to queue for a warzone.


The Marauder class was not changed at all, but just about every other was. Sad because Marauder is the worst class in the game and the one that needs the most work.


The last point is this specifically from the patch notes:


•The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.


Does anyone really want this? It just makes using your skills on quickbars more confusing since some skills look ready even though there still on Cooldown. I don't think Bioware had to change this, they should of just left it alone.



Its wierd because so far all ive seen are posts about lag increase and bugs...but so far this patch actually fixed my FPS problem as well as my lag problem. For me everything is running so much smoother. I understand there is a long list of players who are having problems, but there is also an equally long list of people not having problems. The only reason it seems there are more problems, is because everyone makes the same mpost 20 times in customer service and such.


As for marauder being the worst and needing the most work, I totally disagree, shades / assassains were and are much worse off having broken animations and mechanics causing issues with abilites not going off or being delayed much longer then they should of been.


Personally for the CD's i like it this way much better, and I know alot of people who feel the same way. They did it because a large group of players requested it. I see what problem you can have though, so they should probably make an option that allows you too toggle it.

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I see what problem you can have though, so they should probably make an option that allows you too toggle it.


Yes, optional FTW.

Last night playing in a group with Sniper, Bounty Hunter and Sith Assassin - only the BH did not see any problems with the 1.1 cooldowns... the Sniper and Assassin did have problems. An argument for enabling this switch in preferences, not forcing it on all players .

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I am only level 45 so I haven't experienced the new content, but I have experienced the server lag. It's horrible, I have never had this problem before. I start a flashpoint and I lag out and get DCed on every fight. I have all my graphic settings on low or off. I hope they fix this problem fast because it's getting to the point where I don't want to play anymore.
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