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ALL Republic should go to ILUM NOW!


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Here's why:


Let the Empire kill you as much as possible and once everyone in the Empire and their mom is rank 60, Bioware will NEED to take action and rollback the servers.


If only a few valor ranks are gained here and there, Bioware may think the issues is too insignificant to issue a rollback.

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I don't think it's the turrets... I think its the Imps bringing Rep alts to get farmed over and over for no diminishing returns.... kill trading + random unfortunate Rep's that stepped into the blender by mistake... and can't get out...
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I don't think it's the turrets... I think its the Imps bringing Rep alts to get farmed over and over for no diminishing returns.... kill trading + random unfortunate Rep's that stepped into the blender by mistake... and can't get out...




just takes 3-4 players who have multiple accounts on the server or 3-4 players who dont mind afking for few hours for the rest of their friends. Its roughly 80 to 100 valor per kill after bonuses from the videos I watched (havent entered ilum, but do know that there are many lowbie republic players currently in ilum. I wonder why /s)

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